MLB 14 The Show News Post

It’s a beautiful spring day in Brooklyn.

The smell of freshly cut grass fills your nose mixed with popcorn and hot dogs. A small murmur is coming over the crowd as it gathers in the stands at 55 Sullivan place for opening day of the 2014 Baseball Season.

This old ballpark has seen its share of history since opening in 1913, the year after Fenway Park opened -- if you are counting. The Dodgers have called this place home for years, full of its quirky dimensions including the short 297 foot right field.

As the GM, you’ve considered how your park was built and made adjustments accordingly. You want guys who can push the ball down the line here, center field does stand out there at an impossibly long 484 feet.

You see, at Ebbets Field, this place was built to have baseball played in it like it was being played in the early 1900s. Pitchers reigned supreme and the concept of the Babe was neither a ballplayer or a friendly pig from England.

Read More - How The Show Can Embrace Baseball's History

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Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 VDusen04 @ 03/16/14 12:47 PM
Outstanding article. MVP Baseball 2005's classic stadiums was one of my favorite aspects of the game itself. I used to use Tiger Stadium as current Detroit's default ballpark. Cranking a shot into the upper deck was immensely satisfying.

For those who do not recall, in addition to Tiger Stadium, MVP 2005 also offered 14 other classic stadiums (referenced here, under unlockables: http://www.ign.com/cheats/games/mvp-baseball-ps2-713817). EA also provided a very thorough retro uniform selection.

Originally Posted by VonRye
If SCEA came up with classic ballparks, uniforms, etc., I don't think I could give them my money fast enough. Baseball is the only major sport with a serious case of nostalgia that makes us long to play old seasons, with old teams, in old parks. Build this and we will surprise you with the results.
Baseball's nostalgia is wonderful, and perhaps superior to each of the other major sports, but I think they all have their own respective draws as well. NBA 2K12's Legends mode, with classic rosters, courts, filters, graphics, shorts, jerseys, and audio was top of the line and quite engrossing.

Originally Posted by capa
Classic players/teams - never will happen. Using player likenesses is no longer free. Companies have to pay players or families of players for rights. Means SCEA would have to individually negotiate with thousands of players or estates. Will never happen. Not a big deal because community could create these rosters like we have been doing for years now in this game, and others.
I must admit my ignorance in this category, but for a number of years now I've been actively trying to figure out exactly how acquiring classic rights works. For NBA players, it seems I've heard of superstars being negotiated with individually (Charles Barkley, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, etc.) but then I feel as though I've heard players who were a part of the NBA's retired players association could possibly have their rights negotiated upon en masse.

Either way, I do believe acquiring the rights of classic Major League teams would be much more difficult, if only because the rosters themselves are much more plentiful. NBA 2K could acquire the rights of 7-8 key players on a 12 man roster and count of gamers to fill in the remaining blanks if they wished. A Major League roster obviously has many more players and would seem to make it much more difficult to field a realistic classic team.
# 42 Eski33 @ 03/16/14 02:56 PM
I have been begging for this for years. Classic teams never hurts a game. Especially since the demographic of gamers screams for 70's-80's nostalgia. Baseball is especially suited because it is a sport that touts its past more than any other sport. The NBA wasn't big until the Bird - Magic era. The NFL really goes back to the late 60's. Baseball is basically the same game it has been for the past 100+ years.

EA did MVP right by adding classic teams, stadiums and players along with the screen appearing like it would back in those days with a classic feel. Why SCEA cannot get on board with adding, at minimum more classic stadiums is confusing. Who wouldn't want to play with the 86 Mets with Doc, Carter, Hernandez, Dykstra and Strawberry? Or with any old school Yankees team. For me, the A's from the Bash Brothers era or the Tigers of 84?
# 43 Knight165 @ 03/16/14 03:49 PM
Nobody did it better in the past than ASB IMO

# 44 Turbojugend @ 03/17/14 12:39 PM
Fantastic article. It's about time we see baseball games honoring past traditions.
# 45 KingV2k3 @ 03/17/14 01:34 PM
I would be thrilled with an expanded Historical component to The Show and would happily pay extra for a "Deluxe Edition" or second disc, etc.
# 46 artdog5110 @ 03/17/14 02:47 PM
I have not been on this sight for months, as I have given up video games. This, however, was a great post. I would take up video games again if Sony would make this happen. One thing that would be necessary, as someone else mentioned, would be a division realignment option. Also the inclusion of classic stances and windups, or, a feature, if it is not in already, the ability to alter stances and windups, as there were so many that were completely different than anything out there today. I'm not optimistic but I really hope this would or could happen.
# 47 Computalover @ 03/17/14 03:47 PM
Great article.. always wanted memorial stadium in baltimore added to the list of historic stadiums..
# 48 Galvatron @ 03/18/14 08:15 AM
Man I wish this could happen, especially with the power of the PS4. But I think two important things have to a happen for this to be even remotely possible.

1. Sony has to pay up, big time. Licensing is hella expensive. So many historical parks means alot of years of securing the rights to their use, not to mention the amount of time needed to develop these parks. Going the DLC route would help along with the ability to set up online leagues and custom rosters.

2. The game has to sell more than it does for it to be profitable. For now the majority of sales will be on PS3 and SCEA would have to keep releasing the game across all 3 systems for it to come close to the sales of games like Madden and NBA 2K, which have a higher fanbase due to them being more "popular" sports as well as being multi-platform and easier to implement these features for.. But once the PS3 version is phased out those sales could be difficult to sustain until the PS4 install base increases.
# 49 hoops424 @ 03/18/14 10:24 AM
Jesus...what I would give to have Veteran's Stadium in the game.
# 50 stew5323 @ 03/18/14 11:44 AM
I love the post and the ideas being shared on this thread. I also would be willing to pay for the additional content if done correctly.

To help pay for the expensive licenses, would people contribute if SCEA started a Kickstarter or other crowdfunding campaign? They could set it up where if you contribute "x" amount to the campaign (maybe $25-$50?) you get the additonal content free when it is released.

Otherwise, it sounds like SCEA would have to put up a huge initial investment in this mode, before seeing any returns or guarantees it will sell at all.
# 51 INeedShades @ 03/18/14 01:22 PM
All Star Baseball (Akklaim) did a great job with historical stadiums/uniforms a DECADE ago, damn shame that no one else picked up the torch. They had a Negro League All Star team and some other nice touches like pitchers wearing jackets on the basepaths, Wrigley Ivy changing colors thru the season, Rule V draft (fake players, but still). I think there was an unlockable interview with Buck O'Neil talking about his experiences in the Negro Leagues. The game play left a lot to be desires, but ASB was the game that most paid homage to this sport's history.
# 52 shaneomac @ 03/18/14 01:32 PM
Has anyone been able to confirm if classic stadiums are in the ps4 version this year?
# 53 Knight165 @ 03/18/14 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by shaneomac
Has anyone been able to confirm if classic stadiums are in the ps4 version this year?
I doubt it.

# 54 848 @ 03/18/14 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
If God loves baseball like I think he does......he will get Ramone to print this out and get this to the people who need to see this to get it done.
If they take care of the stadiums......a uniform editor and custom league setup...
We'll take care of the rest!

Great read.

It would be truly amazing to see what the osfm folks could do with a real historic roster on the show. Authentic teams/jerseys/stadiums from certain eras. Would be really cool to see it all done

Also would love to play in the kingdome with the 95 Ms, now THAT would be freakin awesome
# 55 basketballer0385 @ 03/22/14 04:09 PM
I would love to play in the polo grounds old tiger stadium can you imagine taking your RTTS character and playing online with your friends RTTS character in ebbets field? I would love the idea of pickup/ sandlot baseball with your RTTS characters
# 56 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/23/14 10:29 AM
The newly announced plan to add create-a-stadium for future Show versions will hopefully make it possible to create close facsimile of all the grand old dead stadiums.
# 57 24 @ 03/23/14 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
The newly announced plan to add create-a-stadium for future Show versions will hopefully make it possible to create close facsimile of all the grand old dead stadiums.
Could you link that? This is the first I'm ever hearing of the create a stadium concept.
# 58 Knight165 @ 03/23/14 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by 24
Could you link that? This is the first I'm ever hearing of the create a stadium concept.
Originally Posted by AsianDawn
Yeah, this is the first I've heard of a create a stadium mode in future versions. Amazing if true!

This is where Ramone mentioned it.
I think it was originally brought about in discussion in a few regards....but I thinking it was a pushed to the forefront because of Diamond Dynasty. It seems like a natural place to introduce create-a-ballpark as well as custom uniforms.
Hopefully....as with other modes mentioned in "bleeding" into other modes it would see the full treatment across the board.

Excited to see this and perhaps it would lead to allowing us to relocate are teams in franchise mode at some point!

# 59 24 @ 03/23/14 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165

This is where Ramone mentioned it.
I think it was originally brought about in discussion in a few regards....but I thinking it was a pushed to the forefront because of Diamond Dynasty. It seems like a natural place to introduce create-a-ballpark as well as custom uniforms.
Hopefully....as with other modes mentioned in "bleeding" into other modes it would see the full treatment across the board.

Excited to see this and perhaps it would lead to allowing us to relocate are teams in franchise mode at some point!

Don't toy with my emotions Knight . In all seriousness this would be great. All Star baseball did a fantastic job with expansion teams, and MVP's owner mode really set the foundation for a Create-A-Stadium. Personally I would love to model my own stadium after some of the old ball parks that are no longer around. The possibilities seem endless with each release.
# 60 johnny93g @ 03/23/14 02:48 PM
Thought I'd mention this here. Just some thoughts about what would be ideal to me atleast.

I was playing a 1988 mod for the show 13, and I was thinking.

How amazing would it be if each release of the show, they included 1 season from baseball past. Just 1. Each new version they include 1 different season. What a great incentive to purchase each year.

Imagine if the show 14 included the 1986 MLB season. Imagine if it included the amazing player models included for 2014 players. Imagine if it included era specific commentary. Imagine old ballparks, era specific overlays, uniforms, everything.

In reality, all this is possible. I've seen what the show can do with the present. It's the best looking sports game out there. It plays amazing, and the presentation is arguably as good as it gets.

The resources are there, the technology is there. I wonder if the demand would be there to make something like this financially viable, but in my world, including just 1 season from the past would make the game a every year purchase.

1 season of play. No franchise. Imagine recreating 1961. I'm sure Red Sox fans would love to replay 2004. Include 1994, and have the strike called off at the last second.

There's a little OOTP in this idea obviously, but I'm dreaming of the possibilities of what this game could do with a full season from the past.

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