EA Sports UFC News Post

In a report from GamingBolt, EA Canada creative director Brian Hayes confirms that EA Sports UFC will run at 1080p and will be rendered at 30 FPS with motion blur.

The game itself will be running at 60 FPS, but it will output at 30 FPS with motion blur to keep things looking good. Hayes is quoted as saying the majority of people in a focus test preferred the 30fps with motion blur. It's possible the game simply doesn't look that good at 60 FPS because there is less room for error with the animations when you crank the framerate up that high.

Hayes said, "we discovered that 60 FPS didn’t have a hugely beneficial impact on gameplay, but motion blur had an enormous impact on visual quality."

You can read more on the reasoning for the move over at GamingBolt.

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 aholbert32 @ 10/25/13 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Irishwhiskey119
It won't be a gem unless they give room for hundreds of CAF's and make career mode be veeeeery realistic and fluid.

Otherwise it will just be fun for a bit and then we move on to the next game immediately. People will enjoy fighting online for awhile then get frustrated w/ tactics and quit.

Game needs to be made VERY REAL and VERY DEEP. Hundreds of CAF slots. 500-1000 like fire pro.
500 isnt needed. 100 should be enough if the original roster is big enough.
# 2 strawberryshortcake @ 10/25/13 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Gators1984
This game could be a real gem. Graphically I think it will be about as good as it gets. If they can nail down an organic gameplay and good controls it will be sick.
Games need to continue to progress in both graphics and gameplay, obviously.

But whenever I read an opinion saying that "graphics will be as good as it gets," "there's nothing more they can do graphically," "what more do you want graphically?" and the like, I always cringe a little.

Here's my take on it: If it doesn't look photorealistic, or look as if it was filmed with a director's camera, then improvements to graphics still need to be made. If it looks and behaves like a video game, improvements can and should be made. Why do people keep setting the bar so low?
# 3 HozAndMoose @ 10/25/13 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Games need to continue to progress in both graphics and gameplay, obviously.

But whenever I read an opinion saying that "graphics will be as good as it gets," "there's nothing more they can do graphically," "what more do you want graphically?" and the like, I always cringe a little.

Here's my take on it: If it doesn't look photorealistic, or look as if it was filmed with a director's camera, then improvements to graphics still need to be made. If it looks and behaves like a video game, improvements can and should be made. Why do people keep setting the bar so low?
Not everyone cares about photo realistic graphics. Sure they would be nice. But i can go outside if i want to look at something real. There is only so much devs can do. Even PC games dont have photo realistic characters yet. When that time comes people will enjoy it. But its not a failure if that never happens.
# 4 strawberryshortcake @ 10/25/13 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Not everyone cares about photo realistic graphics. Sure they would be nice. But i can go outside if i want to look at something real. There is only so much devs can do. Even PC games dont have photo realistic characters yet. When that time comes people will enjoy it. But its not a failure if that never happens.
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Let me clarify, I'm not saying the lack of photorealistic graphics and gameplay is a failure.

I'm saying setting the bar low for graphics (and obviously gameplay) is poor. If gamers are saying the graphics on the PS3 is great, that's when I cringe a little.

Not sure why people keep saying "if I want something real, I'll go outside." I want something "realistic" on screen. There's a reason why developers are striving to produce better graphics and better artificial intelligence, and ultimately striving for increased realism. Having real NBA players head and face scan is a sign of wanting the realism in our sports games.

Side track: MLB the Show vs. MLB 2k baseball. Disregarding gameplay, there are a lot of gamers who choose MLB the Show because of the better lighting, graphics, etc. We are visual creatures.
# 5 Guapo516 @ 10/25/13 07:36 PM
I think it's all about the controls. The tutorial has to show exactly how to do things in such a deep game. Thq UFC was incredible but for the most part for me was a bunch random analog movement and button mashing
# 6 strawberryshortcake @ 10/25/13 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gators1984
Let me clarify my statement. I meant as good as it gets for this wave of games. Obviously in the next few years and such graphics will continue to improve and I expect that. But I doubt you'll find a prettier game come next April(?).

Also, I agree that career needs to be deep and CAF needs to also be deep to allow for accurate creation of fighters that don't make the roster and they would allow for a lot of space. But it's all about gameplay for me. An so far this game has quietly impressed the few that had a chance to see what they have so far. They need to deliver on fluid, realistic striking and more importantly create a badass, organic grappling system that flows.
Then we'll agree to agree here. That makes more sense. Progressive improvements towards realism for both graphics and gameplay. But they need to be drastic, not incremental.

But do you know what's missing in most sports games? "Explosive."

I am looking and hoping that sports game developers could start implementing this one key aspect. This will absolutely have to tie into fatigue and stamina. When you're fresh, your "explosiveness" will be at 100%. As you tire, it decreases. Explosiveness is NOT the same as stamina.
# 7 The JareBear @ 10/25/13 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Guapo516
I think it's all about the controls. The tutorial has to show exactly how to do things in such a deep game. Thq UFC was incredible but for the most part for me was a bunch random analog movement and button mashing
Yeah, the big thing for me is the takedown/takedown defense/grappling controls. In THQ UFC you could take down anyone almost at will, in my experience. I think defensive fighting needs to be given a fair chance.
# 8 simgamer0005 @ 10/26/13 02:22 AM
30 FPS? I think this is one of the biggest problems with current-gen gaming. So many games on the 360 and PS3 are released at 30 FPS. With motion blur? 30 FPS with motion blur is not as good as 60 FPS.

Especially in a combat sports game, where physics really matter. I can understand that a game like GTA V is 30 FPS, but games like this should be 60 FPS. I believe it really affects the experience.

There is "less room for error with the animations when you crank the framerate up that high"? Wouldn't the right decision be to make the animations look better at 60 FPS? I'm hoping that the PC version will be 60 FPS, we're in 2013 and games are still getting released at 30 FPS? With motion blur? Seriously? Don't you guys agree that games running at 60 FPS are so much more realistic? You feel like you have more actual control over the player's movements, rather then kind of guessing the timing when it comes to blocking and stuff at 30 FPS.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather play a game at 480p or 720p if it's 60 FPS, rather than 1080p at 30 FPS. There's been such a push for higher resolutions on HD TVs and it's like they forgot about the actual frame rate, you know one of the most important aspects to a video game.
# 9 geisterhome @ 10/26/13 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by simgamer0005
30 FPS? I think this is one of the biggest problems with current-gen gaming. So many games on the 360 and PS3 are released at 30 FPS. With motion blur? 30 FPS with motion blur is not as good as 60 FPS.

Especially in a combat sports game, where physics really matter. I can understand that a game like GTA V is 30 FPS, but games like this should be 60 FPS. I believe it really affects the experience.

There is "less room for error with the animations when you crank the framerate up that high"? Wouldn't the right decision be to make the animations look better at 60 FPS? I'm hoping that the PC version will be 60 FPS, we're in 2013 and games are still getting released at 30 FPS? With motion blur? Seriously? Don't you guys agree that games running at 60 FPS are so much more realistic? You feel like you have more actual control over the player's movements, rather then kind of guessing the timing when it comes to blocking and stuff at 30 FPS.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather play a game at 480p or 720p if it's 60 FPS, rather than 1080p at 30 FPS. There's been such a push for higher resolutions on HD TVs and it's like they forgot about the actual frame rate, you know one of the most important aspects to a video game.
I find 480p and 720p unacceptable nowadays, not saying the game shouldnt run at 60fps but then they should rather find another way to make it possible.

however as it says in the text the game is actually running at 60fps but the output will be 30, not entirely sure what that means though, but to me it sounds like performance problems arent the reason and its rather a design decision.
# 10 thegut @ 10/26/13 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by simgamer0005
30 FPS? I think this is one of the biggest problems with current-gen gaming. So many games on the 360 and PS3 are released at 30 FPS. With motion blur? 30 FPS with motion blur is not as good as 60 FPS.

Especially in a combat sports game, where physics really matter. I can understand that a game like GTA V is 30 FPS, but games like this should be 60 FPS. I believe it really affects the experience.

There is "less room for error with the animations when you crank the framerate up that high"? Wouldn't the right decision be to make the animations look better at 60 FPS? I'm hoping that the PC version will be 60 FPS, we're in 2013 and games are still getting released at 30 FPS? With motion blur? Seriously? Don't you guys agree that games running at 60 FPS are so much more realistic? You feel like you have more actual control over the player's movements, rather then kind of guessing the timing when it comes to blocking and stuff at 30 FPS.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather play a game at 480p or 720p if it's 60 FPS, rather than 1080p at 30 FPS. There's been such a push for higher resolutions on HD TVs and it's like they forgot about the actual frame rate, you know one of the most important aspects to a video game.
Well we will have to see what the finished product looks like at 30 fps. I'm honestly surprised that a game using the latest hardware and only featuring 2 fighters at a time is not capable of at least 60 fps. There has to be a ton of processing going on behind the scenes to justify not operating above 30 fps. I honestly wouldn't be surprised this is due to unoptimized coding as opposed to pushing the graphics card and processor to the limit with a 2 person fighting game on a console equivalent to a pretty high spec PC.
# 11 simgamer0005 @ 10/26/13 08:29 AM
The OP says this game is coming out for Xbox360 and PS3, yet I am reading elsewhere that this game will skip current-gen and come out around May 2014 on new Xbox and PS4. I thought this was supposed to come out for PC as well. But now I'm reading that supposedly it's not coming out for PC.

If in fact this is coming out on the PS4 and the new Xbox, and not on the 360 and PS3, then the fact that it will be at 30 FPS is disappointing. I would imagine that any frame rate issues or limitations will be ironed out on the next generation of consoles.
# 12 Thrash13 @ 10/26/13 10:25 AM
The game is for XBox One and PS4 only. Like you said, 30fps this day and age is pretty disappointing to me, but I'll have to see more videos to give an opinion. I'm glad they at least got the 1080p part right, as some games for the next-gen consoles won't even have that at release from what I've read. This game has looked nice from what we've seen so far, but we need to see a lot more obviously in the coming months.
# 13 jerk @ 10/26/13 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Irishwhiskey119
It won't be a gem unless they give room for hundreds of CAF's and make career mode be veeeeery realistic and fluid.

Otherwise it will just be fun for a bit and then we move on to the next game immediately. People will enjoy fighting online for awhile then get frustrated w/ tactics and quit.

Game needs to be made VERY REAL and VERY DEEP. Hundreds of CAF slots. 500-1000 like fire pro.
I'm just hoping they nail the gameplay down. If there's solid gameplay with the graphics we've already seen I'll be one happy camper
# 14 DiscountCleric @ 10/27/13 08:40 PM
Following the same plan as Madden & NCAA: make it look good, terrible framerate, and then as you get better at optimizing you make the graphics slightly worse and get the framerate back to 60 where it should be.
# 15 SHAKYR @ 10/27/13 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Irishwhiskey119
It won't be a gem unless they give room for hundreds of CAF's and make career mode be veeeeery realistic and fluid.

Otherwise it will just be fun for a bit and then we move on to the next game immediately. People will enjoy fighting online for awhile then get frustrated w/ tactics and quit.

Game needs to be made VERY REAL and VERY DEEP. Hundreds of CAF slots. 500-1000 like fire pro.
You think like me. This is what I expect. I want this game to be deep like a text-sim(football manager like).

Hayes is quoted as saying the majority of people in a focus test preferred the 30fps with motion blur. It's possible the game simply doesn't look that good at 60 FPS because there is less room for error with the animations when you crank the framerate up that high.

Hayes said, "we discovered that 60 FPS didn't have a hugely beneficial impact on gameplay, but motion blur had an enormous impact on visual quality."
This producers always use marketing and "people in a focus test" as an excuse for decisions. Who are these people? I think the the producers are full of it, because later in the interview he talks about what they want to use basically.
# 16 allBthere @ 10/29/13 04:33 PM
They're going 30fps because it hides the animation imperfections when ran at 60fps.

That just means the animations top notch and for me my biggest hope for next generation is mind-blowing animation above graphics or anything else.

I'd rather one weight division with 10 guys in it and near perfect animation than 1000 guys with photo-realitic graphics and animations we've become accustomed to.

I may be in the minority and that's fine, but that's what I personally want.
# 17 RangersCruz @ 11/03/13 02:56 PM
Excited for this game

1.Hope EA keeps the online belt ranking system that was fun i got into the game late earned a purple belt before it shut down and it makes you work towards something not just a record.

2.I hope we get great CAF's and we can use them online after we take them through our fight career offline

3.I hope EA keeps the ground game they had in their game it was a lot more interesting and fun to play on it then the UFC undisputed games where it was robotic as it comes

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