MLB 14 The Show News Post

Owen Good of Kotaku has the story on how MLB 14: The Show's new feature of allowing saves from this year to carry into future editions of the game saved thousands of promising, budding careers.

"What MLB The Show said last night is, I only have to do that one more time. I can create Owen Good in MLB 14 The Show, make the majors, and never look back. I could play out the rest of my seasons in real time and, assuming the series lasts this long, hang up my uniform in MLB 34 The Show on the PlayStation 7.P

Why did it take this long to get this breakthrough? People assume there's some sort of dark publisher motive behind it, to keep each edition distinct and drive people to buy the next one in the series. I have no idea how allowing a gamesave to carry forward disincentivizes the purchase of the latest edition of the series. If anything, knowing that I can take my lapsed "character" and still play him in the best-looking, best-playing edition of the series gives me even more incentive to get back on the wagon and pick up the new $60 game when it releases."

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Gagnon39 @ 11/06/13 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Maybe that's how the future of the MLB will be?
People screamed that the Red Sox were too good in this years version when it came out.
SCEA predicts the future....embrace it.

Knight, you always have well thought out and insightful comments. I don't think I've ever seen you get into even a minor squabble on these forums and I respect your thoughts and ideas. However, I think we both know that's a bit of a stretch. If, in five years the lowest team batting average in the MLB is .307 and the best team ERA is 5.20 I'll be very, very surprised.
# 22 tabarnes19_SDS @ 11/06/13 05:16 PM
I think KNIGHT'S comments were a little tongue in cheek.
# 23 Blzer @ 11/06/13 05:21 PM
I don't understand why people say that you wouldn't buy the next game in the series if this was implemented. Wouldn't it be the other way around? Suddenly I want to buy future ones for this very reason, so now I can continue my franchise.

Besides franchise mode itself, this is the best feature in a sports game ever. Period. Props to SCEA.
# 24 Heroesandvillains @ 11/06/13 05:29 PM
Am I the only one that's going to miss Armor & Sword's detailed descriptions of his 37 different Franchises spanning 5 different versions of the game?

Yeah Blzer, I agree. Someone said "game changer" earlier and I couldn't have put it better myself.
# 25 Knight165 @ 11/06/13 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
Knight, you always have well thought out and insightful comments. I don't think I've ever seen you get into even a minor squabble on these forums and I respect your thoughts and ideas. However, I think we both know that's a bit of a stretch. If, in five years the lowest team batting average in the MLB is .307 and the best team ERA is 5.20 I'll be very, very surprised.

Originally Posted by tabarnes19
I think KNIGHT'S comments were a little tongue in cheek.

# 26 CMH @ 11/06/13 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
I dont think people realise how revolutionary this is...this has been needed for years...One of my biggest gripes with sports gaming in general. HAving to start over when in only 2/3rds through my season on last years version...

More sites should be praising this, but the show always gets ignored mainly, despite its impeccable quality.
I don't think The Show gets ignored at all. It's consistently rated one of the best games of the year by several gaming outlets. People always complain how boring and stupid baseball is, and those same people always talk about how revolutionary and amazing The Show is. They get it, even if they don't specifically like the particular content of the product.

This is one of those features that will raise the attention of several other developers in sports gaming. Gamers will demand it even more. And now that one game can do it, no one will ever understand why the other could not.

Sent from my mobile device.
# 27 SoxFan01605 @ 11/06/13 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Braincramps
I dont think people realise how revolutionary this is...this has been needed for years...One of my biggest gripes with sports gaming in general. HAving to start over when in only 2/3rds through my season on last years version...

More sites should be praising this, but the show always gets ignored mainly, despite its impeccable quality.
Well, it's early for one. Baseball season just wrapped up, the game doesn't come out until March/April, and other sports will be launching with the system, making them more "up front" at the moment.

Plus, while it's definitely a big feature, it's also difficult to truly measure its impact until we can see it in effect (which really won't be until MLB 15). Currently, we don't even know how it's intended to work, let alone that it does work.
# 28 Jimbo614 @ 11/06/13 07:16 PM
I love you
# 29 bp4baseball @ 11/06/13 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
Wonder how it will work if a guy retires so his player model is no longer in the next version of the game, but he's still in your roster file. So if in MLB 14, i don't finish and Jeter is still on my team but retires in real life and isn't in MLB 15, will his player model still be in MLB 15 when I load up my MLB 14 file?
I have no idea how it works so take this for what it's worth, but I imagine every player model has a bunch of code in the background that creates him. So every feature, from eyebrow color to nose length has a value assigned with it. If you feed the game all the values together, it can spit out the same model.
# 30 Teigh Cubs Teigh @ 11/06/13 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by bp4baseball
I have no idea how it works so take this for what it's worth, but I imagine every player model has a bunch of code in the background that creates him. So every feature, from eyebrow color to nose length has a value assigned with it. If you feed the game all the values together, it can spit out the same model.
I have no idea how it works technically either, but I imagine that you're right. I would guess that it could work similarly to the custom rosters like the OSFM where each player's model is represented within the roster even though they technically do not exist naturally on the disc.
# 31 Majingir @ 11/06/13 10:34 PM
Probably already asked, but is the carry over stuff a PS4 exclusive or will it be possible on PS3 as well?
# 32 24 @ 11/07/13 12:57 AM
The Show never fails to impress. Features that I only dreamed of are becoming a reality.
# 33 MrOldboy @ 11/07/13 03:00 AM
I just hope this means that all pitching motions and batting stances might get carried over year to year now instead of being replaced. Every year I miss some of the ones that get removed from the previous year. For instance this year it was Cano's stance from 12, I thought it was pretty good and disliked the new one. If they carry over that would be fantastic.

But I can also just see them giving any player that has a stance/motion that is not in the new game (i.e. they change Pujols' stance from 14 to 15 and you had the 14 stance on another player) the generic one. It might make the editor extremely cluttored if it had every stance ever from MLB 14 MLB 18 or beyond.
# 34 FBeaule04 @ 11/07/13 02:04 PM
If I was Darryl Sheets, I would just say : "This is why I do it, the WOW Factor!"

Amazing news, just plain amazing!
# 35 nuckles2k2 @ 11/08/13 08:29 AM
MLB '14 just saved thousands of careers, and it looks like SCEA is doing their damnedest to get me to neglect my business, go under, and destroy my career...

Cause man...this is lovely.
# 36 moose616 @ 11/11/13 02:21 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned another major benefit of this feature:

The time spent on the annual OSFM project will be slashed into a fraction of what it takes on PS3. Those involved won't have to start from scratch every year, which means those of us who hold off on starting RTTS or Franchise for the OSFM release won't have to wait nearly as long.

The Show just keeps getting better and better.
# 37 MLB Bob @ 11/12/13 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by moose616
I'm surprised no one has mentioned another major benefit of this feature:

The time spent on the annual OSFM project will be slashed into a fraction of what it takes on PS3. Those involved won't have to start from scratch every year, which means those of us who hold off on starting RTTS or Franchise for the OSFM release won't have to wait nearly as long.

The Show just keeps getting better and better.
So you are assuming they will share their franchise file? I guess thats possible. Someone could take the time to start a franchise file in different set ups for people who dont play 30 team control etc, but I assume as well that people will want SCEA created faces players and stats true to life and not someones franchise file thats a few years in. Maybe Im missing something?
# 38 hysteria499 @ 11/16/13 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by nuckles2k2
MLB '14 just saved thousands of careers, and it looks like SCEA is doing their damnedest to get me to neglect my business, go under, and destroy my career...

Cause man...this is lovely.
Stay strong my friend. I know once it comes out and I finally buy my ps4. Well you can say I will be umm sick and miss a couple days of work...
# 39 DropkickCleary @ 12/14/13 02:45 AM
I love you SCEA. I love you.
# 40 Cardinals4Life @ 12/29/13 01:17 AM
Omg!!!! When is the next info about the game going to come out!!! The suspense is killing me.

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