When he was in his prime, few were better at working the count for a walk like Barry Bonds. Now that he's back in a Giants uniform for a limited coaching role, the former slugger and suspected PED user is still working the free pass when it comes to discussing his shadowed past.
By bringing in Bonds, San Francisco hasn't crossed any lines that other clubs don't already do by inviting former franchise staples to instruct on various aspects during the Spring. But while Bonds may not be the physical behemoth he once was, his smaller frame can't hide the elephant in the room -- his continued dodging of the PED use issue and it's distraction on a team trying to focus on 2014.
When St. Louis welcomed in Mark McGwire as their hitting coach, 'Big Mac' decided it was time to come clean about his past. While Bonds isn't assuming that level of coaching responsibility, he also isn't showing signs of being accountable for his alleged PED use -- once again becoming a side show that the Giants pretend doesn't exist while trying to appease all sides.
Sound Off: How would you feel about Barry Bonds coaching for your favorite team?
Sports Headlines for March 11, 2014
- Tiger Woods has turned to using spectators' heads as barriers to contain his wild drives. [Animated Gif]
- Dallas Stars forward Rich Peverley collapsed on the bench during last night's game against the Blue Jackets.
- Get it while it's hot! Minor League baseball team Lehigh Valley is selling 'bacon gear'.
- Time for the East to coast: The Miami Heat are officially in the playoffs.
- A new MMA submission move? The Fart Cloud. [YouTube]