2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil News Post

WhatCulture has posted their top 10 list of things 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil does better than FIFA 14. The list includes such things as faster gameplay, better reaction to balls, better goalkeepers, realism, headers, set pieces and more.

Based off of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil demo, which was released last week, how much of this article do you agree with?

Game: 2014 FIFA World Cup BrazilReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 1 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 maltliquor23 @ 04/10/14 11:48 AM
What I have a hard time understanding is how the game is considered faster "with the end result being end-to-end football, stuffed with blink and you’ll miss it action" and more realistic. Scoring constantly via counter attack isn't realistic nor is pressing down the pitch each possession realistic. Teams hold up play they pass back. I was not thrilled with the demo. The supposed improved goal keeping gave up goals on anything near the net for the cpu and the CPU keepers appeared to be brick walls. As for "real managers" they were included in 2010.
# 2 dubcity @ 04/10/14 12:24 PM
Lame. FIFA 14 is too slow and boring? You can't be serious.

I guess FIFA is taking a step back to appease gamers who probably don't enjoy watching actual soccer. They sure as hell won't enjoy the slow, possession oriented style we will at the real World Cup.

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# 3 yausser1017 @ 04/10/14 01:41 PM
The world cup demo is 10 times better than fifa 14. I personally thought fifa 14 was the worst fifa in the last 10 years. The goalie play, and headers are big time improvements. Very enjoyable gameplay.

I am as disappointed as anybody that this game is not on next gen, but don't hate on the game that is out on current gen because it is a pretty good game of soccer.
# 4 LionsFanNJ @ 04/10/14 01:45 PM
In reading that article it has the underlying implication that its dumbed down for everyone thus better. Not sure I agree that's the way to go

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# 5 bigdoc85 @ 04/10/14 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by yausser1017
The world cup demo is 10 times better than fifa 14. I personally thought fifa 14 was the worst fifa in the last 10 years. The goalie play, and headers are big time improvements. Very enjoyable gameplay.

I am as disappointed as anybody that this game is not on next gen, but don't hate on the game that is out on current gen because it is a pretty good game of soccer.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I sold my next gen FIFA 14 because I would rather play FIFA 12 and now I'm really looking forward to this one!
# 6 hawkster3269 @ 04/10/14 03:42 PM
I really do have to disagree with the faster = better argument as well. 14 on PS4 was a much more enjoyable experience, methodical pace does not equal boring. You feel like you are playing something meaningful and not FIFA Street. When I played the demo for World Cup 14 my first match felt like it was at light speed. The graphics are such a degradation in comparison to PS4, so sad that they aren't bringing anything to current gen. After turning the game to slow game speed i was able to control my offense and defense, get solid runs developed and progress through a game that way.
# 7 Blublub @ 04/10/14 06:44 PM
What a god-awful "review." A rewrite of EA marketing BS by someone who knows nothing about football.
# 8 Josam27o7 @ 04/10/14 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by bigdoc85
I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I sold my next gen FIFA 14 because I would rather play FIFA 12 and now I'm really looking forward to this one!
You are joking right?

Fifa 12 didn't have any first-touch error or momentum physics. The AI was garbage compared to next-gen.
# 9 Gnemi @ 04/11/14 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by dubcity
Lame. FIFA 14 is too slow and boring? You can't be serious.

I guess FIFA is taking a step back to appease gamers who probably don't enjoy watching actual soccer. They sure as hell won't enjoy the slow, possession oriented style we will at the real World Cup.

Sent from my SCH-I930 using Tapatalk
Agreed. Go ahead and watch my the goal I just uploaded to Youtube that was scored from the run of play using Gonira's legendary settings, on Slow speed:

# 10 razorkaos @ 04/23/14 12:23 AM
Realistic? REALLY? No way! This game is as arcadey as those SNK football games for the neo geo/arcade. Really, it is the worst game witha a FIFA name on the cover i ever played, and i play this thing since the first one on the sega megadrive/genesis.

If this is realistic, call of duty is a military simulator
# 11 NightmareBooster @ 04/23/14 11:06 AM
I honestly feel that if you are more than a ****** FIFA player (i.e. you enjoy tactical, intelligent build-up play, or slow in ****** terms) you can't take the World Cup releases seriously. I think of them as a cheap way for EA to pad their war chest with a novel offering.

I recognized the WC releases for what they were with the release of FIFA '12. When I was younger my cousin and I would play the WC releases all the time and he would destroy me. Then I started playing the annual releases more regularly and got better. A few years ago I played my cousin again in FIFA '12 and crushed him. He complained about the game being to slow and said FIFA WC 10 was better. I got a hold of a copy, he played a little batter, and crushed I him in that as well. We haven't played since.
# 12 fearwhatnow @ 04/23/14 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by NightmareBooster
I honestly feel that if you are more than a ****** FIFA player (i.e. you enjoy tactical, intelligent build-up play, or slow in ****** terms) you can't take the World Cup releases seriously. I think of them as a cheap way for EA to pad their war chest with a novel offering.

I recognized the WC releases for what they were with the release of FIFA '12. When I was younger my cousin and I would play the WC releases all the time and he would destroy me. Then I started playing the annual releases more regularly and got better. A few years ago I played my cousin again in FIFA '12 and crushed him. He complained about the game being to slow and said FIFA WC 10 was better. I got a hold of a copy, he played a little batter, and crushed I him in that as well. We haven't played since.
I would like to see a video of Fifa 14 with tactical build-up play and real possession game by the cpu (or human player). Ofc there is none. Most gamers think that playing the game on slow speed/manual controls makes it a "Sim" right away despite the major flaws everywhere.
Centre zone battles are nowhere to be found. What EA provides is a fest of standing tackles from both sides. This is not football.The core gameplay is arcade and some "sim fans" try to fix it with the sliders. But this is not NBA2k14 or The Show where the core game is closer to the real sport and with the sliders provided someone can have an almost perfect simulation.

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