NBA 2K14 News Post

Check out the latest NBA 2K14 next-gen screenshot featuring Terrence Ross. More screenshots can be seen here, just in case you missed them.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 ZoneSix @ 10/28/13 04:32 PM
nice. ross is a beast.
# 2 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/28/13 04:37 PM
Kyrie in the background
# 3 24 @ 10/28/13 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
Jerseys still "floating" off the body I see. SMH.
Do you honestly expect everything to be perfect? The fact that the cyber faces and bodies are this amazing and look so life-like should be enough. It's their first try at a next gen console title. Once next years release roles around It won't even be there. Cut 2K some slack. Who cares if the Jerseys float a little? Does it really make that much of a difference? Does it effect how the game plays? No. Not trying to rant here but stop being so critical over something that's extremely trivial.
# 4 jayman504 @ 10/28/13 04:40 PM
LOL somebody get Ross to a soup kitchen cause he looks Malnourished!!!
# 5 cthurt @ 10/28/13 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by jayman504
LOL somebody get Ross to a soup kitchen cause he looks Malnourished!!!
lol I cant lie I had to google him to see if he was really this skinny, and he is pretty close to this, hopefully next year 2k will add more muscle definition to players.
# 6 jayman504 @ 10/28/13 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by cthurt
lol I cant lie I had to google him to see if he was really this skinny, and he is pretty close to this, hopefully next year 2k will add more muscle definition to players.
By all means He's not Goldberg or anything but my gawd..
# 7 apollon42 @ 10/28/13 04:47 PM
Jeez, you guys are a tough crowd. I think the pic looks phenomenal. Ross really is close to that skinny. Have you seen other next gen sports titles. This looks sick.
# 8 jeremym480 @ 10/28/13 04:52 PM
Looks great as usual, but I'm to the point where I'm tired of seeing screenshots. Let's see some full length game play videos or in-depth blogs about the mode's for Pete's sake.
# 9 basketball444 @ 10/28/13 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
This has been an issue for YEARS now. Sorry I expected it to finally be fixed for next-gen. And it does make the player models look bulkier than they are in real life, always has.

I've praised just about everything else so far, I'm allowed a critique here and there.

Can't wait for this game.
It's not that easy to have the whole jersey as close to the skin as possible. Even some CGI animations have trouble with it let alone something being rendered in real time. Artists usually have to tweak images frame by frame just to get it to look right. No need to waste precious cpu time on something so small that it already looks visually correct as it is.
# 10 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/28/13 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
Looks great as usual, but I'm to the point where I'm tired of seeing screenshots. Let's see some full length game play videos or in-depth blogs about the mode's for Pete's sake.
Usually I would say be patient, but it's under three weeks to release we need gameplay
# 11 SouthBeach @ 10/28/13 05:03 PM
Young T-Dot Flight!

I'd like to see another screen shot mid-dunk.

As a matter of fact, I hope Derozan requests his screen shot as well as Rudy Gay.
# 12 Mintsa @ 10/28/13 05:21 PM
Face looks spot on......I don't know why the Raptors jersey has a red trim going around the arm pit/shoulder ?

Thats not how it is in real life, thats also not how it was current gen ??

It's way to thick.
# 13 Bearsfan1 @ 10/28/13 05:21 PM
Looks great, but the way he's holding onto the ball looks a bit odd.
# 14 CT Pitbull @ 10/28/13 05:27 PM
the "glimmer" in the eyes of some of these players screenshots makes these guys come to life. Faces look great cant wait to hoop it up with this game.
# 15 ZoneSix @ 10/28/13 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by SouthBeach
Young T-Dot Flight!

I'd like to see another screen shot mid-dunk.

As a matter of fact, I hope Derozan requests his screen shot as well as Rudy Gay.
i hope they got rudy gay right. he looks quite off in current gen.
# 16 HakeemOlajuwon @ 10/28/13 05:38 PM
# 17 The 24th Letter @ 10/28/13 05:42 PM
CG >>>> NG
# 18 23 @ 10/28/13 05:48 PM
Im sure the angle is apart of how it looks but im fine with it

I mean, I wasn't a fan of the extra huge jerseys with the funny bodies just to try to fit, so this is a breath of fresh air, and the pic looks good.

I just hope 2k shows us more in game stuff man we have like 2 weeks before release man, come on

Just do a screenshot blowout and move on to the next thing
# 19 allBthere @ 10/28/13 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
CG >>>> NG
I don't get that comment... One of the best things about the NG picture to me is the hands! They look real AND look as if he is actually grasping the ball, rather than CG where in most games it's common that there is space like you see in CG

I remember how funny games used to be with clothing as all one texture, seeing someone in a suit where the tie, lappels, belt ect were all one layer was funny even then. Things are coming along pretty well in my opinion - ANIMATION and AI are what I want to be blown away by in NG, because pure graphics improvements are getting less and less of an 'awe factor' for me.
# 20 23 @ 10/28/13 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by allBthere
I don't get that comment... One of the best things about the NG picture to me is the hands! They look real AND look as if he is actually grasping the ball, rather than CG where in most games it's common that there is space like you see in CG

I remember how funny games used to be with clothing as all one texture, seeing someone in a suit where the tie, lappels, belt ect were all one layer was funny even then. Things are coming along pretty well in my opinion - ANIMATION and AI are what I want to be blown away by in NG, because pure graphics improvements are getting less and less of an 'awe factor' for me.
Sarcasm at its finest man

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