Gran Turismo 6 News Post

Check out the official Gran Turismo 6 launch trailer. The game hits store shelves today!

Game: Gran Turismo 6Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 5 - View All
Gran Turismo 6 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Hellisan @ 12/06/13 04:35 AM
Interesting. Will be interesting to see facts on total car count, number of car interiors, places where they've been cutting corners pretty badly.
# 2 N51_rob @ 12/06/13 11:14 AM
Very excited! Only reason I still have my PS3 is for this title.
# 3 ai2k2 @ 12/09/13 08:25 PM
Been on last gen too long. Already jumped into next gen and I can not wait for GT 7 on PS4. Should be jaw dropping

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