OOTP 14 News Post

Out of the Park Baseball 14

This is an incredible sale and deal. Read our review of OOTP 14 here and our review of iOOTP 2013 here. Press release below:

Out of the Park Developments today announced that Out of the Park Baseball 14, its best-selling baseball management game for PC/Mac/Linux, is on sale for just $19.99 (50% off) now through the end of the World Series, while iOOTP Baseball 2013, OOTP's mobile cousin for iOS (iPhone/iPod touch/iPad), is a mere $0.99 at the App Store. iOOTP's historical seasons, which are available via in-app purchase, are on sale too: the season bundles (10 historical seasons in a pack) are $1.99 each (normally $4.99) and the all-in-one historical season pack is $14.99 (normally $24.99). When you have historical seasons in the game, real players show up in the June draft for those years. The seasons are transferable from one version of iOOTP to the next.

iOOTP Baseball 2013 can be found here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id597133395

OOTP 14 is here: http://www.ootpdevelopments.com/out-...ball/index.php

"Usually we wait until the World Series begins to launch our annual OOTP and iOOTP sale, but this time we wanted to get started a little earlier," said OOTP co-founder Markus Heinsohn. "We like to think of this as the pre-game tailgate party. Enjoy both League Championship Series, everyone, and here's to an exciting World Series!"

Game: Out of the Park Baseball 14Reader Score: 9.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Mac / PCVotes for game: 2 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Joey @ 10/16/13 02:08 PM
Great deal, indeed! I had not bought 14 to this point but I will do so tonight. $40 for OOTP is one of the best values in the business, but $20 is insanely good!
# 2 astrosfan157 @ 10/17/13 01:25 AM
OOTP is a great game for any lover of baseball or those interested in the front office aspects of sports. Recommend anyone to try it out and take a chance.
# 3 tarek @ 10/17/13 10:15 PM
Great deal. I don't have a recent OOTP (mainly because I'm limited to consoles and tablets for my gaming needs) but I have purchased iOOTP. The only nitpick I have is that iOOTP has been lacking with updates and I don't believe the roster is very current.
However, if you want to support a small developer with a GREAT understanding of how to make a good, in depth sports management game then you should not delay and get either (or both) versions.

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