MLB 14 The Show News Post

Our man Keystone570 has posted two videos showing off all of the uniforms in MLB 14 The Show.

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Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/28/14 07:28 PM
Is anyone planning to do a uniform table like they have the last few years? Those are very helpful. I like to go along with the scheduled days for the teams I'm playing.
# 2 Knight165 @ 03/28/14 07:29 PM
This is in response to BaseballCtchr....
You posted...:

The thing I question about the style guide response is if MLB is so strict that The Show has to follow the style guide why do they allow teams to wear unis that "aren't in the style guide?" Seems contradictory to me.

Still will buy the game because in the grand scheme of things it isn't that big of a deal to me but I will always want more uni options. I hope that for the PS4 that the unis are correct/can be corrected.

The MLB teams are not bound by the style guide....
They style guide is for commercial use of companies and businesses outside of the MLB.
I YOU started a company and paid the license to the MLB.....to sell goods resembling MLB apparel...say pajamas.......you would be sent a guide. If you don't adhere to the guide with the goods you produce, you would probably have to pull those items for sale and get sued/fined for not reflecting the product as the MLB permits you to.

# 3 bb9 @ 03/28/14 07:52 PM
Should have put Brewers gold jersey as the alternate and the pinstripe as the throwback.
# 4 SilverBullet1929 @ 03/28/14 08:04 PM
Not a single change in the throwbacks of any team. Didn't they use to change these periodically?

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# 5 OUSOONERS#1 @ 03/28/14 08:08 PM
Didn't get to see the Cardinals uniforms bc they were on the left side :-( but jus few days left till I get it :-)
# 6 SilverBullet1929 @ 03/28/14 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
This is in response to BaseballCtchr....
You posted...:

The thing I question about the style guide response is if MLB is so strict that The Show has to follow the style guide why do they allow teams to wear unis that "aren't in the style guide?" Seems contradictory to me.

Still will buy the game because in the grand scheme of things it isn't that big of a deal to me but I will always want more uni options. I hope that for the PS4 that the unis are correct/can be corrected.

The MLB teams are not bound by the style guide....
They style guide is for commercial use of companies and businesses outside of the MLB.
I YOU started a company and paid the license to the MLB.....to sell goods resembling MLB apparel...say pajamas.......you would be sent a guide. If you don't adhere to the guide with the goods you produce, you would probably have to pull those items for sale and get sued/fined for not reflecting the product as the MLB permits you to.

What MLB should do instead of forcing teams to adhere to the style guide is force teams to maintain updates and the accuracy of the guide. Cuz someone has to realize that while the style guide in theory makes perfect sense, as soon as teams forget to update it or deviate it they've completely screwed up the brand. Like the issue we had for a couple of seasons with the Nats road socks being red in reality and navy blue in the game. The so called "brand" was clearly all screwed up there but if theres that rule of adhering to the style guide then it's not SCEA's fault because they're just following the rules but it's clearly the Washington Nationals fault.

And of course the team can wear whatever they want, that's fine, but if they're gonna make a prolonged change they should be forced to update their portion of the style guide.

Also, while I have an issue with the Mets having their black jerseys over a blue alternate, if the Mets would get off their butts and update the style guide they would remove the black and that would allow SCEA to include at least one of the blue jerseys.

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# 7 Knight165 @ 03/28/14 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by SilverBullet1929
What MLB should do instead of forcing teams to adhere to the style guide is force teams to maintain updates and the accuracy of the guide. Cuz someone has to realize that while the style guide in theory makes perfect sense, as soon as teams forget to update it or deviate it they've completely screwed up the brand. Like the issue we had for a couple of seasons with the Nats road socks being red in reality and navy blue in the game. The so called "brand" was clearly all screwed up there but if theres that rule of adhering to the style guide then it's not SCEA's fault because they're just following the rules but it's clearly the Washington Nationals fault.

And of course the team can wear whatever they want, that's fine, but if they're gonna make a prolonged change they should be forced to update their portion of the style guide.

Also, while I have an issue with the Mets having their black jerseys over a blue alternate, if the Mets would get off their butts and update the style guide they would remove the black and that would allow SCEA to include at least one of the blue jerseys.

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While I agree....I doubt the MLB is going to pressure teams too much.
Also...on the Mets black.....just as with all uni's...they don't disappear from the guide.
I would say with that....it was just SCEA not removing it and adding in another jersey.
I'm not sure how many they already have "drawn"(I don't know what to call it when the artists make the jerseys)....but it could be something as simple as they didn't have another right now.

# 8 Steve_OS @ 03/28/14 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by OUSOONERS#1
Didn't get to see the Cardinals uniforms bc they were on the left side :-( but jus few days left till I get it :-)
I asked Keystone if he can grab the screenshots and I'll add them to this post if he has the time to grab them.
# 9 pay26 @ 03/28/14 08:51 PM
Disappointed the rockies road jersey two, again the sleeves are not purple. I hope that it more uniforms PS4, because there are no Mets blue jerseys and red jersey Braves.
# 10 HustlinOwl @ 03/28/14 09:04 PM
disappointed not to see the reds new (old) black hat included
# 11 OUSOONERS#1 @ 03/28/14 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
I asked Keystone if he can grab the screenshots and I'll add them to this post if he has the time to grab them.
Thanks either way Steve ;-) Also big thanks to Keystone for taking the time to show us all these videos ....
# 12 SilverBullet1929 @ 03/28/14 09:52 PM
As much as we always point out the Jays blue, the Rockies sleeves, and the Mets black jersey, man we don't give enough heat to the ridiculous shade of baby blue they have on the Brewers alternate home jersey... I mean just wow, it's essentially the same royal blue as the Cubs and other teams that they already got right. I wish I was there the day they approved that jersey into the game.

Also, the Marlins home warm-up cap shown in the game doesn't even exist. Not once have they ever had a cap like that, last year they got that home warm-up cap correct, shocked that this year it was replaced by some random creation.

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# 13 beedl001 @ 03/28/14 10:15 PM
The Cubs are wearing 10 different retro unis this year and they have some pretty cool jerseys and caps. But an all white? I haven't seen an all white combo and there are a lot of better choices the artists could have gone with. The Mets orange brimmed cap, the Braves patriotic jersey, the Brewers yellow or Cuervos jersey would have been cool. They did a good job with the new A's white logo and Giants orange jersey as well as including the Reds and Mets camo. I just don't get the style guide requirements or how teams like the Mets who wore the orange brimmed cap last year and it's still not in the game. By far the best pro game IMO but the the other pro sports games do a much better job with jerseys.
# 14 SilverBullet1929 @ 03/28/14 10:17 PM
General A's jersey question... wasn't the new green alternate supposed to be a road jersey? If I'm not mistaken the Show has it as the home alternate and lists the gold alternate jersey as the road one. Any Oakland fans who can answer this one? Is this a mistake?

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# 15 beedl001 @ 03/28/14 10:21 PM
New White Sox alt cap is a batter and doesn't say Sox
# 16 TGov @ 03/28/14 10:28 PM
Glad to see the Red Sox red cap throwbacks are in again, I love those!
# 17 beedl001 @ 03/28/14 10:28 PM
Rangers don't have the flag on their BP cap anymore.
# 18 dran1984 @ 03/28/14 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by beedl001
The Cubs are wearing 10 different retro unis this year and they have some pretty cool jerseys and caps. But an all white? I haven't seen an all white combo and there are a lot of better choices the artists could have gone with. The Mets orange brimmed cap, the Braves patriotic jersey, the Brewers yellow or Cuervos jersey would have been cool. They did a good job with the new A's white logo and Giants orange jersey as well as including the Reds and Mets camo. I just don't get the style guide requirements or how teams like the Mets who wore the orange brimmed cap last year and it's still not in the game. By far the best pro game IMO but the the other pro sports games do a much better job with jerseys.
Its NOT a style guide issue...they only have so many uniform slots so they have to pick and choose what unis they include. IMO they could do a much better job in the selections (i.e. the Rays light blue alt that they wear every Sunday home game isnt in however they include a jersey they wore once for a special occasion)
# 19 tspicchiali @ 03/28/14 10:59 PM
Still no Rays powder blue for Sunday home games?
# 20 riotmonster @ 03/28/14 11:19 PM
The new (or old, I guess) Red Sox roads is one of my favorite uniforms of all time. So glad they brought it back and killed off the navy blues, hopefully for good this time.

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