Out of the Park Developments today announced that Out of the Park Baseball 15 will be available on April 18 for all pre-order customers and April 21 for all customers. If you are interested you can pre-order the game here.
"This is the version of OOTP that will set the bar for all editions of the game to come," said said lead developer and lifelong baseball fan Markus Heinsohn. "Support for 3D ballparks and 3D in-game ball flight is the stepping stone to 3D players on the field next year, and that will open the door to even more innovations in the years to come."
In addition, iOOTP Baseball 2014, the iOS version of the game for those who enjoy managing their teams on the go, is currently in review with Apple. The expected release date on the App Store is April 17, but it could be earlier or later, depending on Apple's review process.
iOOTP Baseball 2014 will offer these new features:
- iOS 7 support (iOS 4.3 will be the minimum required)
- A redesigned interface
- Retina display support
- iPhone 5/5S/5C support
- Opening Day 2014 rosters
- A Player Editor (edit everything from name and contract details to ratings)
- AI improvements, including a direct port of the new player evaluation AI in OOTP 15
- Bug fixes and various other improvements