NBA 2K14 News Post

2K Sports has introduced a new feature to NBA 2K14 called Locker Codes.

Introducing Locker Codes. The innovative new feature will present you an opportunity to team up with your fellow NBA 2K14 players every day to earn in-game rewards.

Below are some notes from LD2K.
  • 2 codes per week.
  • One for visiting the app - and you get a point per visit.
  • One for unlocking the 2nd code - which this week is a Silver Pack. Users get a point per visit so just coming to the app will help unlock the 2nd code. This week, 500 points unlocks the 2nd code for all.
  • The codes can be redeemed in-game under the CODES menu.
  • Anyone can share a code by writing it down and passing it on to their friends. Going to the app, however, contributes a point towards the unlock. You do NOT need to click the share button to contribute. By simply visiting the app adds a point towards the unlock. Hope that helps.
  • For just visiting weekly, you get a free code right off the start. This week it's 1,000 VC.
The app can be found here.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 yungflo @ 10/15/13 10:22 PM
This is stupid. You want us to talk about the game? Release footage of Next Gen. That'll get the community buzzing. This is a corny marketing ploy for essentially, cheat codes. I hate vc to begin with.
# 42 LD2k @ 10/15/13 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by FloorGeneral
Ummmm...I hope to GOD this isn't the "mind blowing, make you forget about all the other features" feature/mode that JW55, and the folks at 2K were teasing. Talk about an all-time let down.

# 43 yungflo @ 10/15/13 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by franzis
Between VC and this I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with current 2k vision
Virtual currency is a terrible concept to begin with. They center everything around myplayer. What happened to just unlocks? . I hate this point system BS.
# 44 lgxjames @ 10/15/13 11:12 PM
I think it's fair to assume the meat and potatoes of information is still a week or 2 away. Sure we're getting some next-gen info now but this is sort of the bread basket and lemon water of the meal.
# 45 VDusen04 @ 10/15/13 11:30 PM
I just watched the video (with audio this time). This idea feels awful and completely unnecessary. It seems to complicate a formerly simple process. This feels like a shameless marketing ploy and it is kind of bumming me out. In terms of making the best NBA basketball simulation of all-time, are all hands on deck? Or is it now becoming a 50/50 battle between creating a great NBA simulation and earning the most money possible?
# 46 smithjake @ 10/16/13 03:28 AM
how about visiting everyday?
# 47 Melbournelad @ 10/16/13 03:48 AM
Hey LD2k, can you actually take a look at mango_prom and Eaglrock's posts instead of ignoring them and replying to every other one?
# 48 PrettyT11 @ 10/16/13 11:13 AM
Ok so am I missing something cause I see no code at all?? Somebody want to just save me the time working on this and just post the code??
# 49 JTheClip @ 10/16/13 01:16 PM
I dont understand all the gripe. You log into facebook visit the page, enter the codes, and get free stuff? Whats the problem lol
# 50 poloelite @ 10/16/13 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by JTheClip
I dont understand all the gripe. You log into facebook visit the page, enter the codes, and get free stuff? Whats the problem lol
EXACTLY!!! that's how I'm seeing it. Have some other people go to the page and visit it and they post the codes here and we all get free stuff. I never saw free stuff get so much backlash lol.
# 51 poloelite @ 10/16/13 01:20 PM
I figure every week there will be a thread I can go to here at OS and get all the codes without ever having to visit a single page myself. So I get a Silver Pack and 1,000 VC for just visiting OS, getting a code and putting it in the game?? If I misunderstanding, someone please correct me.
# 52 LD2k @ 10/16/13 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by chucky65201
2k doesn't care about us gamers anymore, it's a case of give us your money for a half written game and deal with the bugs or trade in your game type of answer.
You know, like browsing OS on a daily basis, collecting feedback and insight from our fans.

Sounds right. Keep in mind I cannot answer everything, but do read a hell of a lot more than I answer. You're my <3's (even the mean ones).
# 53 Gosens6 @ 10/16/13 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by chucky65201
Don't worry, he won't answer mine either.. it requires actual answers from 2k when we know the answers already... 2k doesn't care about us gamers anymore, it's a case of give us your money for a half written game and deal with the bugs or trade in your game type of answer.
You ever think sometimes he just can't answer certain questions? Ya know, not necessarily his fault if his superiors tell him to stay hush hush about some things.

Christ, some of you people act like these guys can do whatever, and say whatever they want when it comes to their jobs.
# 54 franzis @ 10/16/13 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k
You know, like browsing OS on a daily basis, collecting feedback and insight from our fans.

Sounds right. Keep in mind I cannot answer everything, but do read a hell of a lot more than I answer. You're my <3's (even the mean ones).
I appreciate your answer and I'm sure that you report what you read here to proper people at 2k
Remind them that all the VC stuff trend (that is legit for 2k) is making people that don't want spend real extra money (which is legit for them) unable to fully enjoy & be competitive in at least 3 modes (Myteam, Myplayer, Crew)

and, unlike rosters, AI, jersey colours, etc, this will not be solved with next gen titles

# 55 Gosens6 @ 10/16/13 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by chucky65201
Yeah and that's why I call out the people who spread the BS on how great the game is... Pretty soon those people lose their credibility after everyone sees that they refuse to address problems with the game for GOING ON 3 YEARS!

If the bosses say to shut up that's fine.. the gaming community has a way of handling that mentality too.... hence what we did to EA
If that's how you feel, then feel that way, no one is stopping you from doing that. But to call out LD2K, the community manager who does nothing but come here, collect our feedback and send it to the devs. If they decide to do anything with it, that's their problem, not his.

The amount of flack that guy gets here is unreal. Literally for just doing his job.

But just because YOU think the game is trash and BS, doesn't mean everyone else has to share the same sentiments.
# 56 Gosens6 @ 10/16/13 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by chucky65201
Not everyone here plays Crew.. Not everyone here plays MY PLAYER... Not everyone here plays offline associations..

Me and my boys are scattered around and we want to be able to play a basketball game... we look forward to it each year but when the past 2 years the contracts zero out in year 3, scrub players are getting 3 year $60 mil contracts and every team is way over the cap there is a problem. We have relayed the information over and over again and we were ignored for the past 2 years... I guess they listened this year since we can't advance past year 1.. but yeah go ahead and live under a rock and defend a broken game.... And again.. all I have asked is for a conversation about it, if he responds with "out of my hands.. then that's fine... then we know not to go at him... but until then he's on the front line for 2k with all of us
I'm not defending the game, i'm defending LD2K because of all the nonsense people throw at him on here for just doing his job.

I don't play online, which is why I told you if you don't like the game, you're allowed to not like it. If you think it's broken, that's your opinion and I don't care either way. I enjoy the game, as do other people, but those are all of our opinions.

I don't want to get into why you don't like the game, and why I do, but bashing a guy for absolutely no reason when he's one of the rare guys with a connection to one of these companies that still visit these forums is getting really old.
# 57 The 24th Letter @ 10/16/13 07:12 PM
This thread is embarrassing...and not from 2k's side...
# 58 VDusen04 @ 10/16/13 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
The amount of flack that guy gets here is unreal. Literally for just doing his job.
Truth. It's a job that seems to require a fair bit of thick skin and understanding. I do not think I could pull it off.

As mentioned, there's surely a protocol he must follow when providing insight and feedback (i.e. not directly admitting a game's shortcoming or fault unless there's an official fix or improvement forthcoming, as well as acting as a cheerleader for all products). But I believe a lot of people tend to forget this is his job and they take everything he says (or doesn't say) personally and at face value when at the end of the day, he's a little bit of a salesman just doing what he's supposed to do.
# 59 23 @ 10/16/13 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by chucky65201
Speak your mind
Ill speak mine

I want you to know its an instant ban to go after devs on this site, exactly in the manner you're doing, and there is a better way to do it, so in short, its time to relax or just not be here anymore.
# 60 Magnus1959 @ 10/16/13 07:39 PM
No worky!

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