NBA 2K14 News Post
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Member Comments
# 1
Norris_Cole @ 09/11/13 01:42 PM
What a surprise, only lakers ratings...
enough with the 2k insider's syndrome please
enough with the 2k insider's syndrome please
This was captured via the Live Stream Ronnie and LD2K had last week. Ronnie never made any manual substitutions, so I couldn't grab any for the Knicks. Relax. LOL
I hope Kobe loses attribute points in ATHLETICISM, but everything else remains the same. And please raise his on ball defense but lower defensive awareness. Because he is/was this last season/ very good on ball defender. His off ball D is atrocious, and I'm being kind here.
# 6
SouthBeach @ 09/11/13 03:27 PM
If this is based on last season including the playoffs, and Kobe's a 93, Wade will definitely be in the high 80s; maybe 89 or so.
I'll really be surprised if he's any lower than an 85 or any higher than a 90.
I'll really be surprised if he's any lower than an 85 or any higher than a 90.
# 7
boltokPwnage04 @ 09/11/13 05:20 PM
Nash 80? I'm curious what the specifics are because on its face that seems way high.
# 8
Wildcats302 @ 09/11/13 05:33 PM
I hope they go away from overall ratings next gen and just focus on each guy playing the way he plays in real life. I swear it seems like they boost offensive/defensive awareness (or other attributes) at times so a player can have a more attractive overall rating to appease us.
# 10
ForeverVersatile @ 09/11/13 07:13 PM
Good shooters always loght him up coming off screens Because he gives them so much room.
# 12
keshunleon @ 09/11/13 11:31 PM

Laker fan alert

Dwight got the others hurt, huh??
Nash was terrible last year and he is a 80, couldn't guard anybody last year.
Nash defense should be
OBallD 50
Defense Awareness 50
block 25
steal 35
- Kobe Bryant (93)/ My 2k13 Kobe Bryant (79)
- Pau Gasol (80)/ My 2k13 Pau Gasol (81)
- Steve Nash (80)/ My 2k13 Steve Nash (79)
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