NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports has released their NBA Live 14 video featuring ESPN presentation.

Basketball broadcasts feel like special events when you watch them on TV. In order to immerse fans with true-to-life NBA presentation, NBA LIVE 14 has formed an exclusive partnership with ESPN and will feature the network’s broadcast talent and authentic graphics packages. With all the broadcast wipes and graphics of a real ESPN broadcast, as well as authentic arena camera locations for each NBA arena, fans will be able to experience NBA basketball in a video game with more authenticity than ever before..

ESPN talent Mike Breen, Jeff Van Gundy, and Jalen Rose bring their talents to the NBA LIVE 14 airwaves and will make it feel as if you’re watching an actual ESPN broadcast. Breen and Van Gundy will handle broadcasting duties, while Rose will host pregame, halftime, and provide postgame wrap-ups.

In its commitment to being the most up-to-date NBA game ever, Rose will also provide dynamic weekly updates, calling out league news and top in-game performances. Just like the NBA LIVE 14 soundtrack, Rose’s updates will continue throughout the season. Play well enough and you could get your very own shoutout from Jalen himself.

Source - EA Sports

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
NBA Live 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Mrcabone @ 11/14/13 05:16 PM
LOL,everything but gameplay,which will sell me on the game more than anything else would.
# 2 Boilerbuzz @ 11/14/13 05:20 PM
Ugh... It's sad that the first comment on this post is a yet another call for gameplay footage.

Rose seems REALLY excited to do this. I would expect his stuff to be pretty good. I don't know if it would sound weird that he's doing recaps like that, but we will see.
# 3 coolcras7 @ 11/14/13 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Ugh... It's sad that the first comment on this post is a yet another call for gameplay footage.

Rose seems REALLY excited to do this. I would expect his stuff to be pretty good. I don't know if it would sound weird that he's doing recaps like that, but we will see.
yeah thats odd, why would anyone want to see gameplay
# 4 Boilerbuzz @ 11/14/13 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
yeah thats odd, why would anyone want to see gameplay
No. You misunderstand. That comment has a double purpose:

1. Yes, we are still hijacking threads talking about it. That sucks.
2. It's to the point where it really is a major, valid complaint. That sucks.
# 5 the_future420 @ 11/14/13 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
yeah thats odd, why would anyone want to see gameplay
Its odd to want to see gameplay in a post called Live 14: Presentation trailer.

Of course everybody wants to see gameplay in general for this game
# 6 strawberryshortcake @ 11/14/13 05:30 PM
Presentation looks solid. Opening shot of arena, game intro music finally resembles (audio and visual) an NBA broadcast.

Side note: Warm up cut scene has smooth animation (as it should). Clearly the development team knows what smooth animations are, just not sure why it's not ultimately implemented during gameplay.
# 7 eastcoast49ers @ 11/14/13 05:48 PM
Pair Live's presentation w/ 2k's graphics and gameplay and THAT would be the game to get.
# 8 siraulo234 @ 11/14/13 05:50 PM
I loveeee nba live's presentation

NBA Live 10's crowd atmosphere/arena sounds is just awesome, 2k isnt even close, def one thing EA got on point

I had a chance to play elite and even though the gameplay was meh, the atmosphere still got me hyped and ur into every possession offense and defense..

I really wanna get this game but Im not sure it's worth 60 bucks, I guess there's the demo for that
# 9 JBulls @ 11/14/13 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Side note: Warm up cut scene has smooth animation (as it should). Clearly the development team knows what smooth animations are, just not sure why it's not ultimately implemented during gameplay.
Are you sure that it's not just one entirely long animation? That's the impression I get anyway...
# 10 MarkWilliam @ 11/14/13 06:52 PM
Also, nice to see the authentic arena cameras added to Live now..... small detail but one that I am a fan of in the "other game".....

Nice little addition...
# 11 miller31time @ 11/14/13 06:57 PM
When is the exclusive ESPN license up for renewal? I'd be very interested in seeing if ESPN would go with a change and switch to 2K.
# 12 lakers24 @ 11/14/13 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by miller31time
When is the exclusive ESPN license up for renewal? I'd be very interested in seeing if ESPN would go with a change and switch to 2K.
ESPN and Electronic Arts announced a 15-year integrated marketing agreement on Monday that will allow for all of EA's sports franchises to have access to the network's programming and personalities.
That was announced in 2005 and it didn't take place until 2006 ugh...
# 13 magicman32 @ 11/14/13 08:09 PM
Aspects of the presentation looked good. Everything else looked current gen. Looked like Live 10 graphically.
# 14 Don Jon @ 11/14/13 08:22 PM
ESPN and Electronic Arts announced a 15-year integrated marketing agreement on Monday that will allow for all of EA's sports franchises to have access to the network's programming and personalities.
Originally Posted by lakers24
That was announced in 2005 and it didn't take place until 2006 ugh...
Someone needs to let the madden dev team know about this, cause apparently they were out of the loop when this email went out, smh
# 15 strawberryshortcake @ 11/14/13 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Presentation looks solid. Opening shot of arena, game intro music finally resembles (audio and visual) an NBA broadcast.

Side note: Warm up cut scene has smooth animation (as it should). Clearly the development team knows what smooth animations are, just not sure why it's not ultimately implemented during gameplay.
Originally Posted by JBulls
Are you sure that it's not just one entirely long animation? That's the impression I get anyway...
Do you mean:
A) one entirely long gameplay animation that's executable in game?
B) one entirely long cut scene animation?

I'm saying it's entirely a cut scene because that type of smoothness has never been seen in Live gameplay. Also take notice of the other players in the background. The smoothness is usually only apparent during EA cut scenes. Even with what little Live14 gameplay footage we've seen, Live14 seemingly will have the same classic EA robotic animation.

I went back to youtube and took a look at all prior Live releases. There's a quality to Live's animation that's a trademark to both LIVE and MADDEN's franchises ever since the PS3/XBOX360 era hit.
# 16 coolcras7 @ 11/14/13 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by the_future420
Its odd to want to see gameplay in a post called Live 14: Presentation trailer.

Of course everybody wants to see gameplay in general for this game
The fact is we all know the thing Live has always done right, and that is the only thing they have been showing, it is getting ridiculous at this point, that is what i meant.
# 17 MarvinOida @ 11/14/13 08:56 PM
Is it me or when Jalen is doing pre game stuff he sounds off for some reason. Though the presentation does look nice but are they all gonna have them start doing layups?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 18 TreyIM2 @ 11/14/13 08:58 PM
The presentation graphics package along with the stadium shots looked wonderful and I know the crowd audio is gunna be sick because we all know how Live has had that down pat for the past few games but eek to those paddle hands in that vid. Why are those STILL in Live next gen??
# 19 jimbo22 @ 11/14/13 08:59 PM
Presentation looks great. One thing that has always lacked from 2k's games is the presentation. It should look like you are watching a TV game when you play these games.

Now we can only hope for some good gameplay.
# 20 Jano @ 11/14/13 09:03 PM
Come on EA I figured they'd at least have a few clips of gameplay for Mike Breen and JVG.

I like where they are going with the presentation just thought that was odd to see. Guess ill see it in action once the demo drops for PS4.

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