DriveClub News Post

One of the most anticipated racing games for the launch of the PS4 is being delayed. DriveClub will not ship until early 2014, so the team can deliver on their vision.

SCE Worldwide Studios and the team at Evolution Studios have made the difficult decision to delay the release of DRIVECLUB and DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition until early 2014. DRIVECLUB will be a truly innovative, socially connected racing game, but the team requires more time in order to deliver on their vision — and I’m fully confident the game will surpass your expectations.

This decision also affects PlayStation Plus members’ Instant Game Collection for launch. To be clear, DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition will still be part of the Instant Game Collection when it is released. For the PS4 launch, in addition to Resogun, I’m pleased to announce that Contrast, the highly anticipated game from Compulsion Games will also be available to PlayStation Plus members for free as part of Instant Game Collection.

Source - PlayStation.Blog

Game: DriveClubReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 4 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 inkcil @ 10/18/13 02:05 PM
This is a big deal as this was really hyped up as a part of the launch. I wonder what went wrong. Speculation: perhaps people booting up driveclub in November would have negatively impacted the desire to purchase GT6 in December...If I bought a PS4 and driveclub, would I still want to reach back and get GT6 for the Ps3?
# 2 tnixen @ 10/18/13 02:27 PM
Delays always suck but the good news is they will have like maybe an extra 5 months or so to improve Drive Club so it will be a much better game then what would have been released on November 15!

Thanks to this delay I would expect even better visuals and maybe they can hit the 1080P 60 goal!

Can't wait to see the final version
# 3 LingeringRegime @ 10/18/13 05:16 PM
Honestly, I was very disappointed when I heard the news. But, I have enough to keep me busy with Killzone, NBA 2K14, FIFA 14 and Knack.
# 4 OnlookerDelay @ 01/20/14 04:46 PM
We now know that DriveClub has been pushed back from February 22, to "unknown". I was doing some digging into this as this game is hinge pin as to which next-gen console I'll buy first. I stumbled across this statement in a Dealspwn article that's soberingly disturbing about DriveClub:

All of this is really making us concerned for DriveClub. Both Matt and I have played some early builds of the game and couldn’t muster up much enthusiasm for it. It wasn’t broken, it was quite the looker, but it just felt so soulless. Stuck in some sort of middle ground between sim and arcade it just wasn’t fun. After so many delays we’re expecting (well, really hoping) that the game has developed some form of personality.


The bit about the build of DriveClub these guys played being "soulless" is what disturbs me the most. There are many aspects of Forza 3 and 4 that feel soulless to me. I can't get a good feel for this by watching DriveClub videos, but what I have seen of it so far looks more like Need For Speed point-to-point challenges, than races. I'm a bit worried about it trying to straddle the fence between sim and arcade as well.

What I'm most interested in at this point is whether DriveClub will fully support Fanatec steering wheels. I have read that Evolution Studios is working on it, but at last report, it hadn't been confirmed. If Fanatec support is part of the package, it will be hard for me to ignore the game even if it doesn't quite live up to my hopes for simulation quality and AI with some "soul".
# 5 ODogg @ 01/27/14 12:38 AM
I'm so tired of waiting for this game, hope it's worth it!!
# 6 JMD @ 02/09/14 07:10 AM
Game stop now has this game listed for release on 4/1/2014. I hope it's not an April fools joke.
# 7 Blzer @ 02/09/14 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
I'm so tired of waiting for this game, hope it's worth it!!
... Isn't it free?
# 8 ODogg @ 02/09/14 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
... Isn't it free?
PSN plus subscribers will get a limited free release with certain cars and tracks...the full retail $59.99 game though will have more cars and tracks is how I understood it.

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