EA Sports UFC News Post

EA Sports has just released some more EA Sports UFC screenshots. These feature Ronda Rousey, Gilbert Melendez, Robbie Lawler and Benson Henderson. More screenshots of other athletes in the game will be released in the coming weeks, prior to the Spring 2014 release for Xbox One and PS4.

Your thoughts?

Previously released screenshots below.

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 unfriendlyghst @ 03/07/14 02:38 AM

turning into NBA Live next gen allready
# 2 kgbrolic @ 03/07/14 07:43 AM
If I see one more screenshot of this game without seeing gameplay, I'm going to punch a Lama in the throat.
# 3 aholbert32 @ 03/07/14 09:06 AM
So everyone can stop asking about it...EA confirmed we would see more gameplay in a few weeks.
# 4 unfriendlyghst @ 03/07/14 09:36 AM
EA also "confirmed" multiple fixes for NBA Live next gen and we can all see where that ended up.

So until EA "releases" gameplay footage, I'll keep asking about it.

# 5 jeremym480 @ 03/07/14 10:19 AM
Unfortunately, it looks like the days of getting lot's of game play video 2 and 3 months (or more) ahead of time are behind us... Well, with sports games anyway.

We didn't see much video of either NBA game before they were released. Which would sort of makes sense since they're in direct competition with one another. 2k did release some info with the event that they held, but there were still all kinds of questions afterwards. Honestly, the only thing that I really knew about NBA Live is that the dribbling was new.

I don't even want to go there with Madden, but there NG release was ummmmm laughable (trying to be nice). Most of there game play videos were riddled with "is that CG or NG?" type questions. However, at least we knew the rest of the games was a direct port.

The Show releases the same month as EA UFC and let me preface this by saying that I really haven't been following it that closely. With that said how many game play videos have we seen of it? Of course, the biggest difference with The Show is that they are an established game and also may have some competition whereas EA UFC is a first time effort and doesn't have any real competition.

Anyway, my point is no sports game so far has shown anything in-depth before a week or two before release. So, in my opinion, expecting game play video and in-depth blogs months before release is just setting yourself up for disappointment. Maybe I'm wrong... I hope I am actually, but for now, at least until the devs are more familiar with the NG hardware, I fully expect what we've seen so far to be the status quo.
# 6 aholbert32 @ 03/07/14 11:41 AM
You know who's fault that is? Ours. Years of nitpicking very single frame of a video has game companies gunshy about releasing videos early. Hayes pretty much admitted that yesterday. He said the game had a few presentation bugs and he didn't want the net ripping them apart for releasing a buggy video.
# 7 aholbert32 @ 03/07/14 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by unfriendlyghst
EA also "confirmed" multiple fixes for NBA Live next gen and we can all see where that ended up.

So until EA "releases" gameplay footage, I'll keep asking about it.

Two different development teams so your point isnt valid and you wont keep asking about it. That would be considered "agenda posting" and thats against the TOS. If you continue to do that, you are looking at a ban.
# 8 unfriendlyghst @ 03/07/14 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Two different development teams so your point isnt valid and you wont keep asking about it. That would be considered "agenda posting" and thats against the TOS. If you continue to do that, you are looking at a ban.

Look, I'm not going to have this little thing where you tell me what I will or will not do on OS.
Go and look at the official EA forums. They are pretty much hedging themselves over there with phrases like, first attempt, ect. And with this being a next gen title and EA's marketing for NBA Live and Madden (both made by Tiburon, I know) not showing ANY gameplay BEFORE release, it looks like the same old song and dance.

I understand it's being developed at EA Canada but as we get closer to their targeted release window, (which they still haven't given this game a release date) I personally find it highly suspect to keep showing off screens of fighters where in the past we would see in depth videos of certain features or parts that make the game exciting.

So, until I see some gameplay videos, I'll ask where they are at.
# 9 Beantown @ 03/07/14 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by unfriendlyghst
Look, I'm not going to have this little thing where you tell me what I will or will not do on OS.

So, until I see some gameplay videos, I'll ask where they are at.
If you want to keep posting at OS, I'd recommend following along with what one of the Senior Admins of the site tell you to do, especially when they refer to the TOS. Just a friendly piece of advice if you want to continue your OS journey.

On topic - the screenshots continue to look good. Can't wait to see it in action, whenever we get to.
# 10 aholbert32 @ 03/07/14 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by unfriendlyghst
Look, I'm not going to have this little thing where you tell me what I will or will not do on OS.
Go and look at the official EA forums. They are pretty much hedging themselves over there with phrases like, first attempt, ect. And with this being a next gen title and EA's marketing for NBA Live and Madden (both made by Tiburon, I know) not showing ANY gameplay BEFORE release, it looks like the same old song and dance.

I understand it's being developed at EA Canada but as we get closer to their targeted release window, (which they still haven't given this game a release date) I personally find it highly suspect to keep showing off screens of fighters where in the past we would see in depth videos of certain features or parts that make the game exciting.

So, until I see some gameplay videos, I'll ask where they are at.
Take Beantown's advice. This isnt the EA forums. We dont allow people to post the same thing over and over again in the threads. We all understand that you want gameplay videos. We all want the same thing.

But you have a choice: You can make another post in a screenshot thread about how you want gameplay vids and comparing it to NBA Live.....and get banned.


You can stop doing that, try posting about the subject of the thread and continue to post at OS.

Your choice.
# 11 redsrule @ 03/07/14 03:12 PM
I like the close up of Lawler but not the pic that's farther away. Can't wait till we start getting more info on this game. May-June is going to have 3 games in this, Watch Dogs & MLB the Show that is going to make me pick up a PS4 most likely.
# 12 DJ @ 03/07/14 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Take Beantown's advice. This isnt the EA forums. We dont allow people to post the same thing over and over again in the threads. We all understand that you want gameplay videos. We all want the same thing.

But you have a choice: You can make another post in a screenshot thread about how you want gameplay vids and comparing it to NBA Live.....and get banned.


You can stop doing that, try posting about the subject of the thread and continue to post at OS.

Your choice.
This is like the buildup to a big fight. Now, you've got me checking all the threads to see if he'll make a ban-worthy comment. LOL.

On-topic, the screens look good, especially of Henderson.
# 13 Hiro1 @ 03/07/14 05:16 PM
Loving the pics. Unless this game has some game breaking flaw it's a 1st day buy. I just hope online ranked is great. Probably won't touch career I never do.

Never seen Rousey wear that top. I wonder if that's her default. Figure they'll fix it.
# 14 p_rushing @ 03/08/14 12:43 PM
Rousey looks worst of them.

Lawler looks great up close, looks like they actually have pores in the skin. That has been missing from some of the other screens.

Other look good, just sometimes the angles make them look weird.
# 15 fballturkey @ 03/14/14 03:09 AM
Rousey has some 'uncanny valley' eyes going on. It'll probably look a lot better in motion.

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