NBA Live 14 News Post

After apologizing to NBA Live 14 fans and promising improvements to the game back in late November, which was followed by the first title update for the game in mid-December, the team is getting ready to launch their next update.

Ty Stover, Marketer at EA Sports, has revealed some details about the second NBA Live 14 title update, that could arrive as early as Monday. According to Ty, Title Update #2 will add practice mode, improve lighting and gameplay. No other specific details have been revealed.

We also haven't heard whether or not the team is implementing the new scanned in player faces for NBA Live 14 or 15.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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# 1 The 24th Letter @ 02/07/14 06:43 AM
Finally some detail!

So I don't know if I read right...is THE title update coming as early as Monday or is it just a tuner?
# 2 BiggD @ 02/07/14 07:20 AM
Thank god!!
# 3 loosey101 @ 02/07/14 07:41 AM
Sounds like THE title update is coming Monday, with apparently a video releasing talking about what all has been updated. It's about time, I'm looking forward to seeing what they can improve on.
# 4 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 02/07/14 08:00 AM
Title update?
# 5 JBulls @ 02/07/14 08:06 AM
Interesting, no mention of head scans going in.
# 6 The 24th Letter @ 02/07/14 08:18 AM
I honestly don't think facial scans are making it in....we'll see though...
# 7 Tomba @ 02/07/14 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by tedus
From @Ty Stover twitter

some detail about the title update

Ty Stover ‏@Ty_Stover 8h
@TOMBAONLINE @gamingtailgate 14 is getting an update very soon. Lighting, gameplay, and practice mode.

Good job!! EA

Finally!! practice mode!!

Hope the title update will come on time!!

BTW, Ty Stover is the Marketer at EA SPORTS!!

You heard it here first!

# 8 Tomba @ 02/07/14 10:08 AM
Lighting MIGHT help player models look more life like thanks to skin tones etc right now they look a bit plastic/pastel.

Gameplay? I really don't know how much they can improve the gameplay unless they're talking gameplay sliders!(ohh a man can dream)

Practice mode? Big whoop I'm in the minority here when Iverson says"Practice? Come on man we talking bout practice!?!?" I agree
# 9 shutdown10 @ 02/07/14 10:34 AM
Good! This is what I requested they have in this patch. Just touch up textures, game-play A.I., and add practice gym. If this did not come out this month then people would have lost interest in this game. Their main focus should be making Live 15 a hit game, because Live 14's fate has already been decided. Go all in for Live 15!
# 10 loosey101 @ 02/07/14 11:11 AM
Yeah, I'm excited for the practice mode and gameplay updates. I'll be honest, I've moved on to the "other game" and while I do enjoy it and it looks ridiculous, I think NBA Live is an easier game to pick up and enjoy for a few hours.
# 11 alexthegreat @ 02/07/14 11:17 AM
Can all that can be done with their new update system?

Wonder if they are gonna even try to fix the onling lag

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# 12 NimaAkaJoJo @ 02/07/14 11:24 AM
I hoooope they will add sliders or adjust the PiP, add more fouls, timeouts, charges and the promised stuff!

I hate, when I draw a perfect charge and nothing is called.
# 13 MCSavage @ 02/07/14 11:50 AM
Or scratch the update and give all Live 14 players access to Live 15 beta and listen to the players this time?
# 14 RonRac1 @ 02/07/14 12:20 PM
I'm hoping they let us be able to zoom the camera in on the camera angles that's in the game, and it is about time we got some info on when the update is supposed to be coming...
# 15 DonWuan @ 02/07/14 01:42 PM
Good news.

Still praying for sliders and roster edits but hopefully next year.

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# 16 m1ke_nyc @ 02/07/14 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by XxJustAguessxX
To the hardcore live fans, does it even matter now? I've lost my interest in this game being my main bball game, I commend them for putting this stuff in but should have happened sooner and most likely should have been in from the jump.
Yes it does matter. People spent their money on the game, it should be supported. You can say that about most games, things should have been in from jump but we usually are waiting on patches.
# 17 WTF @ 02/07/14 02:44 PM
Yep, I don't see how you can really downplay it. It's a big commitment from a company who publicly apologized, and to see them follow through on their word does build some type of trust back from the consumers standpoint.

I'm not sure how anyone who is still playing the game at all, wouldn't welcome some enhancements. The season is halfway over, still a ton of bball to be played in the NBA this year. I'm looking forward to seeing what this entails. Truly hoping that we'll get some missing faces, etc (Giannis, Pero Antic, Nate Wolters, etc).

We'll see, but I'm looking forward to it.
# 18 NoTiCe_O @ 02/07/14 02:52 PM
It's obvious EA really does care about the fans like they say. I'm hoping and really believing Live 15 is going to be a great and realistic game of basketball.

Not only that but I think it will actually take user skill to win; how it should be. I don't have a PS4 yet but once I get one NBA Live is defintiely going to be on my list of must gets.

Now I'm not saying EA is now the most caring company all of a sudden, but this does speak volumes about their commitment to creating a great game of basketball again. Looking forward to see what's in store.
# 19 The 24th Letter @ 02/07/14 02:55 PM
Not a "hardcore Live fan", but it would definitely matter to me as someone who is interested in picking this game back up and playing again....

I think it's great that they are putting out a patch, but that is something that they should be doing, just as all sports titles have done through this past gen, so I am not giving them a standing O for that. I will give them a lot of props if they end up getting the face scans in the game though, that's a lot of work....and while it's not really something that's high on my priority list for this game, I can appreciate it.
# 20 noshun @ 02/07/14 03:01 PM
it's not like they had a choice, it's a "save face" move. building trust would've been putting out something better than this halfheartedly cut corners effort to begin with. this is the worst selling Live of all time, embarrassingly on next gen tech. not to take away from their post support, as it was def needed.

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