EA Sports UFC News Post

Brian Hayes, creative director on EA Sports UFC, recently held a AMA (ask me anything) session at Reddit and answered quite a few questions about the game. Below are some of key items of interest, read the full Q&A here.

When will we see a gameplay vid that's longer than 10 seconds?

Maybe in a couple weeks.

Will we be able to make Ronda fight Cain in a simulated match?

haha... no. There were a lot of people that really weren't cool with that idea.

So does this mean we can't do a super fight between divisions?? That seems really silly. It should just be gender specific

We're putting some fighters in multiple divisions where it makes sense. But you won't be able to do Mighty Mouse vs. Cain or anything like that.

why the hell not? such a silly thing to not include given how easy it would be and how many people want it.

We understand some people would want it, but it's actually not very easy to simulate a 5'3" 125lb character grappling with a 6'2" 240lb character and sort out all the physics, animation, and collision issues.

How will flash Knockouts work in this game? In UFC 3 (yeah i understand by different people), the flash KOs were like one in a million. It felt like the game was just a duel to who did enough damage to finally ko the opponent.

We'll be taking some cues/learnings for how we did them on Fight Night and going from there.

Will Nick Diaz be in the game?

209 represent

release date? release month at least?

There was rumor started that it was in May. I can tell you for sure that it is not in May.

Then April? Since its been announced as spring 2014

Holy crap definitely not April. Bite your tongue.

will there be a create-a-fighter option?

yes there will be

We are trying to get a lot of variety in fighter movement and stances. - There is no "run" button. - We will be releasing a demo (I'm pretty sure). - The game does look amazing, but there is still alot of animation tuning and polish to be done. Plus, I think there is always the uncanny valley effect. The more realistic the characters look, the more the imperfect blends and transitions in the individual animation will stand out to some people. But, like I said, we're still tuning that stuff also.

Are you making online multiplayer a priority? The online matchmaking engine on all three of the Undisputed games was so awful that you could rarely find an opponent and actually fight.

For sure. The Fight Night games generally had really solid online play and we want to make sure we keep that going.

is the grappling system more like EA MMA or UFC 3?

The grappling is on the RS, so its more like UFC 3 in that sense.

In terms of Career mode how similar will it be to EA MMA? Also will there be much improvement when it comes to character customization?

Tough for me to answer because I haven't created a character in EA MMA for a long time. I can only say it will be similar because you can create a character. There is a lot of options to choose from and the created characters look really high-quality.

Will we see a KO celebration where the fighter runs out of the cage and into the crowd a la Jose Aldo?

Into the crowd. No.

I am a big fan of Fight Night Champion so I know EA has the ability to make a good fighting game but how closely will the stand up resemble Fight Night Champion and how will you implement all the other stand up elements like kicks, elbows etc. and how will it differ from previous UFC games?

Well, like you say, you're going to be able to kick and elbow the other guy in the face. So it's drastically different from FNC in that regard . But we are using animation and physics technology that has evolved from the Fight Night lineage, so to speak. From a performance perspective, is should be similar in feel to FNC.

Any Pride functionality?

No. We need to get the basics in place before expanding to stuff like that. It didn't show up until the 3rd version for the previous developers.

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Dazraz @ 03/09/14 12:30 PM
We are trying to get a lot of variety in fighter movement and stances. - There is no "run" button. - We will be releasing a demo (I'm pretty sure). - The game does look amazing, but there is still alot of animation tuning and polish to be done. Plus, I think there is always the uncanny valley effect. The more realistic the characters look, the more the imperfect blends and transitions in the individual animation will stand out to some people. But, like I said, we're still tuning that stuff also.

This would explain why we're being inundated with endless Screenshots as opposed to something that actually moves.
# 2 Coolade @ 03/09/14 01:21 PM
A June/July release is looking more likely. Kind of depressing, this game is the first reason I picked up a PS4. Main concern not asked in that AMA is how the parry system works and how it's balanced. Just have to wait and see.
# 3 Coolade @ 03/09/14 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by BizDevConglomerate
We understand some people would want it, but it's actually not very easy to simulate a 5'3" 125lb character grappling with a 6'2" 240lb character and sort out all the physics, animation, and collision issues.

That's a cop out. It's a dag on game. If in real life pee wee Herman was going to fight Andre the giant or Hulk Hogan, he would never be able to power slam him, but his "physics" in strategy would come to play. This is the case of lazy developers. As we say on Jerz, don't beat me in the head wit that BU##SH$$
You have no idea what you're talking about. Have you never seen the breaking Madden series? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeKC7cH1-kI
Physical disproportions wreak havoc on a game. It's just not feasible or logical.
# 4 mcmax3000 @ 03/09/14 01:33 PM
You're ignoring the fact that the UFC probably wouldn't sign off on it, even if EA wanted to do it.
# 5 Gotmadskillzson @ 03/09/14 02:13 PM
I'm starting to think this game will come out in July, the same date the NCAA football game would have came out on. And I'm starting to think the demo won't come out until E3 in June.
# 6 LingeringRegime @ 03/09/14 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
I'm starting to think this game will come out in July, the same date the NCAA football game would have came out on. And I'm starting to think the demo won't come out until E3 in June.
Good hypothesis. I can see them hyping it up like they did Fight Night Round 3 at E3. Remember this...

# 7 Gotmadskillzson @ 03/09/14 03:15 PM
I remember that video quite well, like I remember all EA Sports E3 videos. Only time will tell how close or far off the final product will look from their E3 videos.
# 8 SHAKYR @ 03/09/14 03:38 PM
The producers had time, new systems, new and better technology, a new engine but they can't do certain things that companies have done well on past systems with older technology?!? yeah, right!!
The producers are holding back certain things to have something for the next games to keep it fresh and they can act like they made a major beak through.
# 9 scottyp180 @ 03/09/14 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by BizDevConglomerate
I take back lazy. I know these guys work hard. Instead it's a lack of thought. In gaming, we have seen some companies release games that are physically amazing. Players make amazing motions life like in the way the AI reacts. But some are very limited as if they coukdnt stretch the limits. Don't tell me you can't when it's been done. Or if you haven't tried. EA is good for this. Make a game that draws you in on looks, but then there's no booty, and the breath is kicking. Can't wake up to that. Eh eh.
I wasn't crazy about some of the answers given, I sense a lack of confidence, but I can actually understand the logic behind not being able to have fighters fight out of weight class. For one it seems like they are having a hard enough time to get the physics and animations working properly for real life fight situations. It would be a whole new issue to get the physics to work for guys with big height and weight discrepencies. I know this is a videogame and we should have the option to set up fantasy matches but this game is suppose to be a simulation so it makes sense that they wouldn't want to spend time on an aspect of the game that can happen in real life.
# 10 LingeringRegime @ 03/09/14 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
The producers had time, new systems, new and better technology, a new engine but they can't do certain things that companies have done well on past systems with older technology?!? yeah, right!!
The producers are holding back certain things to have something for the next games to keep it fresh and they can act like they made a major beak through.
Attachment 74229

# 11 Hiro1 @ 03/09/14 07:37 PM
I'm really excited for this game. I miss playing undisputed.
# 12 aholbert32 @ 03/09/14 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
The producers had time, new systems, new and better technology, a new engine but they can't do certain things that companies have done well on past systems with older technology?!? yeah, right!!
The producers are holding back certain things to have something for the next games to keep it fresh and they can act like they made a major beak through.
What fighting games have done fighting in different weight classes right? In the Fight Night series, you can only fight one class above your weight class. In the THQ UFC series, its never been done (except for a glitch in UFC 3).
# 13 redsrule @ 03/09/14 08:53 PM
I wish you could go up or down a weight class with any fighter (expect down with heavyweight) but it isn't a huge deal to me right now. I do hope however you can edit guys weights/copy him to another weight like you could in Fight Night (I think you could do this)?
# 14 aholbert32 @ 03/09/14 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by redsrule
I wish you could go up or down a weight class with any fighter (expect down with heavyweight) but it isn't a huge deal to me right now. I do hope however you can edit guys weights/copy him to another weight like you could in Fight Night (I think you could do this)?
I dont think you could do that in FNC. You could edit their weight but I'm not sure you could edit them so they could be designated as another weight class.

EA really doesnt have any excuse for not letting you fight at least one class above or below though since it was done in FNC. It will suck in 2015 when Aldo is fighting in LW and I'm stuck fighting him in FW. I can understand restricting the HW v. LW or Male v. Female fights but one class up isnt difficult.
# 15 SHAKYR @ 03/10/14 03:53 AM
The offline experience, features and total customization will take a backseat to online. EA tends to take away offline freedom to focus everything to online.
Many of the things they say can't be done. Can be done! People accept things blindly and don't look deeper into the picture. EA and it's producers main focus and the future of keeping the game fresh for future releases.
# 16 aholbert32 @ 03/10/14 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
The offline experience, features and total customization will take a backseat to online. EA tends to take away offline freedom to focus everything to online.
Many of the things they say can't be done. Can be done! People accept things blindly and don't look deeper into the picture. EA and it's producers main focus and the future of keeping the game fresh for future releases.
What game has done those things you say can be done? LOL. WWE2K is the only series I've seen do big fighters against small fighters for years and they cant even get that right. Its not as easy as you say.

As for total customization, I'll be happy if its on the level of FNC. With FNC, you can change their ratings and clothing which is more than you could do in any other MMA game.
# 17 Hiro1 @ 03/10/14 01:10 PM
I seriously wonder if some people believe producers intentionally make bad movies too so consumers will have a reason to go see the sequel. Maybe music artist hold back great singles to put on their sophomore album?

The idea that ea would hold onto a perfectly good working feature to keep the game fresh is asinine. Why? Because second iterations are not promised. The 1st EA UFC game could be bad(I hope not) and could very well flop and get cancelled and the dev team would be left looking for projects else where.

Like all games EA UFC will struggle with the paradox that is a fun simulation.
# 18 aholbert32 @ 03/10/14 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Hiro1
I seriously wonder if some people believe producers intentionally make bad movies too so consumers will have a reason to go see the sequel. Maybe music artist hold back great singles to put on their sophomore album?

The idea that ea would hold onto a perfectly good working feature to keep the game fresh is asinine. Why? Because second iterations are not promised. The 1st EA UFC game could be bad(I hope not) and could very well flop and get cancelled and the dev team would be left looking for projects else where.

Like all games EA UFC will struggle with the paradox that is a fun simulation.
People get caught up in the EA hate a little. Has Madden withheld features? Yes but they are guaranteed to release a title every year.

When it comes to UFC, I flip flop a little. On one hand, EA can say this is their first UFC game all they want but you can clearly see that the game has taken elements (especially animations) from FNC and EA MMA so its not completely true that this game was built from the ground up.

On the other hand, we are dealing with not only a new series but with two new systems so I can guarantee there will be some bugs and glitches at first.
# 19 SHAKYR @ 03/10/14 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Hiro1
I seriously wonder if some people believe producers intentionally make bad movies too so consumers will have a reason to go see the sequel. Maybe music artist hold back great singles to put on their sophomore album?

The idea that ea would hold onto a perfectly good working feature to keep the game fresh is asinine. Why? Because second iterations are not promised. The 1st EA UFC game could be bad(I hope not) and could very well flop and get cancelled and the dev team would be left looking for projects else where.

Like all games EA UFC will struggle with the paradox that is a fun simulation.
I'm speaking from interviews that have been conducted. I have even did interviews in which producers have said they have to save something for another game. It's stupid to think this isn't a business or they aren't doing business moves.
# 20 Money99 @ 03/11/14 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Hiro1
The idea that ea would hold onto a perfectly good working feature to keep the game fresh is asinine. Why? Because second iterations are not promised. The 1st EA UFC game could be bad(I hope not) and could very well flop and get cancelled and the dev team would be left looking for projects else where.
They can do this because there is only one UFC game on the market so fans of UFC and video games have no choice but to buy this one.
That's how they can guarantee the title lives on year after year despite having stripped-down options.

And you really don't need any further proof than what we've seen from the NHL and Madden games - two other series' which don't have any competition.

Using EA NHL as an example, goalie fights were in NHL2004. Guess what wasn't in NHL07 through NHL12?
Then when it was re-introduced in NHL13, guess what they featured on the back of the box? Goalie Fights. And they advertised it as "Never seen before!" (Which is technically true since goalie fights never occurred on an 360 or PS3 before).

EA UFC won't be any different.
This is EA's first UFC title so they can easily say that because it's their first attempt at a UFC game they couldn't possibly fit in everything because they had to get so much else stuffed in first.

They'll slowly add features every other year and drag out the process until the PS5 and XB2 are released and then start the whole process over.

Originally Posted by SHAKYR
I'm speaking from interviews that have been conducted. I have even did interviews in which producers have said they have to save something for another game. It's stupid to think this isn't a business or they aren't doing business moves.
This is very true. As a member of a Community Day event, I've heard it personally out of a producers mouth.

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