The "Pro Stick" is the most intuitive controls feature to ever be implemented into a basketball game. This will allow gamers to execute show-stopping moves, make intricate shots, and distribute flashy no-look passes with pinpoint accuracy while using the "Pro Stick" control. Check out Senior Producer Rob Jones and Lead Gameplay Designer Mike Wang show off the Pro Stick controls trailer to see all of these moves and more in action.
Did they tell us anything here we didn't already know? Because of a lack of the demo they should have, at the very lest, went into detail about the controls instead of presenting them.
I wonder how many more of these we will have before release.
I don't think this video necessarily helps the people that are on the fence about buying current gen. Probably wouldn't been better off talking about Association, MyCareer and Blacktop at this point or just releasing a new sizzle trailer.
Game looks good, but the insights are trash. All the insights been trash for the last few years. A control insight that says nothing about the controls.
Did they tell us anything here we didn't already know? Because of a lack of the demo they should have, at the very lest, went into detail about the controls instead of presenting them.
I wonder how many more of these we will have before release.
Zero unless they are pre-approved by the NBA. Release on Tuesday. I doubt NBA muckety-mucks will be working on the weekend during summer doldrums.
The video is fine as an introduction to the new controls for the population at large, but I miss those written insights. A written control insight would've broken down every new aspect of the controls in detail. I think its a better way to market to the community because we know the game better than the average player and it would illustrate the nuances more clearly than a summary video would do.
Yeah not much to take home from that video, pretty much just sums up what we already knew. Still though, I get the feeling I'm going to really enjoy what 2k14 brings to the table. To me I get the feeling it's going to be a game that brings the various strengths of the past few games, limits the weaknesses and brings just a little something fresh.
2K is killing me. I mean, how long does it really take to rescan a face? Jimmy Butler and Parsons still looking like they came out of E.T. or some s h i t. SMH 2K.
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