The Golf Club News Post

The HB Studios team is busy answering questions in their official forums right now, with several details coming out about their upcoming Golf Sim. We're hoping the HB Studios guys get on OS soon to do the same.

From the tone of the developers and reps answering questions, it seems as if The Golf Club will be a digital title with regular updates to add new features. It was mentioned that while PC Support will be initially supported (along with PS4 and XBox One), the team was going to look into the Mac platform as well.

Here are some more details:

-Tours and Tournaments can be created and shared with the world.
-No AI players, any competition will be with ghost balls/other user players.
-Game will be quickly iterated after release, makes you wonder what the business model will end up being.
-No PS Move/Kinect support initially.
-Swing mechanics are analog stick driven.
-No career mode.
-Everyone has the same attributes, so no advancing of skills or anything like that.
-Can’t set club distances, preference was to have everyone compete as equals.
-At the moment, no officially licensed gear appears to be in the game.
-All Fictional Courses
-Every created course is rated on a 1-10 scale by users and can be stored as a favorite.
-Each course is rated from Easy to difficult based upon how users are playing it.
-Three ways to play: Stroke play, match play, four ball.
-No difficulty modes. Since its you and the course, your difficulty mode is the difficulty of the courses you decide to play.
-You can start with a completely blank slate and create courses one hole at a time.
-No arcade features like power boosts, etc. Goal is to give a simulation golfing experience to users.

What do you all think of the game thus far?

Game: The Golf ClubReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 OnlookerDelay @ 02/06/14 10:13 AM
I just learned this morning that voice chat across platforms will not be possible in The Golf Club. I'm not surprised by it though. The producer cited the fact that the voip's that come with the platforms are not compatible across platforms, which again is no shock.

To further explain how "multiplayer" works in The Golf Club, one of the developers described it this way:

"Multiplayer is asynchronous, so there really are no 'matches' aside from defined tournaments that you can open up over a set amount of time."

I think they're having to call it asynchronous because if they're going to realize their goal of cross-play between XB1 and PS4, they can't directly tie the two together. They'll have to use HBS server's as a buffer between the two, so there will be some degree of delay associated with that.

I still think people who wanted to play what we call turn-based play could still do it. They would just have to agree to see who was furthest out and defer to that player to play their shot. All you'd see is a vertical color bar with a player's name over it, and a corresponding color shot tracer showing the flight of the ball, but that would probably get the job done for some. They're still tossing ideas around, so this isn't set in stone. Of course a lot of what I've said is based in speculation, so take it with a grain of salt.
# 82 MERACE @ 02/06/14 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by JayBee74
Wonder if you'll have a handicap?
The developers mentioned that with their game engine it is definitely possible and that they would like to add that to game in the future.

# 83 Lieutenant Dan @ 02/06/14 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by MERACE
The developers mentioned that with their game engine it is definitely possible and that they would like to add that to game in the future.

Golf handicaps are math I just don't grasp.

When I play IRL, I just play scratch and write small so there's room for my triple digit score :P

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