EA Sports UFC News Post

The details regarding EA's first foray into UFC-branded MMA are still a bit murky, but we do know a good deal about the fighters who will take part in the action as well as some of the systems that will power the gameplay. Since the game will be shipping sometime in “late spring” (my bet is late May or early June), we'll have to start hearing more substantive details about it sooner or later, but recent impressions and media over the past couple of weeks give us a slightly clearer picture of what to expect.

Read More - EA Sports UFC: What We Know So Far

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 mosdef328 @ 02/21/14 12:02 PM
There is a current Middle weight champ. He's already in the game as your article points out (Chris Weidman). Just giving you a heads up. He was actually the fighter of the year in a lot of publications. You probably mean Welterweight where GSP vacated his championship. It will be decided when Johnny Hendricks and Robbie Lawler have their upcoming fight. Anyway great article about what we know so far.
# 2 Wiggy @ 02/21/14 03:58 PM
Good call. I meant welterweight =)
# 3 CaliDude916 @ 02/23/14 02:46 AM
Chances we see Gilbert Melendez? He agreed to a deal structure with Bellator last week.
# 4 TheXFactor12345 @ 02/23/14 11:16 AM
Is that a joke or a sarcastic comment? If not, then you need to send us a link showing the gameplay bro because EA hasn't shown any video with someone holding a remote controller playing the game, no Bruce buffer introduction, no one on one fight footage with the ufc clock on the bottom of the screen.

I have pre ordered a copy on the Xbox one and playstation 4, but I was far more impressed with UFC 3 from THQ in regards to revealing pre release information, and the fact that we had a BETA.

From what I've heard, EA will pull a NBA Live and release a demo right around launch.
# 5 BezO @ 02/25/14 01:49 PM
I'm wondering if sports games will ever get rid of flashing lights & meters.

I'm looking for games to justify a PS4 purchase. I've not played prior MMA games. I'm hoping the movement is greatly improved over Fight Night, especially the footwork. Can anyone tell me if prior MMA games have gone beyond that step-step-step movement that plagued Fight Night?

Player models look great. With just 3 bodies in the octagon/ring, fighting games could be the best & most realistic games this generation. If fight styles & gameplans come to fruition, along with realistic movement & stamina, I'm in.

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