The bigs 2 News Post

Because a baseball game with players on steroids brings the best image possible for baseball.

Despite my interest in the sim-side of sports games, I’ve really enjoyed a lot of arcade-style titles over the past (two) generation(s). I occasionally revisit the NHL Hitz and NFL Street games, and I think WWE All-Stars is my favorite wrestling game.

But the arcade game I go back to more than any other is The BIGS 2. One of the greatest crimes of this console generation is how 2K really mismanaged the MLB license; that there was never a true The Bigs 3 makes this tragedy worse.

What made The BIGS 2 so good?

Read More - The BIGS 2: A Look Back at an Arcade Classic

Game: The BIGS 2Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 11 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 BigBlue @ 10/25/13 11:29 AM
Is this game still downloadable and playable online against friends? I'll have to check tonight.

# 2 jyoung @ 10/25/13 08:18 PM
It's $20 to download the Xbox 360 version from Microsoft's marketplace.

For that steep a price, you're probably better off finding a copy locally.

I don't know if the online play still works.
# 3 eyeknowzz @ 10/25/13 10:40 PM
I had a lot of fun with this game. Definitely one of the most underrated games of this generation of consoles.
# 4 DrJones @ 10/26/13 02:50 AM
Thanks for the write-up, I'll pass this along to some of my old Blue Castle friends. Fun game to work on. (I still maintain that Eastbound and Down stole the idea for Kenny's Season 2 sojourn to Mexico from us.)

Too bad (for me, anyway) that Blue Castle (now Capcom Vancouver) stopped making baseball games to concentrate on the Dead Rising franchise, but hey, zombies gotta eat.
# 5 xCeeTee @ 10/26/13 01:17 PM
This was the first ever baseball game I played, and that was around May time this year. It was awfully addictive, but all online modes were cut off, the only bad thing. And that the sort of, career mode type game mode, you played as the full team. Good idea all in all though
# 6 jyoung @ 10/26/13 03:06 PM
Dead Rising 2 had sold over 2.2 million copies as of 2011.

The BIGS 2 was made for 6 different platforms and still couldn't crack 1 million combined sales.

According to the market, more zombie games are what we need. It is certainly what Blue Castle needed, to avoid going under like so many other developers.
# 7 maddenps2 @ 10/27/13 11:38 PM
I just bought this game for 9 dollars on ebay
# 8 BCDX97 @ 10/28/13 01:43 AM
This was a fantastic game. Really fun to play.

I guess it just needed more zombies for better sales. Zombie baseball? I'm in.
# 9 jyoung @ 10/28/13 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by BCDX97
Zombie baseball? I'm in.
Surprisingly, a developer actually tried that exact concept:

# 10 BCDX97 @ 10/29/13 02:02 PM
Never heard of that game! But then I see it's for Kinect and I'm sad.

I tried to play the Nicktoons MLB BIGS spin-off on Kinect and good god it was horrible. Just didn't react to movements at all.

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