EA Sports UFC News Post

While we wait for an official release date for EA Sports UFC, Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson feels like the game could be released every other year.

"Do I think that UFC would be an every year game? I don't know, he said. "It feels like it's in that every-other-year mix, but in all honesty we haven't made that decision yet. That really comes down to how long it's going to take to make a great game and when do we think the audience is ready."

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 RUFFNREADY @ 03/25/14 05:59 PM
GSP's face looks cool; but how will it look all busted UP! lol
As for Mr. Wilson's thoughts on every other year release; he should think about that for other EA franchises; so they can give Us (the consumer) better bang for our dollar!
But, what will the ignite engine be like with them updating their product, and EA not updating their rosters, just over the year mark? Or is EA planning to charge Us a fee to use Synergy/Ignite to update rosters and attributes? Hmmm!
Money to be made somewhere; and you know EA will find it!
# 2 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/25/14 07:07 PM
Hopefully they can squeeze out a Fight Night in between this UFC game and the next one.
# 3 LingeringRegime @ 03/25/14 07:10 PM
Good. I hope they go that route.
# 4 LOEAnubis @ 03/25/14 08:48 PM
That's not a bad thing, especially since fighters only get two to four fights a year. The stats can't change much and the engine shouldn't need to be overhauled yearly.
# 5 SHAKYR @ 03/25/14 09:12 PM
Fight Night is still in their rotation so this makes sense.
# 6 p_rushing @ 03/25/14 09:37 PM
It depends. If the game is great, then 2 years is fine. If the game has a lot of issues or lacks features, you won't be playing it for 1 year.

With it being EA, until they prove it I won't think it is a good thing.

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# 7 allBthere @ 03/25/14 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
Hopefully they can squeeze out a Fight Night in between this UFC game and the next one.
if that's the case I would hope they are already in development
# 8 Thrash13 @ 03/25/14 11:29 PM
I definitely think it's a positive for EA Sports to release the UFC game every other year, and I think they should do the same with their future golf games as well. There's no way Madden will be anything but yearly, but some of the others will benefit from a two-year cycle.

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# 9 jeremym480 @ 03/26/14 09:35 AM
Ideally, I would like to see them come out with one next year adding more fighters, modes, the ability to create female CAF's, doctor stoppages, etc.

With that said if they release some fighters via DLC as well as either

a) update their fighters rosters every month or so


better yet b) give us the ability to edit attributes, then I suppose that I would be okay with this.
# 10 The JareBear @ 03/26/14 01:03 PM
I really hope they go every other year route. This is something that gets clamored for with Madden and I want to see if it works with EA MMA. Again, I want it only because I assume each new game will come packed with substantially improved mechanics and great new features.
# 11 DaveDQ @ 03/26/14 05:29 PM
This isn't about creating more time to develop a game. It's about the dollar. If EA sees this game sell big it will have a annual release attached to it.

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# 12 jeremym480 @ 03/26/14 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
I really hope they go every other year route. This is something that gets clamored for with Madden and I want to see if it works with EA MMA. Again, I want it only because I assume each new game will come packed with substantially improved mechanics and great new features.
I've never really understood that either...

I mean, if someone doesn't think that the game improves enough from year to year, then why not just have some self control (something that I admittedly don't have) and skip it?

Either way it's still two years of dev time whether a game is released or not isn't it? Of course, they would save some time because they wouldn't have to work on patches and stuff, but since those can be rolled over into the next iteration, then how much time is really saved?
# 13 fballturkey @ 03/31/14 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
I've never really understood that either...

I mean, if someone doesn't think that the game improves enough from year to year, then why not just have some self control (something that I admittedly don't have) and skip it?

Either way it's still two years of dev time whether a game is released or not isn't it? Of course, they would save some time because they wouldn't have to work on patches and stuff, but since those can be rolled over into the next iteration, then how much time is really saved?
I'm not in the game development field so I could be off base, but I assume they take a sustantial amount of time every year to polish the game and get it ready (bug fixes, etc) for release. Additionally after release they have to spend time doing patches. Most of what gets patched will probably end up in the next game anyway, but it seems more effecient to do it every other year and only have one polishing/beta testing/patching cycle every two years. They can keep making money on the game with fighter DLC in the mean time, and possibly other DLC routes like PPV events with specialized commentary (just for example.)

Also, from a project planning perspective if you have an idea that is going to take two years to implement an annual release schedule means you have to get it to a releasable point in one year and then finish it the next one, so you end up with half-baked features all the time.
# 14 p_rushing @ 03/31/14 08:07 PM
2 year cycle only works if this year's game can stand on its own. If it is missing features because it is the first game on a system blah, blah, blah, then EA is going to hurt themselves. Only if they say we will release a free update in 1 year to add additional features will this work. You can only release half finished games for so long before you lose all respect from consumers.

EA has already done that with Madden and NBA Live.

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