NBA 2K14 News Post
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I'm surprised that EA hasn't reached out to the community Kings to present a glimpse and get some feed back.
Thanks for your analysis and education.
# 25
bigeastbumrush @ 09/13/13 04:29 PM
All I can say is...Czar I hope they're cutting you that check bruh.
My goodness. Phenomenal breakdown.
My goodness. Phenomenal breakdown.
# 26
vannwolfhawk @ 09/13/13 05:20 PM
Great video! This has bugged me for years on both sides of the ball. Making the extra pass because of proper spacing and rotations should equal to some good scoring opportunities now. Then we hope that pass speed being sped up and close out speed being slowed down and not overpowered we could see some very realistic basketball action after the PNR and a pass has been made from within that play.
Good stuff czar!
Good stuff czar!
# 27
vannwolfhawk @ 09/13/13 05:31 PM
On a side coaching note: in a spread PNR situation like this I always have the weak side corner defender in strong help side defense taking away the PNR. I never understood having top defender helping leaving the wide open 3. If you can contain the ball handler from getting into the paint or to the baseline that skip pass from 1 side of the court to the opposite corner is nearly impossible to make. And if it is made plenty of time for a good close out. But that's just my defensive philosophy...
Now, eager to see improvements on playcalling and plays execution, for both, HUM & CPU.
Da-Czar, you should just be given the green light to showcase most of the additions and improvements ... maybe then you can teamup with Mo for something and bring us heaven on earth

This is how you hype a game !
With what appears to be an overall improved defense (P/R, on ball and rotation), lets try and get the newer defensive schemes in for 2k15

Sorry, had to, hehehe.
Ah, vannwolfhawk, you beat me to it, as I said above, we need more distinct defenses, maybe for 15 we can get something alike the one you described and be able to assign it on a team per team case.
Anyways, am hyped.
Czar kept it real with this it wasn't just pro 2k. No disrespect but I'm really surprised by how much Dude really knows the game and I tip my cap 2 dude. What I will say tho is as much as we want this to be perfect it can't be and shouldn't be. The real life game of ball isn't perfect. For example the amare post up is something amare may have done last year from time to time with his new found post game, so if that's something that happened from time to time I could accept that because we want it authentic to these players likeness so much. It's probably not something 2k is putting in there purposely but if I saw amare or melo posting inappropriately I could accept it cause its what I see in real life from time to time.
# 30
JasonWilliams55 @ 09/13/13 05:53 PM
2nd bolded part; I sent in this request to Beluba in December and got a reply that it was perfect timing... so hopefully its in this year CG and NG.
2. Hopefully, we need to further distinct teams and to be able to edit, assign and customize it can only be positive.
Posted on PS4 thread.
# 32
JasonWilliams55 @ 09/13/13 06:24 PM
# 37
raiderphantom @ 09/13/13 07:00 PM
Pick and roll spacing was nearly flawless in 2K11, can't they just copy from that game? I don't know anything about writing code, but this is a huge part of gameplay. Honestly, it just sounds like this issue was neglected too much.
Don't get me wrong I love preaching to the choir as it were. LOL, but the point is to grow and educate the community so that we have MORE people joining in the movement to make these games more realistic.
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