I've never, EVER, EVER seen a more embarassing, ridicolous, pathetic software label than EA Sports.
Seriously, only word is SHAME. They release an useless patch saying they fixed the " CFM User vs User injuries problem", and the patch doesn't fix anything. Is this a joke?
As if it was not enough frustrating having, since 4 months, a football videogame without injuries (like removing offsides from soccer or tomatoes from pizza), now that we all probably had given up on that, Ea Sports come out with the big announcement... feel like trolled? nah , EA it's in the game!
Should have patched formation subs for offline and online gamers. I will stick it out with this game but EA will never get another dime from me. The most incompetent company I know outside of financial and oil industry. This is why 2K and MLB The Show will continue to hand them their --- on a platter.
Guys - I really believe they did more with this patch.
Played a game last night -
Seattle at NY-G
8 min. qtrs, All Pro -w/ user and CPU throw acc at 35.
Seattle won 20-6. It was a really balanced game. The Giants were able to move the ball at times - very limited on the ground as one would expect.
Seattle, by virtue of my repeated choice to run rock, finished with 180 yards on the ground. It didn't feel crazy easy as it would have just a few days ago.
Anyone else feel like EA did something else? Or is this wishful thinking on my part?
Not calling you out but every single time a patch is released we have people who play one game and think the game is improved.
Just saying we need to wait for patch notes instead of saying what we think.
Not calling you out but every single time a patch is released we have people who play one game and think the game is improved.
Just saying we need to wait for patch notes instead of saying what we think.
Sent from my iPhone 5
I've played a couple games since the new patch 1st game I won 26-0 but this game was a struggle neither team could move right before half I connected on a hail mary for td but besides that at time it was 6-0 me. the cmp seemed to move the ball but a mistake brees threw an int in endzone and they turned it over twice on downs.
I only had 64 yards rushing I couldn't get nothing going there wasent no 5-7 yards gains like before my longest run was 18 yards. the cmp had 10 carries 48 yards.
second game I played seattle I won it as time expired 21-14 lynch had 14 carries 78 yards my rb mcgahee had 14 carries 102 yards long run of 28. it was a 14-7 lead for seattle until I made lynch fumble was able to get the tieing td ... went into the 4th quarter hawks had chance win with 1:44 left in game but the 53 yard fg was wide left. I got great field postion milked the clock dinking dunking threw in few runs mcgahee crossed the goalline as time expired I won 21-14.
both games were struggle running the ball both teams passing was as well like I said the first game the haily mary was the longest pass of the game for either team that was 54 yards.
again second game same thing I think the longest pass was 30 yards?? and that was the seahawk's Baldwin.
im playing with charters sliders with few adjustments and before this last patch using charters sliders the sec patch broke his sliders me and the cmp were having huge running games I mean not even out the 1st quarter and I was either over or near 100 yards rushing and cmp had a crazy running game. this patch seemed to readjust charters sliders to how they was before.
Maybe, it's also a combo of slider sets, but I've played 3 games now with the patch, and the D has absolutely been upgraded. Their pursuit angles are solid. The LBs are playing quality gap control and the dline is firing off the ball better. Running is tougher because of this, but certainly not impossible. Game feels much more real right now. Only one big negative I'm noticing, it seems like the entire d is completely preoccupied with what's going on behind the line of scrimmage. On a run, this is fine as they run to the ball. On a pass, however, zone coverage seems that much worse than it already was. Run a slant post patch against zone and see what I'm talking about. I've tried every pass coverage slider (0, 31, 50, 100, etc.), and I see the same thing, it's like the LBs are absolutely fixated on the backfield and can't be bothered with a WR running into their zone. So, overall, I'm happy with the patch and whether by accident or not, it has helped the defense. Btw, i am NOT an ea fanboy and miss 2k sorely, but wanted to post my positive thoughts on this patch.
I have played plenty of games since the patch.......it fixed online CFM injuries.
Which are working now.
I have noticed nothing else. Which is fine by me. Love the game.
funny that they turned back on injuries.....but never have fixed the problem with IR.... that's been broke since the game came out in august.
what use of even putting the lil symbol next to their name if when u start a new cfm everybody's healthy???? and theirs no use for that with online ranked games because u can use injuried players on that as we'll ea should just remove that symbol.
and yet what I find funny with the whole IR thing is they never came out and said why it didn't work??? lmfao. here we are 5 months later and not one peep on that subject.
funny that they turned back on injuries.....but never have fixed the problem with IR.... that's been broke since the game came out in august.
what use of even putting the lil symbol next to their name if when u start a new cfm everybody's healthy???? and theirs no use for that with online ranked games because u can use injuried players on that as we'll ea should just remove that symbol.
and yet what I find funny with the whole IR thing is they never came out and said why it didn't work??? lmfao. here we are 5 months later and not one peep on that subject.
Fill me in on the IR bug. I am not aware of that. I am venturing to guess that if you put a player on IR for an injury that is not a season long injury they can come back?
EG out 10 weeks.....so you put him IR and pcik up a new player but can get the IR player back in the same year even though it was not season ending?
Fill me in on the IR bug. I am not aware of that. I am venturing to guess that if you put a player on IR for an injury that is not a season long injury they can come back?
EG out 10 weeks.....so you put him IR and pcik up a new player but can get the IR player back in the same year even though it was not season ending?
no the IR bug..... is how when a player gets hurt in real life EA puts the lil symbol next to there name so when u start up a new cfm with the newest roster update .... all lil symbols vanish from the injuried players so u start with 100% healthy roster which sorta kill's the realism of ppl who wanna play the season with players who are actually hurt in real life.
like I said this has been broke since the game dropped in august .... and EA's yet to fix it and doubt they will with the season almost over. but funny how the IR works fine once the season starts.