NBA 2K14 News Post

Check out the latest NBA 2K14 next-gen screenshots, featuring Ben McLemore and Xavier Henry.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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# 61 Da_Czar @ 10/27/13 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by LeBronistheKing
My only question with the face scanning is since legends are in the game...are the legend player models of the same graphical quality as the scanned current players? Judging from the trailers, gameplay, and screenshots the player models are extremely true to life and accurate. Nothing has been shown or mentioned about the legends in the game aside from Ronnie2k confirming their inclusion. So I'm just wondering if the legend player models are the same quality as the current roster player models? Honestly if 2K released a next gen Michael Jordan screenshot on par with the LeBron, Ray Allen, and Kobe screens we have already gotten. Operation Sports would likely crash and pre orders would skyrocket.
Great question. I haven't seen a single legend myself so I'm not sure. My hope is that they had their artists spend all their available time make the legends as close to scanned as possible.

Now that you mention it. I wonder if legends are capable of all the emotions the scanned faces are?
# 62 RangersCruz @ 10/27/13 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Great question. I haven't seen a single legend myself so I'm not sure. My hope is that they had their artists spend all their available time make the legends as close to scanned as possible.

Now that you mention it. I wonder if legends are capable of all the emotions the scanned faces are?
Did you see any of the premade faces?
# 63 nosaints26 @ 10/27/13 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by DR Russell
Im sorry but there is absolutely nothing that hints or at least point to this fact. There is no way 2k is using any old technology, these faces were scanned (possibly last season). Well, at least im hoping its all new.
The reason I said that is because the faces in CH 2k8 were more textured and (arguably) better contoured than the latest iterations of current-gen 2K.

Looking at the range of colors on McElmore's forehead alone just reminds me of Choops. It's probably the gloss/sweat effect.

New tech or not, it all looks amazing.
# 64 Liam_93 @ 10/27/13 04:27 PM
So pumped for this!
# 65 Gramps91 @ 10/27/13 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Man the faces are incredible this year
I agree. Very nice.
# 66 jtswag187 @ 10/27/13 09:04 PM
Kyrie should ask for a screenshot
# 67 G5XL @ 10/27/13 10:44 PM
I guess 2k ignored the skinny build guys so long, they figured, hey it's the muscular guys turn. The faces look great, but, as others have said Xavier is way too skinny man.
# 68 Goffs @ 10/27/13 11:15 PM
^ lol true....also noticeable on Iggy...now that we have seen Durant I also want to see Karl Malones body type...
# 69 thareezen @ 10/28/13 12:19 AM
looks good..nice to see that not jus star players are getting treatment
# 70 CMH @ 10/28/13 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Goffs
@kyoto how about you google uncanny valley graphics before quoting me....you know what since you had no idea what it means might as well explain....uncanney valley means that 2k is going for that next level of realism when it comes to faces...I don't see how that's perceived as a negative...
I know what you meant, but that's not what uncanny valley only means.

It's true definition is kind of negative, as it's the term used to explain the negative feelings humans get from watching things that look close-to-real-life but aren't.

Anyway, I knew you meant to sound positive. The faces look amazing.
# 71 CaliDude916 @ 10/28/13 01:35 AM
Kings jerseys are actually purple and not blue!
# 72 Escobeats @ 10/28/13 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Goffs
^ lol true....also noticeable on Iggy...now that we have seen Durant I also want to see Karl Malones body type...
I think Iggy is perfect from the trailers we've seen of him.. In my opinion he was way too big in previous 2K's and is a lot more skinny that most people actually think he's ...
# 73 Goffs @ 10/28/13 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Escobeats
I think Iggy is perfect from the trailers we've seen of him.. In my opinion he was way too big in previous 2K's and is a lot more skinny that most people actually think he's ...
Its not the size it's the lack of muscle definition.... Iggy is one cut dude...
# 74 CaliDude916 @ 10/28/13 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by WISports
Are you referring to the McLemore pic? If so, that is purple.
I can see how that can be misunderstood, let me explain. In current gen, they never got the color right and it's always been blue instead of purple. They finally got the color right.
# 75 Sundown @ 10/28/13 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I'm sure you guys are disappointed however would you really want created faces that may look like gen 3 with how awesome the Gen 4 scanned heads are ?

To get a player created face to show all that emotion etc. and not look crazy is probably going to take some serious work.

In the presentation they talked about how they didn't even want to put in any artist created faces because of the drastic difference between the scanned and in house artist created.

Also keeping in mind all the systems they completely rebuilt and the fact they made 2 games this year. There had to be some area's where they couldn't just blow everything out.

I had my scan done earlier so i will be in the game. I was told that those done at the even just had a scan done for them personally originally I thought they would be included in the game. It appears they will not.
I'd have to see the difference but I think it might be acceptable if the shaders were of the same quality as scanned characters. They could have used some real scanned elements, some high quality artist created ones, allowed us to mix and match, and allowed us to tweak proportions to get an approximate of what we're going for. It would take a lot of work to do well though, but I think this is really needed to nail the MyPlayer experience, or else it's going to feel like MyChrisLD2K or MyCzar.

There is going to be a bunch of DaCzar clones in The Park. Not sure if terrible or awesome.
# 76 alaska2k3 @ 10/28/13 04:05 PM

Terrence Ross just tweeted his

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# 77 cthurt @ 10/28/13 04:10 PM
Almost got a two for one with Kyrie in the back...nice way to tease us 2k.
# 78 kel16harris @ 10/28/13 04:17 PM
You can see Kyrie's body type is unique

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