EA Sports UFC News Post

EA Sports has released some EA Sports UFC details on precision movement, exertion, full-body deformation and real damage. This coming after releasing the "Feel the Fight" trailer about a week ago.

Let us know what you think.

Precision Movement

The first step to putting you in control of realistic, world-class fighters is creating believable movement.

Partnering with the EA SPORTS FIFA team and leveraging all new EA SPORTS IGNITE technology, EA SPORTS UFC has created a locomotion system that eliminates sliding and skating around the canvas and instead emulates the complex footwork of a real fighter.

“This new locomotion system creates the sense that when someone throws an overhand right, they’re really planting their foot, transferring the power up through their leg, into their arm, and ultimately into their opponent’s face,” explained Creative Director Brian Hayes. “It sounds like a really simple thing, but it wasn’t something we had really done before.”

Not only will a fighter’s movement create a more believable athletic performance, but the design team also took special care to give the user as much control over that movement as possible, drawing a line between regular locomotion and fight-specific maneuvering.

“We could have just mo-capped a guy moving around like Frankie Edgar, bobbing, weaving, slipping jabs – and all you had to do was move around the left stick to make that happen. But you probably wouldn’t feel like you had that much control and he’d be doing all that stuff on this own,” he continued. “We had to put the onus to be defensive on the user. If you want to slip, move, and bob your head like Frankie Edgar you won’t be able to do that just using the left stick. You’re going to have to flick the left stick to dodge left or right or backwards, or use the left trigger and the left stick, to slip punches while just standing in place.”

Full-Body Deformation

One of the toughest features to realize, but also one that best represents the realism that next-gen tech offers, Full-Body deformation will be the exclamation point on every strike and submission battle. Full-Body Deformation allows a fighter’s flesh to react as it would in reality, displacing or rippling when met with the impact of a blow or the pressure of an opponent’s submission attempt.

“MMA is unique in the sense that we only have two fighters facing each other at a given time as opposed to 10 basketball players on a court, or 22 soccer players on a pitch,” pointed out Hayes. “So we wanted to take the opportunity and ask, what are some things we can do with two human characters that aren’t wearing jerseys, pads, or helmets? We wanted something to show that we were really pushing the boundaries with this new technology.”

Real Damage

Forget always looking up at the HUD. Damage in EA SPORTS UFC will look better than ever and give gamers the perfect ammunition for trash-talking their opponents during a fight.

“If someone’s laying into your legs, you’ll be able to see the really painful looking contusions on your fighter’s legs. Same with the body – you’ll see a lot of bruising there. And of course on the face we have a variety of cuts and swelling. It’s all there and it looks better than it ever has before,” said Hayes. “The blood is also physics-based, so if a fighter gets cut on the bottom of some ground and pound, you don’t just see random blood appear on the ground – it actually flies out of a fighter’s cut, lands on the mat and you can watch it the whole way. “

No matter how much damage a fighter absorbs, gamers can rest assured they’ll always be able to go the distance, so long as they manage to stay conscious.

“We decided not to have any doctor stoppages in EA SPORTS UFC. People will have different opinions on this, but we ultimately didn’t want to rob the user of the chance to make it to the end of a fight or score a wicked comeback because the AI of an Octagon-side physician decided they couldn’t continue,” he added. “You’ll recoup right away after your fight, so if you’re playing in an online tournament, you won’t carry that damage over to your next bout.”


A staple of any great fighting game, exertion will be a lot more intuitive in EA SPORTS UFC and like Real Damage, provide you with the visual cues to know your fighter is expending a lot of energy without having to glance up at the HUD.

“Aside from being a lot more intuitive, we’ve also made it specific to fighters,” added Hayes. “At the end of a five-round fight that had an incredible pace, you’ll still see veins bulging out on Frankie Edgar, but you won’t see him sucking wind. Hector Lombard on the other hand might have to take some time off here and there otherwise he’ll be pretty tired by the end.”

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 ManiacMatt1782 @ 03/26/14 06:56 PM
In Lombard's case that should be after around. He was taking time off every time Shield dove in for a takedown and failed. He was content to sit in dominant positions and not attemp any offense because he was already gassed. And thia was at the end of the first and the beginning of the 2nd. Dude gets winded making his way into the cage.
# 2 sparkdawg777 @ 03/26/14 11:18 PM
I thought that was a real picture, no lie.
# 3 fballturkey @ 03/27/14 01:20 AM
Yeah the picture looked real on my phone when I opened the thread. I'm so excited for this game.
# 4 jaredsmith83 @ 03/27/14 08:39 AM
It sure does look great! I'm still a bit worried about the controls but they sound promising. Its easy to clutter a control scheme for a fighting game. Not sure if I'm 100% on board with the no doctors stoppage. I guess that's the gaming vs realism debate though. This was the game that I was looking at as the one helping me make the jump to the new systems.
# 5 Thrash13 @ 03/27/14 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by jaredsmith83
This was the game that I was looking at as the one helping me make the jump to the new systems.
This is definitely one of the main reasons I bought a PS4 a few days ago. I contemplated waiting a year or so because I can still play most releases on my PS3, but this and a couple others are next-gen only. I decided to go ahead and make the jump, and along with The Show, EA Sports UFC is right at the top of my wishlist!

This was a good read going over a lot of what we saw in the video.
# 6 Benz87 @ 03/27/14 10:58 AM
Totally thought that screenshot was a real life picture at first, awesome! Can't wait for this game to drop, I've ran my course with Undisputed 3.
# 7 btrapp @ 04/14/14 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
In Lombard's case that should be after around. He was taking time off every time Shield dove in for a takedown and failed. He was content to sit in dominant positions and not attemp any offense because he was already gassed. And thia was at the end of the first and the beginning of the 2nd. Dude gets winded making his way into the cage.
Lombard did Exactly what he was supposed to do to beat a guy like jake sheilds who's ONLY gameplan was to take lombard down. He didn't seem to gas at all. He just knew that the moment he slippped up and got too aggressive he'd end up on his back.
# 8 ManiacMatt1782 @ 04/15/14 05:53 PM
Agree to disagree. I saw a man either afraid to attempt any offense or so concened with his gas tank he refused to attempt any offense from dominant postions like side control, where his only concern is to allow him back up where Lombard was dominating the fight anyway. But that was a disgusting form of Lay and Pray from Lombard. Lombard gassed out hard in other fights too. Dude either does something spectacular in the 1st, or gasses.

I am no Shields fan either, I dislike that entire Ceasar DisGracie camp. But at least shields goes for offense when he is on top. He might be pillow fisted and do lityle damage with his gnp, but at least he moves.

I would have loved to see Lonbard attempt some ground and pound. Maybe try to move to mount. Nooone was saying take a bunch of risks in Shields guard. But to just sit in side control until shield could regain guard multiple times just left a sour taste in my mouth. He dis not want to even risk going back to standing where he was controlling the fight. Made ZERO effort to end the fight from dominant postiotions. That to me is inexcusable. Will be rooting against him in future apperences. Inability to finish is one thing. Coasing in the 5th when your exhaused is even forgivable. Starting that disgusting display in the 1st round and continuing all fight is not. No respect for what I feel is a lazy performance.
# 9 Sausage @ 04/21/14 10:20 AM
What are your thoughts on no doctor stoppages? I feel it should be in for at least the single player mode.
# 10 aholbert32 @ 04/21/14 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Sausage
What are your thoughts on no doctor stoppages? I feel it should be in for at least the single player mode.
Dont really care. Rarely saw them in UFC 3. Would be a nice addition but not necessary.
# 11 ManiacMatt1782 @ 04/21/14 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Dont really care. Rarely saw them in UFC 3. Would be a nice addition but not necessary.
Agreed, they haven't really ever been implemented well. Not going to miss them really.
# 12 fballturkey @ 04/22/14 09:26 PM
The only doctor stoppages I ever got in Undisputed were when I was messing around with a 'Two player' match where I left one controller idle and just did light strikes to the guy for the whole match. Never once even had the doctor check a guy.
# 13 CaliDude916 @ 04/23/14 04:37 PM
Doctor stoppages rarely happen, so I don't see it as a big issue that it's not in the game.

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