NBA 2K14 News Post

(Image courtesy of skinnybonez)

During the weekly NBA 2K14 livestream, hosted by LD2K and Ronnie2K, it was mentioned that a shoe update and patch #5 are both close to being submitted.

More details to coming soon. What are you hoping to see?

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 CoachDavid @ 04/26/14 12:51 PM
The thing that absolutely needs fixing is the statistics model or engine that determines hot and cold streaks, turn overs, and other parts of the game that are considered chance or luck.

Bad passes, missed shots, made shots, ability to play defense, beat a defender, get rebounds, etc... all of which don't seem to be impacted by position, shot selection and other factors.
Shorting percentages especially behind the three point line are not even close.

Please fix my career playing time.. My guy constantly log 47 to 48 minutes in a non-overtime game.

I too have ceased playing the game. Just not fun when CPU shoots 50 percent from behind the line, or my team get out rebounded be 20, or my player, who is a small forward gets 8 turn overs. No only one or two are legit turn overs. I am talking one handed ball interceptions or CPU players reacting to my button press even before the animation starts.
Finally the next gen controller bug, where pressing pass, steal, jump happens even when a long stumbling animation happens which almost always result in a bad pass and a turnover.
# 62 sneakerHead2014 @ 04/26/14 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by CoachDavid
No others who have not played the game are also in your boat
I think that it's really nothing wrong with this game except for a playoffs mode!!!!!!

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# 63 qcjr45 @ 04/26/14 07:44 PM
Wonder what shoes going to be available

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 64 KyotoCarl @ 04/26/14 07:46 PM
They're actually doing another patch? Never thought they'd do this. It's desperetly needed.
# 65 sooperb @ 04/26/14 10:31 PM
I have a feeling I wil be trading this game in AGAIN. Everything is broken and nobodfy cares ab out loose ball issues, losing teams gaining momentum for playing crappy or the invisible cement shoes trudging through quicksand moments on defense. This is the second 2k game That isnt fun to play for me (2k12). Im done if this patch does zero for gameplay and im sure it wont but we can enjoy different socks and sneakers. Mlb soon.
# 66 okc350 @ 04/26/14 10:49 PM
As an avid MyTeam enthusiast, I'd just settle for them fixing the servers. Sure there are other things that i'm not a fan of, but i'd like to at least play a full game without getting disconnected and robbed of a win.
# 67 El_Poopador @ 04/27/14 05:14 PM
after just having my career save corrupted i would like to see local saves and backups in this patch. their servers are too unreliable.
# 68 mrclutch @ 04/27/14 09:48 PM
We need a Playoff mode! Hope it is included.
# 69 Drisurk @ 04/28/14 12:38 AM
I'm praying and hoping they add the Jordan XX8 SE! It would be cool to customize those with the camos design it has! Please 2k add them!
# 70 Sicamore @ 04/28/14 09:20 AM
i don't know if they even consider this a bug but i really wish they would allow the option to turn crowd noise all the way down. i don't understand why they would prevent you from doing that.
# 71 michaellowll @ 04/28/14 02:42 PM
more fouls committed in the air by user and cpu.
fix music during game
# 72 King_B_Mack @ 04/28/14 04:43 PM
I hope the court updates we were supposed to be getting like four months ago is in it. Maybe finally fix the Knicks' jerseys among other needed fixes.
# 73 Kingbailey87 @ 04/29/14 01:07 AM
Any speculations on a release date yet??
# 74 knick9 @ 04/29/14 10:20 AM
They still need to fix all the players who have no grades for their shot releases. Also fix the broken shots like Eric Gordon and Dirk, no reason these players should be unusable.
# 75 STLRams @ 04/29/14 11:21 AM
If it is not a gameplay patch or fixing the HDMI 5.1 audio issue or adding in CAP, then whats the point.
# 76 DarnellP21 @ 04/29/14 11:50 AM
1. Tweak Gameplay, Smarter Trades
2. Fix free agency in mycareer
3. Have a actual section for award races and all star stuff

There's more but don't feel like listing everything lol
# 77 Csquared @ 04/29/14 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by knick9
They still need to fix all the players who have no grades for their shot releases. Also fix the broken shots like Eric Gordon and Dirk, no reason these players should be unusable.

Not to argue, but I use dirk frequently with great success.
# 78 jyoung @ 04/29/14 02:11 PM

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