NBA Live 14 News Post

If you read my review of NBA Live 14, then you should have an idea that the game's developers have a mountain of work towering above them. Even the team has acknowledged the game must be fixed, by posting an apology and promise to bring NBA Live to an acceptable level of performance and play.

Now here we are, with a specific checklist of what needs to be improved to make NBA Live 14 worth the $60 that Electronic Arts is asking basketball fans to pay.

Read More - How To Fix NBA Live 14

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Rebel_INS @ 11/26/13 12:56 PM
A bottle of Johnnie Walker Black, a vile of Vicodin and a 357 to the temple...that's a good start
# 22 RayRay34 @ 11/26/13 01:00 PM
I see everyone mention player #0 in rewind mode. How about multiple guys on the same team or both teams? Had Spencer Hawes check in for the Pacers one rewind and had two Kyle Korvers on the floor at the same time for the Hawks.... I can't be the only person who had this happen to them.
# 23 GisherJohn24 @ 11/26/13 01:01 PM
They should have released it before it was out of Beta Stages. Plain and simple. They would never admit it was, but it is. It's not finished.
# 24 The 24th Letter @ 11/26/13 01:10 PM
# 25 The 24th Letter @ 11/26/13 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
  • Eliminate clipping issues with limbs, bodies and the ball.
    at this point no game is without clipping.
  • Make steal attempts more dependent on proper collision physics and less reliant on attribute-driven "dice rolls."
    from what ive seen steals seem to be based on actually getting a hand on the ball. but again this is something that no game has perfected.
  • Provide more on-screen feedback explaining why shots do or do not go in (late timing, contested shot, off-balance attempt, etc.).
  • Eliminate clipping issues between the screener and the on-ball defender.
    see above
  • Enhance the effectiveness of screens and how often they impede an on-ball defender.
    not every screen needs to be powerful. they are meant to create a small opening in the defense. i would say this game does a decent job of that. a more explosive first step would correct this issue rather than making getting around a screen take longer.
  • Referees make way too many incorrect blocking calls or no-calls and not enough charging calls.
    another one of those things that i really havent seen done well in any game to date. charging calls are incredibly rare in any game ive played in my life.
  • Create an in-game Jalen Rose model that appears on-screen during his studio show.
    this is fluff thats not necessary until the rest of the game is great. definitely not even worth mentioning for a first year. most games today dont even have ingame models of the commentators.
  • Have Jalen Rose show video highlights, not just box scores, for the night's out-of-town games.
    again this is something that should be looked at for a future game and not for a year one fix. once the current halftime show is seamless they can add in things like that.
  • Solve the random in-game crashes.
    this is not specific to nba live. rather it is a console issue.
  • Reevaluate each position's starting attributes. The default ratings are way too low for a first-round pick.
    this is subjective. you are choosing the type of player you want to become not the type of player you already are. the career modes are meant to make you work to become a better player. you also have the option to increase a few ratings before playing. ive seen plenty of people do just fine with their default ratings.
  • Develop off-the-court storylines and cut scenes.
    this is another unnecessary thing for year one. focus on the base of the mode first. not everyone wants a scripted storyline and cut scenes. some people just want to play the game as themselves or create their own play style. they dont need a story behind it.
Assuming he crashing problem is SOLELY on the PS4/XBO side, then that's the only legitimate grievance you have here...

I didn't see anywhere in this article where Live was asked to be perfect...the opening paragraph asked that the dev team IMPROVE upon these things. Should Live leave the game as is and just update the roster for next year because "no game has perfected" any of these aspects they need to improve on?

Some things like a full scale Jalen Rose models for half time (which has been done in a game before, and is something people have wanted to see again since) and story lines are indeed subjective...but these are just simple suggestions that the Live team should consider....
# 26 Boilerbuzz @ 11/26/13 01:19 PM
It's so disappointing that people that claim to be fans of the series have the attitude that some things can't be done because they think it's not possible, or because it's done in a competitor and therefore should be avoided.

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# 27 dat boi Q @ 11/26/13 01:32 PM
It's has to start at the top first. The suits have to get out the way.
# 28 El_Poopador @ 11/26/13 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Assuming he crashing problem is SOLELY on the PS4/XBO side, then that's the only legitimate grievance you have here...

I didn't see anywhere in this article where Live was asked to be perfect...the opening paragraph asked that the dev team IMPROVE upon these things. Should Live leave the game as is and just update the roster for next year because "no game has perfected" any of these aspects they need to improve on?

Some things like a full scale Jalen Rose models for half time (which has been done in a game before, and is something people have wanted to see again since) and story lines are indeed subjective...but these are just simple suggestions that the Live team should consider....
im not saying these arent things that shouldnt be added. im saying its incredibly unrealistic to expect these not only in a single year but to add them in after the fact.

Now here we are, with a specific checklist of what needs to be improved to make NBA Live 14 worth the $60 that Electronic Arts is asking basketball fans to pay.
he is saying this entire list needs to be accomplished to make this years game worth $60. that is completely unreasonable since the majority of the list is not implemented in any game.

keep in mind i only listed those things that are just ridiculous to expect so soon. things that are either not major points of emphasis or that if they did it would be groundbreaking for the video game world (eliminating clipping for example). there are a lot of the fixes that i agree with and that should be implemented sooner rather than later.
# 29 laxman490 @ 11/26/13 01:48 PM
"Allow defenders to move their feet and keep their hands up simultaneously."

really?! that is sad that this has to be on the list.
# 30 outkaz79 @ 11/26/13 02:01 PM
How to fix Live..... A large field and a bunch of lighter fluid
# 31 GisherJohn24 @ 11/26/13 02:28 PM
They should have done what 2k did. Remove modes and ONLY focus on gameplay . Get the game to play nice and be fun before you tell us all the nice features. Great gameplay > More modes
# 32 believeinnow @ 11/26/13 03:28 PM
All pretty realistic improvements that can definitely be implemented in NBA LIVE 15...I am certain they are taking note of this and other lists people are making
# 33 vtcrb @ 11/26/13 04:04 PM
They NEED to concentrate on the BASICs of a basketball game. Gameplay, Ability to Create and Edit Players and Teams and Playing a Career with those Players and Teams. Also SOLID On-line Servers to support On-Line play and Uploads. I know guys want So MANY options but if you Have SOLID On-Line and OFF-Line Game Modes(Association for Both) and Customization you are addressing all Avenues of game. Nail those things 1st and then you BUILD on it.

On a side not I think they should also reach out to guys who are passionate about helping getting LIVE back at the Top. Get some On-Line Players, get some CAP and CAT guys, get some Roster Makers, get some ON-Line Players, Get some Off-Line Players and brainstorm with them.

I have already Tweeted a couple EA guys offering to help out any way I could, I would LOVE to see some of the other guys who are SERIOUS about improving LIVE Tweet them as well. Let them know we WANT them to succeed. And i believe getting back in touch with their Fan Base is a Great way to go about it.
# 34 CujoMatty @ 11/26/13 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by vtcrb
They NEED to concentrate on the BASICs of a basketball game. Gameplay, Ability to Create and Edit Players and Teams and Playing a Career with those Players and Teams. Also SOLID On-line Servers to support On-Line play and Uploads. I know guys want So MANY options but if you Have SOLID On-Line and OFF-Line Game Modes(Association for Both) and Customization you are addressing all Avenues of game. Nail those things 1st and then you BUILD on it.

On a side not I think they should also reach out to guys who are passionate about helping getting LIVE back at the Top. Get some On-Line Players, get some CAP and CAT guys, get some Roster Makers, get some ON-Line Players, Get some Off-Line Players and brainstorm with them.

I have already Tweeted a couple EA guys offering to help out any way I could, I would LOVE to see some of the other guys who are SERIOUS about improving LIVE Tweet them as well. Let them know we WANT them to succeed. And i believe getting back in touch with their Fan Base is a Great way to go about it.
Never gonna happen. EA doesnt care about you. They dont want to "reach out" to anyone. They would much rather just "reach in" to your wallet.
# 35 vtcrb @ 11/26/13 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by cujomatty
Never gonna happen. EA doesnt care about you. They dont want to "reach out" to anyone. They would much rather just "reach in" to your wallet.
Everyone has their opinion, but with EA losing out on the revenue from NCAA football, they NEED Live to succeed. From all accounts IF they dont make MAJOR changes in LIVE15, no one will consider letting them in their wallet.

You are probably right they will just Ignore what I have said and my Tweets, but you never know. At least I can say I made the effort.
# 36 Techlive @ 11/26/13 04:19 PM
Fix where the above picture is not how the game actually looks is a good start....lol
# 37 Caius101 @ 11/26/13 05:26 PM
I could live with quite a few of its current issues IF it handled like even a ps3/360 game. It doesn't. It's stiff and the animations are extremely robotic. There are early PS3/Xbox 360 games that possess far more clean and flowing movements than this game...
# 38 stillfeelme @ 11/26/13 05:27 PM
EA has to do so much to catch up. There one opportunity to get a leg up with a chance of more than 1 dev cycle of time and they blew it. Now they must fix on a year to year basis. It starts with upper management giving adequate resources, time and talent lined up to make a true basketball game. After playing the demo it is clear that they didn't have enough resources, talent or time to get things going in the right direction. They have been adding small elements to what what was elite 11 and tweaking some things to get where there are at 14 which is still far behind. The dribbling looks good but besides that you don't have a very good basketball game. What happened to some resemblance of physics/ignite? What does these games share as far as movement? Why do players in FIFA don't run like players in Live, Madden etc. I am not saying they should be the same but Live movement is just bad.
  • They need a movetech to get the players movement right. Context of animations the animations themselves are just bad overall
  • They need a "John Madden" of basketball to instill some true basketball principles IMO that will put pressure on top management to either get with better basketball or get out the game entirely. Basically an outside real NBA basketball analyst/purist with credentials that will not stand for a half-baked product.
  • Better physics, contact
# 39 bigeastbumrush @ 11/26/13 05:45 PM
I hate to say this but EA needs to stick a fork in NBA Live. It's done. It's a wrap. Give up all the licenses.

They need to go the route of NFL 2k8 and make a fictitional basketball game with fake teams and players. Fake arenas. Fake announcers. All fake everything.

This way they won't be held to the expectation of realism and they can give people a fun change of pace from the game that most closely represents that realism.

I wouldn't go the NBA Street route but something that looks like basketball where they won't be held to the standard of actual NBA players and their likenesses.

I know it's wishful thinking because of all the $$$ at stake but I think it's the best idea. Give up the licenses and allow another studio to take on making the game because when it comes to EA and the NBA, they just can't get it right.

If you try to build next year off the '14 foundation, there may be improvement but not enough to move the needle that it would make an impact. Possibly in '16 but by then the other game will be so far ahead that it'll be fruitless.
# 40 LakersForLife @ 11/26/13 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by RUFFNREADY
great list; But this list won't ever be completed, without turning the game into 2K!
EA must have had at least 3/4 of that list on all their black/chalk/white boards, but they didn't have time!!!!
Live14 is their only foundation going forward, and it appears to be on shaky ground! Everything you do and see in Live14, is in NBA ELITE! (and that's SCARY).
Don't get me totally wrong here; Live's ESPN package is real nooice! It's just that everything else falls way short of being finished!
Now, I do have a quick analogy: Building as House vs NBA LIVE 14;
You start with a foundation (of course, you have a construction plan *); maybe EA has one?
You plan on the time of year that you would like to start building! (Does make a difference when you start your project); EA, used some parts, and an old foundation* for LIVE14
You start construction on your home! EA has been placing things inside this "foundation", trying to see what fits where*
While building your home; there are certain "procedures", "Steps" while erecting you house! Once again, EA, is just trying to place pieces in the house frame, that they don't really have***
The frame is up and you can now take your time and complete your home in an ordinary fashion!!! EA has given US the "frame" of the house, and has told US that they will be adding pieces on,"On the FLY!!!" Does that not alarm any of you?
EA has rushed this game out, and has no real direction!!
The list JY has presented would be of a good foundation; but EA cannot implement half of those things because it won't FIT!!!!! So don't think any great fixes for this year! $60 is not worth the headaches it would give a die hard LIVE series fan!

EA didn't have the time? Lol

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