Sun transitioning into a Football team, why dude got should pads on? why. Seemed like something that was tacked on last minute, like literally a minute.
i can't wait to see next gen screen shots for 2k, because this gen they have always been a little off on player faces... the lebron for next gen looked good, so i have to see other players as well... because you can barely tell who these players are
Why are the sleeves levitating off their shoulders? They already had the skintight shoulder sleeve accessory so why not do something like that, since that's how they are in real life.
Check the Clippers video with the sleeves, they don't look that bad..its probably a bad picture..people aren't going to like NBA players with sleeves next gen or current gen. People talking about "Football player models"...your going to buy the game, current or next gen..
At least we have that option for those that want it. You don't have to play in them..