- What is the takedown mechanic? Is it a shine, button mashing, or just something that is left up to stats/timing?
Takedown attempts are performed by holding the left trigger and performing a gesture with the right stick. The fighter’s ratings will determine how quickly the defend has to react in order to defend the takedown. There is no button-mashing or shining.
- How in depth will fighter entrances be?
Pretty in-depth. We include the walkouts, the official inspection, entering the octagon and the full introduction from Bruce Buffer. A lot of the fighters have unique entrance animations. We shorten some things up though so that it doesn’t take 15-20 minutes for the fight to actually start from the time the first fighter comes out of the tunnel.
- Can we expect a realistic post fight experience as far as the official decisons and how fighters react to winning close fights and things like that?
Some people will say the post fight experience is realistic enough, and some people won’t. Other people are just going to button through it anyway

- How many possible ko animations are there and is it possible to ko someone from any position in the octagon?
There are some ground positions where a KO isn’t possible, for example, if you are postured down in full guard you’re not going to be getting enough power on your strikes to put somebody out. And some positions in the clinch, for example if you have double unders, you’re not going to KO your opponent with knees to the legs or shoulder shots.
- Explanation in detail how the parry system works?
Holding the right trigger is a simple block that will give you some protection against any incoming attacks. The longer you turtle up like this, the less effective it becomes. Holding the right trigger and pressing a punch button will block high, or pressing a kick button will block low. These blocks will give you almost 100% protection against attacks in those respective regions. If you perform a high or low block with the right timing, properly anticipating or reacting to your opponent’s incoming strike, then you will perform a parry which will give you a chance to counter.
- Will you be able to make a CAF with a decent overall right off the bat or will you start with low amount of points then have to build them up?
If you’re making one outside of Career Mode, you can do whatever you want. If you are starting a new Career, all fighters start with the same overall rating, but a different distribution of attributes based on their fighting style.
- One review said no minors or majors just transitions. Is this true?
We have basic and skilled transitions. You need to use a skilled transition to get to rubber guard (if your fighter has that ability) or to pass straight into full mount from half-guard. Stuff like that. Skilled transitions are performed with the same right stick gesture, but you also hold the left bumper button. Sweeps from the bottom are treated as skilled transitions also.
- Can we record highlights and put them as a video to the background in the menus or main menu? Or is it just those cool pictures like in Fight Night and other EA SPORTS titles.
It’s just those cool pictures. But the PS4 and XB1 both feature Game DVR capabilities that allow you to record and share stuff. Also, any highlight reel generated in an online match automatically gets uploaded to a feature we call UFC Spotlight. You can go there to view your own highlights, your friends highlights and everyone’s highlights.
You can read more from the very extensive Q&A on the official EA Forums.