Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 News Post

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014: Great on the pitch, not as great off of it.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 is like that raw, young, promising player who gets thrust into limelight a few years too early. The promise is clearly there, but at the moment there are just too many unpolished elements in its game for it to play consistently with the big boys.

The more time you spend with the game, the more you may find it to be a bit, shall we say, bipolar. There are definitely moments of gameplay brilliance that will wow you, but by the same token there are also some frustrating flaws that can follow immediately which make you wonder how you can be playing the same game.

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 0 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 teambayern @ 10/07/13 10:11 AM
Just a heads up -- the data pack worked for me yesterday for the first time, so try again if you're on Xbox. Online isn't great though, judging by my first game. I wouldn't call it lag, because it is smooth, but everything (animations, responsiveness, input delay) are slowed way down such that the game runs like molasses. It is sort of like playing an RTS where you have to plan your attack ahead of time and hope it works, since you can't really react fast enough in the moment.
# 22 LingeringRegime @ 10/08/13 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by dcherry
For headers....You need to let go of the shoot button before the ball gets there. I was having the same trouble but that solved the issue for me. Scored some nice headed goals since then.

Weird quirk or something....it's never been like that before.
So hold down the shoot button and let it go right before it reaches the head?
# 23 KG @ 10/08/13 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by teambayern
Just a heads up -- the data pack worked for me yesterday for the first time, so try again if you're on Xbox. Online isn't great though, judging by my first game. I wouldn't call it lag, because it is smooth, but everything (animations, responsiveness, input delay) are slowed way down such that the game runs like molasses. It is sort of like playing an RTS where you have to plan your attack ahead of time and hope it works, since you can't really react fast enough in the moment.
I got it too. Is it only 2 new balls? If so, what a waste.

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# 24 dcherry @ 10/08/13 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by LingeringRegime
So hold down the shoot button and let it go right before it reaches the head?
Basically, yes.

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