NBA 2K14 News Post

Is anyone having any luck with NBA 2K14 online leagues? I just tried all afternoon and while I didn't get the kickback issues most responded to me about via Twitter (as seen below), I definitely couldn't get a game started. Every time I tried to start a game, the message box above popped up.

The more common issue that most gamers are having is the inability to even start the league, once everyone has joined. Here are a couple of videos (#1, #2) that show what happens after online leagues have been setup.

I'm trying to get more feedback on any NBA 2K14 online leagues you might have started. Are you having any luck? Please provide console, error (if any), how long you’ve tried and any other details you have that might be helpful.
  • No luck, tried almost everyday for the last two weeks on Xbox One. Also can't get people in my Locker Room. @passthemstickss
  • 4-man league on PS4. haven't been able to play a single game in over a week. No error code, just won't load the league up. @iliv3forthis
  • no luck! Been trying for a month now. XB1 #angry #2k #fan @Greenebean84
  • he must be talking about "the 2k server is down" online leagues @knowledgekno717
  • leagues still dont work. U create the lg, people join and u try to start and it does not work. Xbox one @Dlevel21
  • that Online league literally last a day to mere hours. Started up a 28 user lg..handful of games played..2 hrs later dead. xb1 did many test lgs and same results. @MistaWelcome (With videos #1 & #2)
  • PS4 online lgs dont work after they are created. It wont let you play games @DaRealEarvgotti

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 2KLeague @ 01/17/14 03:11 PM
The CE error shows up when I create a league. Now it worked for me the first day, couldn't get a game running because of the 2K servers not being available, next day I couldn't open the league. I've been trying for a few weeks now everyday, none of my league members are able to access it either.
# 2 LakersForLife @ 01/17/14 04:41 PM
Leagues are a total joke, the menus in the lg are non friendly, the admin can't do shi*, like wtf why would you do this 2K, why
# 3 Steve_OS @ 01/17/14 06:54 PM
Just updated the OP with my recent experience with Online Leagues. After getting the error, I fired up a game w/ friends and had no issue connecting and playing a game. There is definitely something going on.
# 4 Knee_Grow_Pleas @ 01/17/14 07:26 PM
I can't get into the lg period... I dont even know what the lg menus look like... It keeps kicking me back to the main menu.....
# 5 EarvGotti @ 01/17/14 07:42 PM
Can't play any games in the league and custom rosters don't load when you try to upload them into the league. They still show the default roster.
# 6 grodbetatted @ 01/17/14 09:10 PM
So from what I gather from impressions of this game... It just looks pretty but nothing works
# 7 Dr. Banner @ 01/18/14 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by grodtooreal
So from what I gather from impressions of this game... It just looks pretty but nothing works
# 8 jaateloauto @ 01/18/14 10:41 AM
Even if they worked the mode is too awful to play compared to Online Association mode. The last-gen version is a superior product when playing online.
# 9 dre2 @ 01/18/14 01:49 PM
Lol, Online modes don't exist guys, they're like a feeling you get in your heart when you play the (small percentage) of modes that work...then you imagine it in your head and you are whisked away to a place where 2K isn't pissing in our faces with their servers an you can play with your friends like oh let's see...EVERY other game that has an online component.
# 10 JayAtkHar @ 01/19/14 08:14 AM
2k did not do well this year. A broken game that looks pretty
# 11 tariqosuave @ 01/19/14 03:08 PM
My brother and I have a lot of fun with the game but its almost insulting the way 2k avoids talking about this. I love the game but they have to admit its broken and say they want to fix it...They won't admit that cause they have no intention of making any major overhauls of it.
# 12 Sixniner @ 01/22/14 11:17 AM
Finally someone notices online leagues are broken!!!!!!
# 13 tariqosuave @ 01/22/14 10:46 PM
My question is why is this buried in the online forum like you don't want the Devs to see it. Put it on the front page and give it a sticky. If we as a community don't make this a priority it will never be. But we'll have 1000 posts about people wearing the wrong headbands or socks.
# 14 tariqosuave @ 01/23/14 07:10 PM
I tweeted one of the devs and it they said that the devs are aware of the issues. A new patch is coming and hopefully they'll address some of those issues. so yea no... don't expect much.

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