NHL 15 News Post

It looks like we will get our first look at NHL 15 on Monday, May 5th.

Last April, EA Sports revealed the first NHL 14 screenshot, trailer and fact sheet. They also kicked off the cover vote a week later.

What are you hoping to see or hear about NHL 15 on Monday?

Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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# 1 Money99 @ 05/03/14 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Devilsfanatic
Probably just another roster update + ooh look, we made it look prettier and added a new commentary team! Otherwise, same old garbage. Enjoy!!!
To be fair, that's how most of the next-gen sports games have been so far.
Madden looks to play no differently, The Show is the same, was NBA2K14 that much different from last to next gen?

I loved how different NHL07 was. I was hoping for a new engine for next-gen, but I doubt we get it.
It's too much money to invest.

I'll just say I won't be surprised if the game is very similar to this generation, but with better graphics and hopefully an upgrade in presentation and commentary.
But the AI and gameplay will most likely be the same.
# 2 KrossRoad @ 05/03/14 09:54 PM
I'm anticipating little, to no change.

It'll probably be a screenshot of a bench brawl.
# 3 RUFFNREADY @ 05/04/14 12:31 AM
I am not "hoping", but expecting NHL 15 to knock my socks off! They didn't produce a version for the initial next-gen, so all my eggs are in the basket, looking for them to "WOW" me with an incredible experience on next-gen, in NHL15; giving EA at least a cycle and a half for this up coming version!
# 4 spidertour02 @ 05/04/14 12:37 AM
The most significant thing I'm looking for is to see if they make the jump to the PS4 this year. I thought it was odd that NHL 14 wasn't on the new systems.
# 5 BaylorBearBryant @ 05/04/14 12:40 AM
I've heard a lot of rumors as to what's been updated. Some of it sounds great. It really does. If you can't wait until Monday, PM me and I'll give you the list.
# 6 Retropyro @ 05/04/14 01:09 AM
Skipped NHL 14 because of the switch to XB1 & PS4, really looking forward to getting a hockey game this year.
# 7 Arrowhead21 @ 05/04/14 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by spidertour02
The most significant thing I'm looking for is to see if they make the jump to the PS4 this year. I thought it was odd that NHL 14 wasn't on the new systems.
This, a thousand times. We need some next-gen hockey!
# 8 Money99 @ 05/04/14 05:32 AM
What worries me is that last year, the EA team seemed a bit miffed that NHL wasn't going to be next-gen for the launch of the new consoles.
It makes me wonder just how much work was done on the next-gen version?

I hope our socks are knocked off. I'm just not going to hold my breath.
# 9 MDgolf @ 05/04/14 08:03 AM
I think assuming it will be on next gen consoles is a little premature. Look what happened with fifa World Cup and nhl 14. As always my expectations are lowered every year.

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# 10 fillydilly @ 05/04/14 09:02 AM
This game will be the reason if I even will buy a console from this generation.
# 11 Simple Mathematics @ 05/04/14 09:41 AM
"Introducing our newest employees... the Revamped team!"
# 12 Elite49 @ 05/04/14 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by MDgolf
I think assuming it will be on next gen consoles is a little premature. Look what happened with fifa World Cup and nhl 14. As always my expectations are lowered every year.

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100% will be on current-gen and last. Next year will be a true current gen experience though. Glad 14 didn't come out for current like Madden did as we can all see it was nothing special. Should of just waited until next year.
# 13 coopsta007 @ 05/04/14 10:53 AM
In my opinion, NHL 15 will make the jump to next-gen platforms this fall. When sports games debut on next-gen systems, they typically come out a bit flat and lack the overall "wow" factor. This fall's release will definitely look visually appealing, however I bet we won't see any major game play innovation/changes until fall 2015.
# 14 mercalnd @ 05/04/14 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by MDgolf
I think assuming it will be on next gen consoles is a little premature. Look what happened with fifa World Cup and nhl 14.
There was no NHL on 360 or PS3 their first year either. The market for NHL is much smaller than it is for FIFA and Madden.

As far as the World Cup game, it would have been the second FIFA title to be released in a 5 month span on systems that barely have built up a user base.
# 15 Moose Factory @ 05/04/14 01:26 PM
I for one want every god damn player's face scanned and implemented!!! I'm so sick of half of my team having generic faces! One of the best beardsmen in Hockey Brent Burns is just a generic face. Also give us GameFace in Live the Life. So I can actually... you know... try to live the life.

Also if I hear "Checkmark glove, checkmark save, checkmark..." one more f'n time. I will be boycotting this series.
# 16 13whitebread @ 05/04/14 03:29 PM
My OVR is 15 NHL 15 news on the 5th all these 5's can the stars be aligning for a knockout game complete........come on MONDAY!
# 17 Money99 @ 05/04/14 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by dukebeatsuncagain
Is there any game that you people like?
LOL, I understand your meaning.
But let's face it. How much different are some of these sports games from 10 years ago?

I admit I'm a jaded gamer. I've lived through several 'next-gen' releases and I've found that certain sports franchises haven't really improved a whole lot.
The graphics always seem to get better, but gameplay and AI haven't made the equivalent jump that the hardware has.
# 18 ERA @ 05/04/14 04:21 PM
I'm hoping for a next-gen screenshot. That would be awesome.

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# 19 green94 @ 05/04/14 04:54 PM
Can't wait!!
# 20 ChitownFan526 @ 05/04/14 05:05 PM
I'm expecting a screenshot for next-gen. I think the majority of EA's effort will be for a next-gen release in the fall. I think there will still be a current gen release, but it will be NHL 14 will updated rosters and jerseys.

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