EA Sports UFC News Post

After revealing more details about EA Sports UFC in a Reddit AMA, a couple of weeks ago, Brian Hayes, creative director on EA Sports UFC has still been answering a few questions here and there since then. Below are some of key items of interest, read the full Q&A here.

Off-topic question, will there be women's Create-A-Fighter? I only ask because you're already here and answering questions.

We had the project all planned out based on the premise that women would "never" fight in the UFC. Then things changed very quickly in the real world and we had to adapt. But adding in full female create-a-fighter feature would have drastically impacted the project. I know most people don't care about development sob stories, but there you go. It's definitely something we can look at for the future of the franchise.

Frank mir would beg to differ. He really punked the mocap guys over a THQ. I heard doctor stoppages were not going to be in the game. Yet we see injuries in other ea sport games?

I didn't say its never a zany laugh riot.

Injuries in other sports games mean you sub in someone from your bench, but you can still win the game. You never see 12 players go down in NHL and take an automatic loss. Doctors stoppages exist to protect fighters from significant health risk in the real world. There is no danger of that happening in a video game, even though the fighters look very lifelike. (sorry, couldn't resist)

It's always something we can look at for the future of the franchise if players are clamoring for outcomes to be decided by a virtual doctor at ringside.

Please can you tell the minions slaving away on this masterpiece that the online fight card mode must make a comeback. Bring able to watch a whole fight card with a lobby of other gamers all trash talking and having a laugh was incredible on EA MMA. Also was insane pressure if you talked big and got owned when it was your turn to fight!


EA Sports MMA helped organize online fight cards, hearing the audience and all 5 of the fights were on the same video stream. Most of the functionality will be available through Twitch, but it appears not all of it will be.

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 TheBleedingRed21 @ 03/19/14 03:57 PM
How in the world can you have female fighters in the game but no female caf?

EA always find something for me to be surprised about. And not in a good way. (I wouldn't be playin as females but I knw others would)
# 2 DaveDQ @ 03/19/14 03:59 PM
Online fight cards not being in this game is unacceptable.

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# 3 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/19/14 04:03 PM
Thanks for the info. Disappointed in the no online fight cards thing. That was was one of the things about EA MMA that I really enjoyed a lot.

I figured the female division would probably be pretty limited. I could see them maybe sneaking in Zingano, Carmouche and Kaufman, but if it's just Tate and Rousey I wouldn't be too upset.
# 4 p_rushing @ 03/19/14 04:11 PM
Not looking good, gameplay is going to have to knock it out.

No female fighters I can understand as there aren't any other than Ronda and Miesha, so why waste time creating that division. I don't agree with not having a division in Career mode that is playable. You don't need real fighters.

I do expect them to probably add some later otherwise it is a complete waste to even have a women's division.

- No doctor stoppages

This is bad. This means that the damage system isn't good enough to create relevant cuts/swelling. If you get a cut and keep getting hit there, the damage system should open the cut up more to the point where it should be stopped. Same thing with swelling. They can program a doctor to stop it if a cut gets X size or deep or swelling gets X amount.

- Online fight cards are not likely but could be added at a later date
Don't see how they couldn't have this in the game already
# 5 DaveDQ @ 03/19/14 04:26 PM
This is what they did with FNC. They had a stoppage system that was broken, attempted to fix it and then took it out completely. So a guy would look like Rocky and there would be no stoppage. But they loved to talk about how great it looked when a guy got cut.

The team behind FNC is behind UFC and if they treat it the same we will see the same thing happen, which was everyone getting excited when the game first showed itself on a next gen system and then watched it fizzle out because they dropped the ball on key development.

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# 6 aholbert32 @ 03/19/14 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Maverick32093209
No MMA game has EVER had online fight cards why is this a surprise? No females CAF's....no MMA game has ever had female CAFs.

This is the first version of the game...it should be just about gameplay at this point.
EA MMA had online fight cards. It was its biggest feature.

Females are in the game so there is no reason why there is no female CAF.
# 7 Beantown @ 03/19/14 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by p_rushing
- No doctor stoppages

This is bad. This means that the damage system isn't good enough to create relevant cuts/swelling.
The actual reason from Hayes is that they didn't add in a damage-management mini-game in-between rounds (like they used to have in FN where you could focus on the cuts/swelling) and they did not want to take the decision completely out of the player's hands since it is a video game and they don't need people complaining about how their fight got stopped because "There's nothing I can do to make the swelling go down between rounds"/"I can't choose to patch the cut so of course it's going to keep bleeding" (and you're kidding yourself if you don't think the swarms of people complaining about Dr. stoppages ruining their fights because it's all a CPU's decision).

I'm a little surprised about the no female CAFs and the fight cards being absent kinda sucks a lot, but we've known there were no Dr. Stoppages since February. It's disappointing, but understandable from a developer's point of view. You're going to lose either way (people sad it's not in, people complaining there's no user-control over it), so spend that time doing something else, one would hope.
# 8 DaveDQ @ 03/19/14 11:10 PM
In FNC they abandoned the mini game and had no corner work. Basically, if you didn't get hit in future rounds the cut would get healed. It was all based in percentages. But it was broken because you could be maxed out and have a guy all cut up and still no stoppage.

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# 9 p_rushing @ 03/20/14 02:09 AM
I wouldn't want a cut mini game, just give me a cpu cut man who based on previous career damage, current damage, etc stops the bleeding so much. Then if you don't get hit in the cut, it won't start bleeding again. If you get hit, it starts again and opens up more.
# 10 aholbert32 @ 03/20/14 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
In FNC they abandoned the mini game and had no corner work. Basically, if you didn't get hit in future rounds the cut would get healed. It was all based in percentages. But it was broken because you could be maxed out and have a guy all cut up and still no stoppage.

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I've seen a few stoppages in FNC with me or my opponent maxed out. Its rare but it happens.
# 11 kisstopher5 @ 03/26/14 01:43 AM
Pretty bummed about no female CAFs. Seven women in the game is more than expected, but no being able to add a Cyborg or Carano is no fun. I feel like changing male CAF to female CAF wouldn't be a catastrophic change, but who knows?
# 12 fballturkey @ 03/26/14 02:31 AM
I get no female CAF. I'm sure it would take some work with making different head models, body models, etc and I'm glad they didn't skimp out on time spent designing real fighters or male CAF to cram it in. It'd be nice down the road but I can live without it.

I have mixed feelings on doctor stoppages. There are certain real life aspects of the sport that I don't think would make a game more fun. Things like accidental eye pokes (although I'd love for the commentary to go on a 5 minute rant about the gloves occasionally,) bad stoppages, accidental low blows, etc. Most of that stuff is out of the players control and I'd rather it just not be in the game.

I do love strategy though, and there could be something to be said for having to protect a cut which makes you take more shots to your body/legs/etc. At the end of the day it's a rare occurrence though, and nobody steps into the octogon looking to win by doctor stoppage, so it isn't a big loss either. It's definitely way down the list of features I'd add.
# 13 Thrash13 @ 03/26/14 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by fballturkey
I get no female CAF. I'm sure it would take some work with making different head models, body models, etc and I'm glad they didn't skimp out on time spent designing real fighters or male CAF to cram it in. It'd be nice down the road but I can live without it.

I have mixed feelings on doctor stoppages. There are certain real life aspects of the sport that I don't think would make a game more fun. Things like accidental eye pokes (although I'd love for the commentary to go on a 5 minute rant about the gloves occasionally,) bad stoppages, accidental low blows, etc. Most of that stuff is out of the players control and I'd rather it just not be in the game.

I do love strategy though, and there could be something to be said for having to protect a cut which makes you take more shots to your body/legs/etc. At the end of the day it's a rare occurrence though, and nobody steps into the octogon looking to win by doctor stoppage, so it isn't a big loss either. It's definitely way down the list of features I'd add.

I agree with pretty much everything you posted. I'll never use female CAF, so no sleep lost there. And while it would be nice to see an occasional doctor's stoppage, it certainly won't take away from the game.

Online fight cards is something that will never affect me because I don't play online. It seems like a big one for a lot of the crowd though, so they better focus on it with the next game for sure. None of the issues so far affect my opinion of the game, but I understand why others will be upset by the news.

It's great to see Brian Hayes taking time to answer questions though. That's cool.

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# 14 aholbert32 @ 03/26/14 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by fballturkey
I get no female CAF. I'm sure it would take some work with making different head models, body models, etc and I'm glad they didn't skimp out on time spent designing real fighters or male CAF to cram it in. It'd be nice down the road but I can live without it.
There are 7 licensed female fighters in the game. They have the head models, body models etc. already created. No reason they couldnt base the female CAFs off of those models.
# 15 Thrash13 @ 03/26/14 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
There are 7 licensed female fighters in the game. They have the head models, body models etc. already created. No reason they couldnt base the female CAFs off of those models.
Would you seriously take time to use female create-a-fighter with 7 female fighters already in the game? Serious question.
# 16 aholbert32 @ 03/26/14 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Thrash13
Would you seriously take time to use female create-a-fighter with 7 female fighters already in the game? Serious question.
Yes I would and I think many other people would too especially folks who run their own leagues. There is a website (mma-caf.com) that is only focused on creating fighters in UFC games. There are hundreds of CAF's on that site. I alone have over 60 CAFs made for UFC 3. There are a ton of people who would create female fighters.

Now to your point about the ladies: Lets say the 7 female fighters are the top 7 (Rousey, Tate, Eye, Kaufmann, Zingano, McMann and Davis). That means no Liz Carmouche. No Amanda Nunes. None of the fighters from TUF.

That also means that I cant create a Cyborg or Carano. Finally, the next season of TUF is all women and will crown a new UFC champion. So I'm stuck for the next two years with not being able to use any women other than the top 7 bantamweights.

I actually would be ok with the excuse if there were no women in the game but there are 7. The elements to create a female fighter are in the game already. No reason we shouldnt be able to create one.
# 17 fballturkey @ 03/26/14 10:32 AM
CAF isn't just playing Frankenstein with one persons head and another's body, you have to have unique models that are alterable. That's a completely different thing than having body-scanned individuals. Down the road I hope female CAF is in the series but really, it's understandable why it's out.
# 18 aholbert32 @ 03/26/14 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by fballturkey
CAF isn't just playing Frankenstein with one persons head and another's body, you have to have unique models that are alterable. That's a completely different thing than having body-scanned individuals. Down the road I hope female CAF is in the series but really, it's understandable why it's out.
The body types arent that different. We arent talking about different weightclasses here. They have 7 body types to work with at this point. With the exception of Germaine de Ramndamie, every other women in the top 15 that isnt in the game has a similar body type to someone who is in the game.
# 19 fballturkey @ 03/26/14 11:05 AM
Yes, the bodies are in there, but they aren't set up to be altered. You can't go in CAF and make a guy with Jon Jones body except white with different abs. And you can't use a scanned in head model and alter it either. It's a completely different thing.
# 20 aholbert32 @ 03/26/14 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by fballturkey
Yes, the bodies are in there, but they aren't set up to be altered. You can't go in CAF and make a guy with Jon Jones body except white with different abs. And you can't use a scanned in head model and alter it either. It's a completely different thing.
I guess I'm confused about your point. Women have been in the UFC for almost 16 months. They cared enough about putting women in that they made 7 women fighter. You admit that the body types are in the game. Why cant they take the time to make them editable and accessible through CAF?

Its not like they just found out women were being added to the UFC. They have known for over a year. I find it hard to believe that when they were working on CAF they couldnt either use the existing body models or create 2-4 new body models for women. Gameface can take care of the facial aspects of the CAF.

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