NBA 2K14 News Post

The achievement list teased the announcement earlier, but 2K Sports has now confirmed NBA 2K14 will feature Crew Mode. As Shade8780 points out, it looks like it could be current-gen only, at the very least we won't know about its status on next-gen just yet.

For those asking, yes full court 5v5. Community Team up guys were playing a 3v3 halfcourt game. CREWS 3v3 or 5v5 at this time.
(via @LD2K)

Crews feature 3v3 half court or 5v5 full court with name/logo customization & leaderboards.
(via @Ronnie2K)

More news coming soon, what are your thoughts?

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Member Comments
# 121 Vni @ 08/14/13 05:29 PM
Is this really 2K14 playing in the back?

I like how the ball goes flying when the guy reaches at 1.16. Don't think that is in 2K13.
# 122 MrBigShot1 @ 08/14/13 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
"Crew Mode On Current Gen Only"

I don't think I'm misunderstanding how words work.

If they didn't want to announce anything regarding next gen, they'd just say NOTHING regarding next gen or either gen.

Pretty sure there isn't a "different version of Crew" for next gen. It makes no sense to change/rename something for next gen when Crew is so sought after, asked for, and well known. More than likely, Crew doesn't exist on next gen.

At this point, I'm not even sure that Team-Up or My Player exist on next gen, as Crew is basically just those two modes put together. Next-gen 2K will require a VERY good looking facial generation system for created players to mesh with the lifelike next-gen cyberfaces, and creating such a system in a short amount of time is not at all trivial-- so it's completely possible that there's no next-gen Crew because there's no next-gen My Player in the first place.

And if this nightmare scenario is true, then it might also mean that there won't be a Create-A-Player function either, and players not on the disc will never make it in a roster the entire year.

I hope this isn't true, but the next-gen face-gen system could be the missing piece of technology holding everything back.
I agree 100% in that if they didn't want to give away info regarding next gen, they would have said nothing. Saying "current gen only" in clear text at the end of the trailer means just that, current gen only crew.

However, I don't believe they would be stupid enough to not include MyPlayer...MyPlayer is the most played mode. Nearly everyone plays it. Not including it would get them verbally wrecked on social media and their next gen sales would suffer A LOT.
# 123 Boilerbuzz @ 08/14/13 05:34 PM
You know what would crack me up? If VC looked at all of the cryer posts, and decided that people seem to be more UPSET with this than happy. Then just take it out. What's the point of working on something if folks don't actually want it? It's like a kid that cries for ice cream. Then you give them a sundae, but they are still crying because they wanted a banana split. Just, wow, people. It's also amazing how people are defining Crew by where the 5v5 is played - which they have NO idea. I always felt Crew was more about having your *CREW* of friends and beating down other crews. Doesn't matter where. At least not to me. The company made the mode. So I think they have an idea what should and should not be considered "Crew".

But that's just me. So, carry on. I'm sure all the stress over so little information is quite fun for some of you guys.
# 124 Retropyro @ 08/14/13 05:35 PM
I hope this doesn't hint at the next gen versions being completely bare bones versions of the game like Madden 06 was.
# 125 Jhawkfootball06 @ 08/14/13 05:37 PM
Why would 2k announce a mode, and then purposely leave out some features from us creating an uproar? I'm sorry but what they have announced is probably what it is going to be. Remember leading up to 2k12, we were all anticipating new features to crew mode but 2k never told us any. We made excuses for them saying it's too early. Same thing happened leading up to 2k13. We heard nothing from them.

Guys, the game comes out in a month and a half. The game probably goes gold in either the 1st or 2nd week of September. What features they tell us about crew mode today is what it is, they are not leaving anything out. Yes I am disappointed, as I wanted a crew mode similar to 2k11.

What we know now is what it's going to be. There is likely nothing else(or very minimal) new stuff about the mode.

CREW MODE on 2k14

- 3v3 HALFCOURT or 5v5 FULLCOURT w/ leaderboards
- 3v3 arena is the blacktop arena, 5v5 arena is likely the same
- Looks to be no jersey customization. Your myplayer will be wearing street clothes you BUY WITH YOUR VC. Likely crews will set themselves with matching gear anyways. (Money grab for 2k)
- You can create a crew name, as also customize their logo. As if you can create a true customizeable logo, or pick between renders and just change their colors is unknown.
- Will have leaderboards like in 2k13 blacktop. Likely showing top crews and also being able to see your crew's player's stats (ppg, fg%, 3pt%, etc). Likely accessible by pressing RB in the crew leaderboards to view your crew.

- Must have either 3v3 or 5v5 real human players. No CPU filling.
- If 5v5 arena is the blacktop arena, it is likely the game will play to 21.
# 126 Vni @ 08/14/13 05:37 PM
From 1.10 to 1.17 the animation of the ball handler accelerating and loosing the handle is really good.
# 127 Retropyro @ 08/14/13 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
You know what would crack me up? If VC looked at all of the cryer posts, and decided that people seem to be more UPSET with this than happy. Then just take it out. What's the point of working on something if folks don't actually want it? It's like a kid that cries for ice cream. Then you give them a sundae, but they are still crying because they wanted a banana split. Just, wow, people. It's also amazing how people are defining Crew by where the 5v5 is played - which they have NO idea. I always felt Crew was more about having your *CREW* of friends and beating down other crews. Doesn't matter where. At least not to me. The company made the mode. So I think they have an idea what should and should not be considered "Crew".

But that's just me. So, carry on. I'm sure all the stress over so little information is quite fun for some of you guys.
First time on the internet? )
# 128 Sundown @ 08/14/13 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by MrBigShot1
However, I don't believe they would be stupid enough to not include MyPlayer...MyPlayer is the most played mode. Nearly everyone plays it. Not including it would get them verbally wrecked on social media and their next gen sales would suffer A LOT.
I know. I don't really care about Crew, but I want badly to play MyPlayer with next-gen graphics alongside life-like renditions of NBA Players.

It would be colossally dissapointing to not be able to play MyPlayer on next-gen, but a passable next-gen create-a-face system is a huge technological hurdle they have to overcome when their current-gen CAP system was sub-par as is.

I would take a system where you picked one of 3 pre-generated generic white guys, 5 black guys, or 2 asian guys for your MyPlayer to no MyPlayer at all.
# 129 MarvinOida @ 08/14/13 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
You know what would crack me up? If VC looked at all of the cryer posts, and decided that people seem to be more UPSET with this than happy. Then just take it out. What's the point of working on something if folks don't actually want it? It's like a kid that cries for ice cream. Then you give them a sundae, but they are still crying because they wanted a banana split. Just, wow, people. It's also amazing how people are defining Crew by where the 5v5 is played - which they have NO idea. I always felt Crew was more about having your *CREW* of friends and beating down other crews. Doesn't matter where. At least not to me. The company made the mode. So I think they have an idea what should and should not be considered "Crew".

But that's just me. So, carry on. I'm sure all the stress over so little information is quite fun for some of you guys.
Yeah. I agree with you, people complaining about the atmosphere. To me, Crew is 5v5, and you beat down on your opponent. You know what would make it better? You start from Street, to the Summer Circuit court to a generic
Basketball arena to NBA-atmosphere. It gives people purpose to play the mode instead of "who's the best"

Tap Tap Taptalking away on my iPhone
# 130 MarvinOida @ 08/14/13 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Retropyro
First time on the internet? )
Oh be quiet he's been a member here longer than you man. That's all I got

Tap Tap Taptalking away on my iPhone
# 131 bottledwaterfan25 @ 08/14/13 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
You know what would crack me up? If VC looked at all of the cryer posts, and decided that people seem to be more UPSET with this than happy. Then just take it out. What's the point of working on something if folks don't actually want it? It's like a kid that cries for ice cream. Then you give them a sundae, but they are still crying because they wanted a banana split. Just, wow, people. It's also amazing how people are defining Crew by where the 5v5 is played - which they have NO idea. I always felt Crew was more about having your *CREW* of friends and beating down other crews. Doesn't matter where. At least not to me. The company made the mode. So I think they have an idea what should and should not be considered "Crew".

But that's just me. So, carry on. I'm sure all the stress over so little information is quite fun for some of you guys.

I completely disagree. What it looks like 2k is doing with this iteration of "crew" is not NEAR the same as the crew that we have been asking for for 2 years now.

It's like if Chevy all of the sudden stopped making the Corvette. For 2 years. Then they re-release it except now it only has a V6 engine, and the body looks like a Toyota Prius. Oh, and the radio ONLY plays country music. But hey, it's still a Corvette. The car guys should just stop whining about it. Chevy made the car, they have an idea what should and should not be considered a "Corvette"
# 132 redsfan4life @ 08/14/13 05:44 PM
Don't make the games to 21 2k. Starting to make me feel like this:

# 133 mccartney23 @ 08/14/13 05:47 PM
I really hope this is not just 5v5 blacktop. Crew is my favorite 2k mode by far and just giving us blacktop and calling it "Crew" is a punch in the gut. A lot of the fun in Crew was making your uniform and playing in that arena, with the announcers calling your name when you make a big play. If this is all Crew mode is you can bet that I won't be purchasing 2k14 for current gen.
# 134 redsfan4life @ 08/14/13 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by mccartney23
I really hope this is not just 5v5 blacktop. Crew is my favorite 2k mode by far and just giving us blacktop and calling it "Crew" is a punch in the gut. A lot of the fun in Crew was making your uniform and playing in that arena, with the announcers calling your name when you make a big play. If this is all Crew mode is you can bet that I won't be purchasing 2k14 for current gen.
Yeah nobody wants to hear that clown they had announcing blacktop in 2k13.
# 135 cavs25 @ 08/14/13 05:49 PM
Hmm so according to the team up members crew mode is back and it has leader boards? Ohh and brotherhood. Yep.
I feel sorry for them, 2K has made them into walking billboards.
# 136 MarvinOida @ 08/14/13 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by redsfan4life
Yeah nobody wants to hear that clown they had announcing blacktop in 2k13.
I like Bobbito Garcia in NBA Street. Or at least that's who I thought was announcing everything

Tap Tap Taptalking away on my iPhone
# 137 Jrocc23 @ 08/14/13 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
You know what would crack me up? If VC looked at all of the cryer posts, and decided that people seem to be more UPSET with this than happy. Then just take it out. What's the point of working on something if folks don't actually want it? It's like a kid that cries for ice cream. Then you give them a sundae, but they are still crying because they wanted a banana split. Just, wow, people. It's also amazing how people are defining Crew by where the 5v5 is played - which they have NO idea. I always felt Crew was more about having your *CREW* of friends and beating down other crews. Doesn't matter where. At least not to me. The company made the mode. So I think they have an idea what should and should not be considered "Crew".

But that's just me. So, carry on. I'm sure all the stress over so little information is quite fun for some of you guys.
I see where you're coming from, but you're not understanding on all the stuff we're missing out on. I don't know if its a good comparison lol, but how would it feel if you liked quick games w/ reg teams but something happened and 2K announced you had to play on the blacktop? It's not the same lol.

You don't get to run plays, you're missing out on commentary, a lot of animations that add to the realism like complaining to the refs etc, no crowd. Just the whole feel is trash to me. I can't really explain it to you. The best example I can give you is to ask yourself how would it feel if games you liked like quick games was played on the blacktop? It's an upgrade over 2K13 though. Still need to learn alot more details especially if its quarters on up to 21.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
# 138 MarvinOida @ 08/14/13 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Jrocc23
I see where you're coming from, but you're not understanding on all the stuff we're missing out on. I don't know if its a good comparison lol, but how would it feel if you liked quick games w/ reg teams but something happened and 2K announced you had to play on the blacktop? It's not the same lol.

You don't get to run plays, you're missing out on commentary, a lot of animations that add to the realism like complaining to the refs etc, no crowd. Just the whole feel is trash to me. It's an upgrade over 2K13 though. Still need to learn alot more details especially if its quarters on up to 21.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
I'd still rather have everyone start at the street court then build up to the NBA atmosphere. Actually tells who plays the game a lot and well.

And Waterdown Crew > No Crew.

Tap Tap Taptalking away on my iPhone
# 139 Jrocc23 @ 08/14/13 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
I'd still rather have everyone start at the street court then build up to the NBA atmosphere. Actually tells who plays the game a lot and well.

And Waterdown Crew > No Crew.

Tap Tap Taptalking away on my iPhone
That's cool. I wouldn't mind that even though it sort of takes away from realism being on a street court period lol. I wouldn't mind that at really.

You're right. But it doesn't mean we should fully embrace it. They had 2 years. I believe Ronnie said something like (paraphrasing) They want to make Crew better or something like that. Wish I had the quote. This isn't better than 2K11 from what it's looking like.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
# 140 MarvinOida @ 08/14/13 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Jrocc23
That's cool. I wouldn't mind that even though it sort of takes away from realism being on a street court period lol. I wouldn't mind that at really.

You're right. But it doesn't mean we should fully embrace it. They had 2 years. I believe Ronnie said something like (paraphrasing) They want to make Crew better or something like that. Wish I had the quote. This isn't better than 2K11 from what it's looking like.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
It's day 1. Wait on Oct. 1st.

Ronnie is probably talking about ideas like this:

-Slam Dunk/3 Point Contests
-National Competition like MLB 2K's Perfect Game Challenge
-Create a Jersey/Team/player improvement

Better most likely means extends on.

Tap Tap Taptalking away on my iPhone

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