NASCAR '14 News Post

After revealing NASCAR '14 almost a month ago, we haven't heard much else about the game. Sports Illustrated Extra Mustard recently sat down with Eutechnyx’s EVP, Ed Martin, as they discuss the upcoming NASCAR '14. The interview briefly details online leagues, dynamic field matching, why we won't see a next-gen version of the game and more.

Retaliation is the name of the game with NASCAR 14’s AI. In past games, when you raced a road course the line of cars looked almost like a train, with the AI afraid to pass. This year, not only are the drivers more aggressive, but if you bump them, you’ll get an almost immediate response. "Last year, if you bumped somebody, they’d chicken out and get out of your way," says Martin. "The AI drivers will come after you now. They won’t be wildly aggressive, but they’re not going to give up their spot, either. It’s a lot more realistic with the amount of attitude that’s in the game."

Game: NASCAR '14Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 3 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 RunN1st @ 02/05/14 11:46 AM
I'll reiterate... I would strongly suggest a rental before diving in head-first on this one, guys.
# 2 MichaelAngeloTMNT @ 02/05/14 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by RunN1st
I'll reiterate... I would strongly suggest a rental before diving in head-first on this one, guys.
Agreed, got burned the last two games and I built a PC to run iRacing. iRacing is worth it. No AI, only human vs human racing.
# 3 TCrouch @ 02/05/14 03:40 PM

Show me, don't tell me.

I haven't seen many of the improvements that were supposed to be there (or added) to the last 2 games.
# 4 cusefan74 @ 02/06/14 11:41 AM
Yeah I agree guys, they need to prove to us that they made some really good steps to improve the game.
# 5 BadAssHskr @ 02/06/14 12:12 PM
This isn't coming to XB1 or PS4?
# 6 ktb1972 @ 02/06/14 02:07 PM
Does anyone know if in last years game or this years can you use the Thrustmaster Ferrari Wireless Gt F430 Scuderia Edition Cockpit
steering wheel thanks
# 7 BurghFan @ 02/06/14 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by ktb1972
Does anyone know if in last years game or this years can you use the Thrustmaster Ferrari Wireless Gt F430 Scuderia Edition Cockpit
steering wheel thanks
Dude, why did you post this in 3 different threads? One of which doesn't even have anything to do with the game.

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