NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports has posted some more NBA Live 14 screenshots. Expect to see a new trailer on Wednesday.

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Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Boomdox @ 09/22/13 09:23 PM
The ball looks amazing, and the faces are on point. The graphics from what I've seen thus far from pictures will probably be top notch.
# 22 The 504 Boy @ 09/22/13 09:26 PM
Well honestly Im not surprised and I can look past that if the game is great. Traditionally Live has always had this problem with names on back of jerseys being in wrong font or too small. Madden had this problem in there gen 2 games and even in some of the earlier gen 3 games. Its an EA thing LOL.
# 23 Gramps91 @ 09/22/13 11:13 PM
MSG indeed looks great
# 24 axamboutme96 @ 09/23/13 12:06 AM
There's a stripe on the waistband. It's just kinda hard to tell
# 25 Jakeness23 @ 09/23/13 03:33 PM
The ONLY thing I really see needing work is the numbers and letters on the jerseys. They seem a bit small to me; and the skin looks just a bit plasticy. It's not as obvious as it used to be, but it's definitely still there a little. Fix the jerseys, and it'll look a lot better IMO.
# 26 Supersonic_BR @ 09/23/13 06:40 PM
Love the lightning at MSG.

Not impressed with Lillard's pic, though, the uni seem low res.

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