R.B.I. Baseball 14 News Post

MLB.com has released the official R.B.I. Baseball 14 trailer. A sneak peek of the game will be aired tonight at 11 PM EST on MTV2's "Off The Bat".

The game is scheduled to tomorrow for $19.99 on 360 and PS3 and $4.99 for iOS devices. We are still waiting for official release dates for the Android, PS4 and Xbox One.

Game: R.B.I. Baseball 14Hype Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Android / iOS / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 10 - View All
R.B.I. Baseball 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Iceman87GT @ 04/08/14 06:27 PM
So why is it $15 more for the console version? Cause it looks like they took a iOS game and made it playable on a console...

Really hoping EA gets back in the game, so those with an XB1 can enjoy a good baseball game, and hopefully it will drive competition (not that the Show is lacking in greatness, but some competition is always better than no competition).
# 2 Gleebo @ 04/08/14 06:27 PM
Looks like a real winner....pass.
# 3 Madden's Jowels @ 04/08/14 06:29 PM
This is what baseball fans who own XBones have to psych themselves up for. Sad that this trailer was released on the same day we got PS4 gameplay footage of The Show lol
# 4 Moose Factory @ 04/08/14 07:00 PM
This looks like a Kinect game... and that's not a compliment.
# 5 inkcil @ 04/08/14 07:04 PM
Sweet spot for this game is $7.50 for me...

Looks like a fun little diversion a la NFL Blitz or NBA Jam. I just wish they put out more vids before release.
# 6 ghettofocker @ 04/08/14 07:29 PM
$20 for this game??? I will fork over the extra coin for The Show on PS4
# 7 jvalverde88 @ 04/08/14 07:52 PM
Looks and plays exactly like the old RBI games which as a fan of the series I find cool. I might get it later on.
# 8 econoodle @ 04/08/14 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by inkcil
Sweet spot for this game is $7.50 for me...

Looks like a fun little diversion a la NFL Blitz or NBA Jam. I just wish they put out more vids before release.
i'll grab it when its 5.
no more.
# 9 KBLover @ 04/08/14 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Iceman87GT
So why is it $15 more for the console version? Cause it looks like they took a iOS game and made it playable on a console...
Yeah, when I saw that price difference I was like WTF

I would really love to hear why. If they are the same exact game - why are they trying to milk the console gamers so hard?

IF I get it, I will be for my iPad. Might be a fun game to play there - as long as there's no pay2win or crap on it.
# 10 AntiBandwagoner @ 04/08/14 09:13 PM
Exactly. This is a game meant for mobile devices. I'll pass unless it's about 6 bucks or less.
# 11 burjeffton @ 04/08/14 09:32 PM
I'm hopeful this game isn't wrought with in-app purchases for iOS. Given the track record of the MLB games licensed on the app store, I'm worried.
# 12 cws @ 04/08/14 09:57 PM
This game looks to be one big laughable joke! Twenty bucks? Come on EA! Bring back MVP and let's see a real baseball game!
# 13 braves_94 @ 04/08/14 10:21 PM
EA is still around? I thought they stopped making sport games after the release of MVP 05. I may have to revisit the last gen of consoles to see how the games stack up. I can only imagine what the games are like now, a full nine years down the road.

(10 days later)

Oh God it's horrible!
# 14 roadman @ 04/08/14 10:27 PM
Good, looks like downloading will go quicker.

Not the only baseball game I played back in the day, but one of the best back then.

Hope it's still fun.
# 15 MightyDuck @ 04/08/14 11:30 PM
Looking forward to this. People need to realize this isn't meant to be a sim or competition to the Show. It's hoping to be a call-back to the old arcade style RBI Baseball from the early 90's. If it's close to that then I'm sold.
# 16 Lovesports @ 04/09/14 01:37 AM
I want it! Too bad I sold my Sega 15 years ago
# 17 KBLover @ 04/09/14 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by MightyDuck
Looking forward to this. People need to realize this isn't meant to be a sim or competition to the Show. It's hoping to be a call-back to the old arcade style RBI Baseball from the early 90's. If it's close to that then I'm sold.
Well, yeah, but why the $15 price gap?

Is there something about the iOS version we don't know about?

Wasn't RBI said to be relatively realistic as opposed to, say, Bases Loaded or Baseball Stars? Obviously, that's not the draw, but it wasn't just a 10-9 score type game either? I never played RBI - stuck mostly to the other two (especially Baseball Stars, which I still play), so I don't have any firsthand knowledge.
# 18 roadman @ 04/09/14 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by KBLover
Well, yeah, but why the $15 price gap?

Is there something about the iOS version we don't know about?

Wasn't RBI said to be relatively realistic as opposed to, say, Bases Loaded or Baseball Stars? Obviously, that's not the draw, but it wasn't just a 10-9 score type game either? I never played RBI - stuck mostly to the other two (especially Baseball Stars, which I still play), so I don't have any firsthand knowledge.
I'm not in the know, either, but maybe the price gap is because they will add more additional extra's to the console versions. One article states that there is a good chance they add multi-player by the summer.
# 19 Teirminator @ 04/09/14 10:46 AM
Could be many reasons for the price gap. Not the least of which could be that its priced based on what the customers of each platform are accustomed to paying.

Other things to consider is that it costs $100 to be a registered iOS developer and nothing for Android. It costs many tens of thousands of dollars to be registered and for each submission to Microsoft and Sony.

Console also has to support two player local play, which requires specialized code, testing, and debugging.

And there are the rumors that online multiplayer is indeed in the works. $20 on console seems pretty cheap to me. Not sure why all the hate.

Also, to ME, this seems like a cheap console game ported to mobile, not the other way around. There is nothing like this on mobile. And MLBAM's other mobile titles would not really fly on consoles. When you consider that the originals were for CONSOLES, then this is clearly console-style gameplay. Just from a different era.

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