NBA 2K14 News Post

Check out the latest shaky-cam NBA 2K14 video from Gamescom, featuring the San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
NBA 2K14 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 rockchisler @ 08/23/13 01:34 AM
Dunks in Traffic should be a special event like having a meter build up like a fighting game. Regular dunks if you are open no prob but there needs to be a risk reward. Go strong get bodied by a bigger player will deplete stamina.
# 42 Sovartus @ 08/23/13 01:50 AM
I have to admit, I wasn't impressed with what I saw. Then again, fancy graphics and animations have never impressed me. I won't know if I like it until I feel the game on the sticks and see if it feels more like real basketball when I sim it out in a 12 min quarter game.

Right now, I don't see much difference from 2K13 honestly.
# 43 quehouston @ 08/23/13 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by arimamba
i am not feeling that "layup" by james i think it was the one where he got fouled... that was clearly an up an under... and guess what... you actually foul them now lol so cheesers are stronger than ever.

i take back every praise i gave 2k with 2k14.. it looks like the same crap over again... danny green goes unconstested but we could say that the guy could not ddefen well because of the camera angle but oh man.... i hope 2k patches this game and dont leave us in the dark
That wasn't an up an under, as he never pump faked.

And you are jumping to a lot of conclusions, considering the fact we haven't even gotten our hands on a demo yet. Relax.
# 44 mauro78 @ 08/23/13 03:14 AM
Found this one also...4 min of gameplay...
# 45 Sundown @ 08/23/13 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
Dunks in Traffic should be a special event like having a meter build up like a fighting game. Regular dunks if you are open no prob but there needs to be a risk reward. Go strong get bodied by a bigger player will deplete stamina.
Oooh. And a temporary loss of morale when blocked, especially on the player.
# 46 ViolenceFight @ 08/23/13 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by mauro78
Found this one also...4 min of gameplay...
Here's what I notice. One, the passing was smooth, crisp and fast. There were at least 2 swing plays in that game, and the passes were very reminiscent of pro ball. I can see beating people doubling or running a zone with quick passing.

Two: if you notice, the during the second or third blue team possession, the point guard runs way back to the line turboing, and then cuts back to where he was with the ball. In 2k13 that would've given him a decent enough spacing for a jumper(Why cheesers do this all day online and blacktop), but the Defense stuck with him like glue for the most part in this clip.
# 47 TUSS11 @ 08/24/13 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
That's better than sliding between everyone and the person with the ball (as well as each other) ALL THE TIME.

So far, removing two player animations have only exacerbated the problems two player animations supposedly cause.

They just need to be interruptible when it makes sense for the player to retain some control. Getting dunked on (when appropriate) is not one of those instances.
2K13 may have been a rough year but the transition from 2P animations to dynamic player interacts was going to happen sooner or later. The sooner, the better I say. You're stuck in the past if you want a game full of 2P animations.
# 48 Sundown @ 08/24/13 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by TUSS11
2K13 may have been a rough year but the transition from 2P animations to dynamic player interacts was going to happen sooner or later. The sooner, the better I say. You're stuck in the past if you want a game full of 2P animations.
They should move to more dynamic iterations and release it when they're good an ready. 2K13 didn't have dynamic interactions. It had none at all. That's not a solution or a transition and not really something they should release for a whole year just because of "the future".

Again, the hate for two player animations is almost more about an ideological jihad than gameplay sometimes. If it doesn't help gameplay to take it out, don't take it out. Transition to the alternative when it's reasonably viable.
# 49 VDusen04 @ 08/24/13 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
They should move to more dynamic iterations and release it when they're good an ready. 2K13 didn't have dynamic interactions. It had none at all. That's not a solution or a transition and not really something they should release for a whole year just because of "the future".

Again, the hate for two player animations is almost more about an ideological jihad than gameplay sometimes. If it doesn't help gameplay to take it out, don't take it out. Transition to the alternative when it's reasonably viable.
Right on. I think it's kind of similar to the live-ball physics thing. The idea of live ball was great, but the manner with which it led to 2K12 becoming a game of numerous armpit and chest blocks (amongst other wonky situations) actually ended up making the game look and play much worse than its predecessors in that regard alone.

In my opinion, aged but refined technical ideas definitely get the nod in my book over new ideas that haven't had the opportunity to be fully developed enough to make the game look and play better than it did previously. If new things are always included before they're close to being ready, the game will never feel like a polished product, always in a state of "but wait until they make that part better some year."

To put it another way, seeing the manner with which a dunker/defender interacted in 2K12 beat the living daylights out of the attempted alteration in 2K13 (no two player animations), where absolutely no interaction occurred (though, in a way, I suppose that was unique). I do not believe in implementing a system if the system itself is not even close to being ready to be implemented.
# 50 DIESEL @ 08/24/13 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by mauro78
Found this one also...4 min of gameplay...
Always hard to get much out of these videos with the way these people play.

In the only half court possession the user ran around the 1:40 mark you can see the AI teammates trying to actively create floor spacing around the perimeter. As the user dribbles towards his teammates they shift as much as they can to try and keep the floor balanced.

If 2k can reach the point where teammates are smart enough to move to and stay in the open spots when you drive it will go a long way to improving the game.

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