FIFA 14 News Post

In what is turning out to be, thus far, the biggest critical success of the next-gen launch season -- FIFA Soccer 14 is now in the hands of tons of gamers who have bought PS4s.

What do you think of the next-gen game? Share your impressions below!

Game: FIFA Soccer 14Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Cavani161 @ 03/12/14 10:03 PM
After playing this game for quite awhile, I've come to know the game pretty well.

This game is lacking big time in how teams play in real life, and player individuality. There is absolutely no excuse as to why this should not be in FIFA 15 with the technology that is present. PES 14 has it down with players running and dribbling like how they do in real life with those that have player ID.

Defense is still bad in this game, as there is no sense of urgency among the defense when a ball dribble is inside the opposing teams penalty box. I see guys taking little baby steps just watching the ball dribbler move around as he wishes. The shooting is the best I've ever seen in a soccer game, as I see all different types of shots as well, specially the outside of the foot.

More attributes need to be added to players to differentiate players from one another. Low pass, lofted pass, ball winning, etc.

Team play, one of my favorite modes to play, not even in the game. Really let me down after I went looking for it in the menus to play. I bought next gen not to downgrade, but to upgrade.

The entire game going forward has potential, but features need to stop being removed, and tighten up the AI as well. If team/player individuality is not added in FIFA 15, I'll be passing it up.
# 102 JODYE @ 03/13/14 03:41 PM
Luckily PES will be a next gen option next year.
# 103 half-fast @ 03/14/14 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by steveeee
are you saying online team play is not in the NG version? I am about to buy a PS4 for MLB and going to pick up FIFA with it but if that is true... I might have to pass on FIFA and just wait for the show. why would they remove that? I thought this was one of the most popular modes in the game...?
Online teamplay is *definitely* still in the game. I think you can only use your pro though.
# 104 slthree @ 03/14/14 10:08 PM
Mini review from a PES fan (if anybody cares)

Graphics, Presentation, Commentary are PERFECTION, utterly beautiful

The fact that certain replays are delayed is brilliant! You'll think they forgot to replay something, but a few moments later, when there's a break in the action they will come back and replay it. OMG, I'm blown away by this

The commentary is astonishing, and that is not hyperbole. The first time I sent a long lofted cross, the commentator actually said the name of the receiving target before I even knew who I was crossing too.

I've always been bothered in FIFA games that the cpu doesn't pass backwards and doesn't shoot from distance so naturally that was the first thing I looked for and I was blown away to see the cpu did both.

I'm most bothered by 2 things:

I don't detect individual player styles and differences. It seems like even really lowly rated players can do some pretty nice things on the ball.

Also, although I put the pass error slider to 90 for the cpu, the Red Bulls still had 91% pass accuracy.

Side note that doesn't bother me much but in my last game, 1 player from each team had multicolor hair from the regular camera view and was completely headless when zoomed in
# 105 TheCloser @ 04/01/14 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by LingeringRegime
Just traded mine in today. Between never finding anyone online to play a manual season game, and the predictable way the matches unfold offline.

I just couldn't handle it anymore.
I wish i had done this instead of breaking mine. $77 down the drain. First time i ever broke anything too. This game is appalling. It is wonderfully packaged but the gameplay is just bad. Very very bad. A poor representation of the sport. Can someone please tell me why almost all EA sports games have bad ai? Its been like this since the ps2 era. If you go to the madden, fifa, nhl and nba boards, you will see lots of complaints about the AI. I expected this to be addressed over the ps360 gen but it was essentially just a wasted gen. We saw lots of advancements in the graphics and animation but the AI remained stagnant. Gameplay is fundamental; you can't play graphics. There are ps2 soccer games with better AI. /rant
# 106 NightmareBooster @ 05/02/14 09:14 AM
Yesterday I picked up Madden 25 for XB1. I haven't played a Madden game since Madden '12 (or was it '11) so gameplay felt different enough compared to when I last played. However, on starting up my season and browsing through what I can do as Coach, instead of thinking to myself, "Wow, this looks good," I thought instead, "Damn, FIFA is booty."

Having just started I'm not sure how robust the features are but for those of you who don't play Madden, here are a few things we're missing out on:

-A progression system where the XP you get can be redeemed towards improving your team
-Weekly, Season, and Career milestones that award said XP
-The option to practice scenarios weekly in pre-game prep that award XP based on performance

This is it people, this is what CM in FIFA is missing: Team Building. Like I said, I can't yet speak to how robust it's implementation is, however, that fact that it's present at all speaks volumes compared to the fact that it's missing in FIFA.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy this year's offering, but the GTN pales in comparison to what Madden has going on. After the 3 hours of Madden I played yesterday, I honestly don't know if I'll be able to play FIFA '15 if it's missing at least some of the Career features that another EA game gets to have.
# 107 NightmareBooster @ 05/22/14 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Cre8
It could be that I am relatively new to FIFA...
Also, the gameplay is virtually perfect without any major glitches (in my view). As far as the comment above, I really don't think this game needs something like the XP that Madden has flubbed for a couple years now.
Fair enough. However, after playing the same CM across various iterations of FIFA, I'm of the opinion that the mode is long overdue for some innovation.

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