MLB 14 The Show News Post

In MLB '14 The Show, we've added a whole new way to compete against other players, even when you’re away from your PlayStation. Your Diamond Dynasty team is always prepared to compete in an offline setting, earning you bonus rewards to be claimed the next time you log in. When online, you'll have the opportunity to challenge other user-created teams in offline games where the AI controls their team. The next time that user logs in, he will see how his team fared against you.

When the AI controls your team, it utilizes the new Universal Profile Tendency Tracking system to replicate your play style. Whether you run a lot on the base paths, play a lot of small ball, or pepper the strike zone, other players will get a good sense of your on-field personality even when you’re not behind the controller. Click here to check out the full Dev Blog – New Universal Profile and Stubs. It’s worth noting that when the AI controls your team, your players do not accrue stats or lose games and your dynasty only stands to benefit financially.

Challenging other dynasties using the Extra Innings system is simple. Jump into a game against any team directly from Standings or your Extra Innings challenge history. Not sure who to challenge? Use the Play Ball Extra Innings option to get view recommended teams with varying team strengths. When you are controlling your team, your players record stats and lose games just as they would if you played a game against the MLB AI.

Extra Innings provides a more robust offline experience in MLB 14 The Show. While the Rating and Division system are still based on competitive online play, playing offline to evolve your players and build up your dynasty will be social, engaging, and more fun than ever.

Source - The Show Nation

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 HustlinOwl @ 03/12/14 03:29 PM
hope logo creation has been improved too cumbersome for my tastes and can never really give the mode a chance
# 2 tnixen @ 03/12/14 03:32 PM
The blog I am really looking forward to the most is the Presentation blog featuring PS4 footage

Most likely that will have to wait for mid April.
# 3 Curahee @ 03/12/14 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
The blog I am really looking forward to the most is the Presentation blog featuring PS4 footage
You got about another month to wait!

Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I guess others are happy about this, but personally, IDRC. Hopefully we'll get another blog b4 the week's out.
Im not real super excited about this either. Not the mode I usually play.
I might check it out, but Im looking to dive into some Franchise meat this year.
# 4 ajblithe20 @ 03/12/14 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I guess others are happy about this, but personally, IDRC. Hopefully we'll get another blog b4 the week's out.
I'm with you, I guess those are some cool improvements and fans of the mode will be happy, but I never use this mode. I went to TSN and saw the screenshots that went along with this post, and they don't offer any cool tidbits either haha. Oh well, we're so close to the PS3 release anyway, I'm not going to die over it... I think
# 5 vessel29 @ 03/12/14 03:46 PM
This may be great news for some, but I was really hoping to see a blog about RTTS or offline franchise. I want to get the digital pre order and was hoping to see one of those before I pulled the trigger.
# 6 Cowboy008 @ 03/12/14 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I guess others are happy about this, but personally, IDRC. Hopefully we'll get another blog b4 the week's out.
Same here. I don't play that mode but it's good for the people who play it.
# 7 Perfect Zero @ 03/12/14 04:42 PM
Give a mouse a cookie...
# 8 baseballsim @ 03/12/14 05:01 PM
I'm hoping I can use this with an alt team as a practice session to play against my main team to see my tendencies.

I'm now going to head on to some of the other dev blogs and share that I don't play the mode but it will be good for others.
# 9 MrOldboy @ 03/12/14 05:12 PM
As someone who likes to play against real humans, this isn't that big of a deal. But if it gets some more people into DD than I'm all for it. One of the main complaints with DD is that it requires you to play agianst real players to experience other created teams and such.

One concern of mine is that it might lead to a rich-get-richer scenario where the top teams win the most, so they already get the most money. Then they get even more since they may get more universal profile challenges since they are first in the standings.

What I am wondering most is if stats against the AI (universal profile included) will now be separated from the PvP stats in DD. It is really annoying that I take on losses when I'm just messing around withe the AI on legend or whatever with my brand new team that sucks. I think last year I only had around 19 losses, but in the standings I have over 50 losses. That's annoying and I'd really rather only see PvP stats in the overall DD standings.
# 10 econoodle @ 03/12/14 05:35 PM
On to tha next one...
# 11 TLasorda @ 03/12/14 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by The_Duke
I don't care about Diamond Dynasty either. Give us a create a team with FULL CONTROL OVER ROSTERS and then maybe I'll think about trying something like this out. But the way it is now. Never.

On the positive side at least their getting this diamond dynasty, online blogs out of the way so we can look forward to more meat and potato information. Like new gameplay mechanics, cameras, RTTS.
I am in total agreement with the first sentence of this post. A create a team function with total roster control is needed with the ability to put your team in franchise, playoff mode, etc.
# 12 Scott @ 03/12/14 07:35 PM
Not really something I'm interested in but I'm sure others will like this feature.

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# 13 metsfan4life1 @ 03/12/14 07:53 PM
I only play franchise. Just waiting for more PS4 screens and some PS4 footage.
# 14 aguero90 @ 03/12/14 07:58 PM
Not my cup of tea, waiting for the more interesting ones like RTTS and presentation.
# 15 MrOldboy @ 03/12/14 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by The_Duke
I'm not trying to be negative, just to be negative but hopefully the reponses so far in this thread will show that they'll need to make some changes in this mode to garner more interest. I realize it's a small sample size and there are those who enjoy it and find things like "bonus rewards" fun, but I think the way it is now is just too restrictive to invest a lot of time in. I'm sure there are those who disagree and that's fine. But for me no thank you.
What do you find restrictive about the mode?
# 16 Perfect Zero @ 03/12/14 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by The_Duke
I'm not trying to be negative, just to be negative but hopefully the reponses so far in this thread will show that they'll need to make some changes in this mode to garner more interest. I realize it's a small sample size and there are those who enjoy it and find things like "bonus rewards" fun, but I think the way it is now is just too restrictive to invest a lot of time in. I'm sure there are those who disagree and that's fine. But for me no thank you.
Any ideas to make it better? Russell_SCEA posts a suggestion thread every year for Diamond Dynasty in that forum.

I'm really excited for this, although I already like Diamond Dynasty.
# 17 Curahee @ 03/12/14 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by The_Duke
1. Not being able to import logos
Can you imagine the Pandora's Box this would open?!
# 18 thaSLAB @ 03/12/14 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by The_Duke
1. Not being able to import logos
2. Not being able to edit attributes
3. Not being able to create a league of however many teams I choose and then be able to play one of those teams against another in an offline setting
4. No player lock feature for DD

Those are just a few. Nitpicking? Maybe.

Look, I completely understand that the mode was not designed for these features. I get the fact that editing attributes isn't possible for online games because people would have all their players rated 99. If I were to use it it would be offline games so it's different for me

Like many others I would love to see a create a team where we can do the things I mentioned. To me DD is a Create a Team but not really. It serves the purpose it was designed for and that's fine. I just wish it was designed differently.

What you want is a create a team/league or expansion mode. DD is not meant to be that. It's more of an Ultimate Team mode. They are working towards it tho, and I've personally suggestions to further improve the mode. If you look at the big picture, this really is a jump in the right direction for this mode which is only on its third iteration. I could here the outcry now if the community thought they spent too many resources improving this mode.

Originally Posted by Curahee
Can you imagine the Pandora's Box this would open?!
True, lol. We've talk about a possible solution that I hope will eventually be implemented, sooner than later. I think the logo creation tool is more than sufficient (without needing import) in the hands of the right people. ;-)


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# 19 Knight165 @ 03/12/14 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
What you want is a create a team/league or expansion mode. DD is not meant to be that. It's more of an Ultimate Team mode. They are working towards it tho, and I've personally suggestions to further improve the mode. If you look at the big picture, this really is a jump in the right direction for this mode which is only on its third iteration. I could here the outcry now if the community thought they spent too many resources improving this mode.

True, lol. We've talk about a possible solution that I hope will eventually be implemented, sooner than later. I think the logo creation tool is more than sufficient (without needing import) in the hands of the right people. ;-)


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

Man that's good.

You are great at editing those.
Too bad I'm better at making crowd signs!
(no there is no crowd sign editor for PS4...I wish there was though!)

# 20 Curahee @ 03/12/14 09:45 PM
I think what would be great is to have a Logo Vault where you have user created logos as well as Dev created logos available for use.

I agree the creator is not easy for everyone.
I have a decent understanding of PhotoShop which helps, but even then its tough. I think the average person just gives up.

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