Out of the Park Baseball 15 News Post

The newest edition of the well-reviewed Out of the Park Baseball series has gone live. And, after a week of playing, I can attest, as usual, the latest edition is the best -- even without one of its newest features.

If you haven’t read my initial impressions, that would be a good place to start. If you have, they all still hold true -- in fact, my overall impression of the game has gone up with repeated plays.

Read More - Out of the Park Baseball 15 (PC/Mac)

Game: Out of the Park Baseball 15Reader Score: Vote Now
Platform: iOS / Mac / PCVotes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 tbbucsfan001 @ 04/29/14 05:27 PM
Are the in-game menus and such still the same?
# 2 BradOOTP @ 04/29/14 07:32 PM
RE the menus: The top level menus are still the same, but we've reorganized the hierarchies below them, so certain things are easier to find. And we redid the Manager Home Screen, now known as the Manager's Office.

RE 3D: Unfortunately, yes, it causes crashes on Macs, but it does work on the PC side right now, albeit not as well as we'd like. (I'm on a Mac too, so I haven't been able to experience it fully either.) So, while it's not there on the Mac side at the moment, it's probably 75% there on Windows.
# 3 Perceptor @ 04/30/14 01:10 AM
Alongside FM, one of the best text sim sports games you can get
# 4 AlexOvechkin @ 04/30/14 07:32 PM
How can I get the player portraits in?

Located them into OOTP 15/data/photos but I still get only fictional protraits...
# 5 beedl001 @ 05/01/14 03:51 PM
This is a fantastic game. Every year they improve it with not just tweaks but big additions (one isn't fully functional but this is a team I have a lot of faith in). The depth can be a little overwhelming at the beginning, but I would rather be overwhelmed than underwhelmed.
# 6 CrShepard @ 05/01/14 08:55 PM
Have been a fan of the game for some time, basically purchasing it bi yearly, and I can say I am excited to play this years version. As a baseball fan as a boy I would play stat-o-matic hour upon hour and always have to do all my statistics by hand, OOTP is what I would dream about back then, it is simply the best.
# 7 tarek @ 05/02/14 01:44 AM
I agree this game is amazing. But also quite daunting.

I have a knowledge of baseball, but not an indepth level of knowledge. As such it's easy to get lost with all the minor leagues, prospects, staff and player issues, rotations and all other amazing stuff. Thankfully, you can delegate tasks and then watch how things unfold before you take more and more responsibility.

For example, as a ML GM you can micromanage and control every aspect of the minors in your farm system. That's unreal, amazing and totally insane. I delegate that to the minor league managers.
# 8 Cubfan @ 05/05/14 06:44 AM
I tried the 3d for a bit and then turned it off it was kind of ugly looking. But i do like seeing the pitch location after each at bat.
# 9 reo @ 05/07/14 07:13 PM
Of course 3D doesn't work on Macs, no real gamers buy Macs, only the hipsters do!
# 10 Mashiasu @ 05/08/14 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by reo
Of course 3D doesn't work on Macs, no real gamers buy Macs, only the hipsters do!
you know instead if being snarky, you can go check the OOTP forums and find out that the main Mac guy is sick and they have to rewrite code but they are working on it


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