NBA 2K14 News Post

TVPS3Community has posted another NBA 2K14 video from Gamescom. The guy behind the sticks isn't good, but you can see a few glimpses of good play from the AI.

Let us know what you are seeing. (Besides the horrible user...)

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
NBA 2K14 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Angel_G @ 08/31/13 03:13 PM
Wow the starting lineup presentation is even worse than last year, also the user playing seems like he has never played before.
# 2 Optik @ 08/31/13 03:15 PM
LMAO @8:00.

The Heat user is officially the worst 2K player ever.
# 3 jayman504 @ 08/31/13 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Angel_G
Wow the starting lineup presentation is even worse than last year, also the user playing seems like he has never played
Yeah he is quite bad...lol
# 4 thedream2k13 @ 08/31/13 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Optik
LMAO @8:00.

The Heat user is officially the worst 2K player ever.
In 2k13 Miami heat noobies score at will almost
# 5 jayman504 @ 08/31/13 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
In 2k13 Miami heat noobies score at will almost
Well hopefully from the looks of it THIS year they'll have to think how they score ...instead of cheesing all day everyday
# 6 Optik @ 08/31/13 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by jayman504
Well hopefully from the looks of it THIS year they'll have to think how they score ...instead of cheesing all day everyday
This wasn't a good video to show that. This guy made 3 contested 3pters that were at least four feet behind the 3pt line.
# 7 knick9 @ 08/31/13 03:32 PM
I'm assuming this was on Pro difficulty since demos usually are and there were a some garbage shots that went in. Also it looks like touch fouling on attempted steals is toned way down or it might just be the difficult setting too. They fixed Danny Green's shot finally, the release is much, much quicker. And I noticed the physics seem more realistic, like when Battier falls on his butt he bounces slightly after the impact.
# 8 Optik @ 08/31/13 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by knick9
They fixed Danny Green's shot finally, the release is much, much quicker.
No they didn't, they just made the 2K13 release quicker. It's exactly the same shot form: slight backwards lean, right foot ahead of the left foot.

Anyone who saw the Finals would know that it would be more accurate if they gave him Kyle Korver's shot base and Ben Gordon's shot form.
# 9 knick9 @ 08/31/13 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Optik
No they didn't, they just made the 2K13 release quicker. It's exactly the same shot form: slight backwards lean, right foot ahead of the left foot.

Anyone who saw the Finals would know that it would be more accurate if they gave him Kyle Korver's shot base and Ben Gordon's shot form.
Okay, I was just looking at the release timing. He was practically unusable before because of his long release.
# 10 ThatKidNamedTae @ 08/31/13 03:45 PM
I actually liked the starting lineup presentation
# 11 BobbyColtrane @ 08/31/13 03:54 PM

# 12 TalenT @ 08/31/13 04:42 PM
I've always hated how 2K calls/interprets fouls. Look @ 3:48. Duncan clearly just stands his ground. Lebron Creates all the contact yet TD gets whistled. That's not a foul. SMH
# 13 XenoZograscope @ 08/31/13 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyColtrane

I was thinking the same thing as well lol.
# 14 alabamarob @ 08/31/13 04:49 PM
I'm looking forward to 2k14. However, the full court passing and every player (bonner) having the ability to do multiple cross overs and dribble moves they have never done in real life is troubling. I like right stick dribbling but sig dribbling was 100 times better than 2k13's dribbling. It looks like there is no sig dribbling in 2k14.
# 15 green225 @ 08/31/13 04:55 PM
it's time for some 2k camera vids, broadcast does nothing for me
# 16 thedream2k13 @ 08/31/13 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by green225
it's time for some 2k camera vids, broadcast does nothing for me
broadcast shows more action and more of the court. Looks better also.
# 17 Taer @ 08/31/13 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyColtrane

I felt like I was in a Miami club...

2k's ai really need good players to show off its ability. At the 2:05 mark, where the spurs player tries to drive through two solid defenders and Chalmers ends up kicking the ball down the court really had me shaking my head. Was that a "kick ball"?
# 18 SPRINGS03 @ 08/31/13 05:08 PM
Do they always get crappy players for these things? It seems like it. Why don't they get people that actually know how to play and play realistically? lol
# 19 Phreezy P @ 08/31/13 05:21 PM
I had to mute this video, my ears were bleeding from the unfittingness of the music.
# 20 green225 @ 08/31/13 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
broadcast shows more action and more of the court. Looks better also.
2k camera needs to work on adding more of the court, been saying that for years. still, playing the game, 2k is the way to go, not just because it looks better(in my opinion), but angles wise. just a lot easier to go exactly where you want to.

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