MLB 14 The Show News Post

Check out the latest MLB 14 The Show gameplay video featuring the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Boston Red Sox, showing off the new Quick Counts feature.

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Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 61 tnixen @ 03/26/14 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by cubby blue
Is anybody else watching this over and over? lol I just can't get over how good and smooth this games looks.
I can't imagine how it's going to look on the ps4.
Yep been doing the exact same thing here for the last 2 hours

shocking how much better the fielding animations look on the PS3 version.
# 62 MrOldboy @ 03/26/14 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
lol Im not the best at math, but with Holliday stepping in after Peralta K at 11 pitches he steps in at 15 pitches on 3-2 count, so wouldnt this be 14?
Ramone said they take off 2 for 3-2 counts so you're right about that. What you mentioned before with Carpenter's at bat is a bit weird as well. The pitch count should be 3 pitches based on what Ramone said, but its likely just a quirk with how they do the subtraction is what I meant. If the PC is 0, nothing to subtract from I guess. Or maybe they just don't do it on the first AB.
# 63 Knight165 @ 03/26/14 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Ramone said they take off 2 for 3-2 counts so that makes sense. What you mentioned before with Carpenter's at bat is a bit weird. The pitch count should be 3 pitches based on what Ramone said, but its likely just a quirk with how they do the subtraction is what I meant. If the PC is 0, nothing to subtract from I guess. Or maybe they just don't do it on the first AB.
Ahh...missed that...
I just watched it again and was about to post that HO was right...something was 2 off....
I'm going to sleep!

# 64 Curahee @ 03/26/14 11:02 PM
OK, so I get the idea of the altered PC in QC, but why is this important?

If a pitcher has 2 3-2 counts, why shouldnt he have 10 pitches or 12 for the 2 in play?
Why is it important not to fatigue him if he couldnt get the 0-1 out?

Or is it because QC takes away that opportunity and rather than penalize the Pitcher, you slide him a -1 pitch?
# 65 Knight165 @ 03/26/14 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Curahee
OK, so I get the idea of the altered PC in QC, but why is this important?

If a pitcher has 2 3-2 counts, why shouldnt he have 10 pitches or 12 for the 2 in play?
Why is it important not to fatigue him if he couldnt get the 0-1 out?

Or is it because QC takes away that opportunity and rather than penalize the Pitcher, you slide him a -1 pitch?
It's a concession to allowing QC's and no 0-0 counts....as you stated at the end.
Basically...you were penalizing the pitchers and mounting fatigue.

I guess it's gotta be give and take.

# 66 HustlinOwl @ 03/26/14 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
lol Im not the best at math, but with Holliday stepping in after Peralta K at 11 pitches he steps in at 15 pitches on 3-2 count, so wouldnt this be 14?
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Ramone said they take off 2 for 3-2 counts so you're right about that. What you mentioned before with Carpenter's at bat is a bit weird as well. The pitch count should be 3 pitches based on what Ramone said, but its likely just a quirk with how they do the subtraction is what I meant. If the PC is 0, nothing to subtract from I guess. Or maybe they just don't do it on the first AB.
so 11 after the Peralta K and Holliday at 3-2 makes 16 pitches and minus 2 equals 14 yet it shows 15?????
# 67 dodgerblue @ 03/26/14 11:05 PM
I think it's a realistic solution. Look at it this way. Most MLB at bats average about 3 pitches, but if every batter went up with a 1-1 count you would lose the ability to play a game in 30 minutes. So, by reducing the "pitch count" by 1-2 pitches per at bat for fatigue purposes, you accomplish the same goal. Realistic overall pitch counts and faster game play. Kudos once again to SCEA!
# 68 nemesis04 @ 03/26/14 11:06 PM
I will be taking it at face value by just looking at the OSD to see where I am at and moving on. It is not as important in this mode.
# 69 MrOldboy @ 03/26/14 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
so 11 after the Peralta K and Holliday at 3-2 makes 16 pitches and minus 2 equals 14 yet it shows 15?????
Exactly, that is what is going on. It doesn't line up with what Ramone said though.
# 70 HustlinOwl @ 03/26/14 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Exactly, that is what is going on. It doesn't line up with what Ramone said though.
exactly lol its like algebra

(ball + strikes) -1 per AB = Pitches unless (ball +strikes =5) -2 = Pitches???

(x +1) - 1 = 4 what is x
# 71 spike83 @ 03/26/14 11:14 PM
Make me wonder if RR and the rest of "The Show" team had an over/under wager on how may days it would take for the community to catch on to what appeared to be a pitch count discrepancy or if they thought no one would pay too much attention...
# 72 agentlaw13 @ 03/26/14 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
A bit odd....but so are gen counts!
Exactly. Gen counts are basically simulated counts for each at bat. Whereas the total pitch count is simulated in correlation with gen counts but with slight variables to help level out the "number of pitches thrown" to give more true to life pitch counts for each pitcher.

It is kinda confusing but when you look at it from a sim standpoint, I trust SCEA has tested this plenty to get us realistic pitch counts for starting pitchers.
# 73 Knight165 @ 03/26/14 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
exactly lol its like algebra

(ball + strikes) -1 per AB = Pitches unless (ball +strikes =5) -2 = Pitches???

(x +1) - 1 = 4 what is x
I like it!
SCEA is trying to recruit smarter game players!
(oh crap....does this mean I can't play any longer? )

# 74 Madden's Jowels @ 03/26/14 11:16 PM
I get that some people want shorter games, I can't picture myself using this option though. Takes away the battle between the pitcher/batter completely. I want to earn walks, or earn a hit on a 3-2 count after laying off tough pitches the whole at bat, or fouling off a bunch of pitches.
# 75 Russell_SCEA @ 03/26/14 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by spike83
Make me wonder if RR and the rest of "The Show" team had an over/under wager on how may days it would take for the community to catch on to what appeared to be a pitch count discrepancy or if they thought no one would pay too much attention...
It's in the strategy guide.

As a rough guideline, if a game would have had 145 pitches thrown without Quick Counts, then with Quick Counts on that would translate to about 75 pitches 'actually thrown' plus an additional 115 'simulated pitches' for a total of 190 pitches. As a compromise for realism, the game corrects for this inflated number by subtracting 1 pitch per plate appearance, so that a pitcher's individual pitch count will be more comparable to a regular game.

'Simulated pitches' drain less energy to balance out fatigue loss.
# 76 Knight165 @ 03/26/14 11:18 PM
I'm liking the tower structure with the OSD's!
Looks nice.

# 77 MrOldboy @ 03/26/14 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Madden's Jowels
I get that some people want shorter games, I can't picture myself using this option though. Takes away the battle between the pitcher/batter completely. I want to earn walks, or earn a hit on a 3-2 count after laying off tough pitches the whole at bat, or fouling off a bunch of pitches.
This is partly why I'm torn on QC's. On one hand, faster games sound fantastic.

But on the other hand not getting the chance to start out with early counts takes away a lot of the act of playing baseball for me. I want to work a count or jump on a first pitch fastball.
# 78 HustlinOwl @ 03/26/14 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
This is partly why I'm torn on QC's. On one hand, faster games sounds fantastic.

But on the other hand not getting the chance to start out with early counts takes away a lot of the act of playing baseball for me. I want to work a count or jump on a first pitch fastball.
would like to have Keystone do some QC and try to get average counts when a pitches is up and trying to move the runner on a sacrifice
# 79 OUSOONERS#1 @ 03/26/14 11:22 PM
I can understand maybe it was the only way they could get it implemented jus little disappointing as anytime im watching real game or playing the show I always liked to know how many pitchs the pitcher has thrown even pushed pause to go check see how many pitches the pitcher has thrown and was hoping in this mode they were gonna be accurate ..
# 80 Herschie @ 03/26/14 11:26 PM
I like this quick count business, took about 3 minutes for a full inning, so say around a half hour to get through a game.

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