NBA 2K14 News Post

Check out the NBA 2K14 screenshot comparison of Kevin Durant, Ray Allen and Kobe Bryant current-gen vs. next-gen.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 quehouston @ 10/24/13 01:33 PM
I never realized how bad current gen graphics are until this comparison. Time to donate my PS3 to the nearest Goodwill.
# 2 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/24/13 01:35 PM
Looks good to me.
# 3 Steve_OS @ 10/24/13 01:44 PM
Just added Durant.
# 4 Vni @ 10/24/13 01:46 PM
RayRay is spot on.

Durant isn't as good but still pretty close. His eyes look like he's been punched in the face a few times.
# 5 TeeDogg @ 10/24/13 01:51 PM
Simply ridiculous! .........in a good way
# 6 VDusen04 @ 10/24/13 01:53 PM
What happened to current gen's lighting over the years? I feel like there were much sharper lighting effects (and sweat) early in the system's life than later. I'm looking at some 360 2K6 screenshots and they actually look closer to PS4 in terms of lighting than 2K14 current gen in some regards.
# 7 spacedog @ 10/24/13 01:55 PM
Man it's crazy, even the skin itself just looks insane next gen. Next gen Ray kind of looks a little bit like LL Cool J lol
# 8 jayman504 @ 10/24/13 01:55 PM
In that Ray Allen pic with Norris Cole...Ray's like "Really you took that shot with me on the wing..REALLY DAWG"..lol
# 9 ckarlic @ 10/24/13 02:00 PM
Wow..Looks AWESOME!!!!
# 10 yungflo @ 10/24/13 02:08 PM
lol they need to tell the players to comb their hair before their scanned. lebron and durant look spot on but they are looked rugged
# 11 NINJAK2 @ 10/24/13 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
What happened to current gen's lighting over the years? I feel like there were much sharper lighting effects (and sweat) early in the system's life than later. I'm looking at some 360 2K6 screenshots and they actually look closer to PS4 in terms of lighting than 2K14 current gen in some regards.
I think it's a memory issue. 2k is on record saying they were running out of space on current gen. If you compare features and content of 2k6 to 2k14 there is wayyyyyy more content in 2k14 that is potentially eating up space. That isn't an excuse for that bad KD on CG, that is just a bad scan job. Looking at the rookies in 2k14 lets you know they are capable of doing better work on CG.
# 12 radatdude2 @ 10/24/13 02:17 PM

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# 13 cthurt @ 10/24/13 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
What happened to current gen's lighting over the years? I feel like there were much sharper lighting effects (and sweat) early in the system's life than later. I'm looking at some 360 2K6 screenshots and they actually look closer to PS4 in terms of lighting than 2K14 current gen in some regards.
This was one of my complaints over the summer about the current gen graphics but I got the its the end of the current gen life cycle so what do you expect response. But my main question was why did the graphics decline instead of at least staying the same. Its almost funny to say that if they kept the same graphics and lighting from there earlier games such as 2k6 and 2k7 maybe the jump to next gen wouldnt be as impressive as it is right now.

On subject the way they did Durant on current gen is just wrong esp. since he was on the cover last year.
# 14 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/24/13 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by cthurt
This was one of my complaints over the summer about the current gen graphics but I got the its the end of the current gen life cycle so what do you expect response. But my main question was why did the graphics decline instead of at least staying the same. Its almost funny to say that if they kept the same graphics and lighting from there earlier games such as 2k6 and 2k7 maybe the jump to next gen wouldnt be as impressive as it is right now.

On subject the way they did Durant on current gen is just wrong esp. since he was on the cover last year.
Player faces were way off in 2k6 and 2k7. I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not but I thought 2k11-14 looked better even if the lighting and sweat took a backseat.
# 15 cthurt @ 10/24/13 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by mars5541
Player faces were way off in 2k6 and 2k7. I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not but I thought 2k11-14 looked better even if the lighting and sweat took a backseat.
I agree the faces sucked back then compared to now but the lighting skin tones and sweat detail was alot better in the earlier games on current gen compared to now.
# 16 VDusen04 @ 10/24/13 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by cthurt
I agree the faces sucked back then compared to now but the lighting skin tones and sweat detail was alot better in the earlier games on current gen compared to now.
Haha, I can't believe this is Dwyane Wade, but VC actually looks pretty legit.

There's a lot to criticize in the photo above but the lighting seems to have a good base, where one would have believed it'd be improved all the way through 2K14. But like you said, Ninja, I think I heard about it being a memory issue as well. It's just, that current gen Durant in the original post... it almost looks like there's no lighting at all... like he was colored with a crayon. The current gen Allen doesn't look too shabby though.
# 17 Dylonus @ 10/24/13 03:35 PM
Whoever developed that KD face needs to be fired. That's PUTRID.
# 18 ForeverVersatile @ 10/24/13 03:38 PM
It's like night and day. Both look spot on to me.
# 19 DamnYanks2 @ 10/24/13 03:47 PM
Yea, not a big fan of Durantuala's face.
# 20 exposedaking @ 10/24/13 03:49 PM
Ray allen is definitely spot on...wow

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