05:25 PM - December 16, 2013 by RaychelSnr
Ah yes December. The time of Christmas, Hannakuh, cold weather, and Dallas Cowboy collapses.
While head chief Steve Noah (who is an avid Cowboys fan) probably doesn't approve of this news post -- I think it's important for us to try to figure out if there is a potential Madden rating, real or not, which could sum up how the Cowboys could take a 23 point lead and squander it over a half of football.
Is it some sort of Tony Romo 42ovr clutch rating? Is it a Jason Garrett playcall 44ovr rating? Do we give the Cowboys a special team ability that lowers everyone's ratings by 10-20 points as December hits? Is it simply the defense needs its ratings lowered for the Cowboys?
Sound off with your own ratings ideas to explain away the Cowboys collapse.