OOTP 14 News Post

The MLB trade deadline has passed, and with little fanfare or fireworks. It seems that two wildcard slots, reductions in draft compensations, and loads of mediocrity have deadened the flurries of trades we are used to seeing.

Again this year, the following players have been run through Out of the Park 14's “Shop Player” feature, to see what the game’s AI GM's would have given up in exchange for these traded players.

To be clear, this pseudo-simulation is using OOTP’s base roster set, and was executed at the trading deadline of a simmed season. Yes, not having the same standings or statistics eliminates a lot of the context of these trades, but hoping/waiting for completely mirrored results isn’t practical. Also, the shop around feature doesn’t group packages; the players mentioned would individually seal the deal for the computer AI.

Read More - Breaking Down the Trade Deadline with OOTP 14

Game: Out of the Park Baseball 14Reader Score: 9.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Mac / PCVotes for game: 2 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 gigadkc @ 08/07/13 05:22 AM
that guy is called Peavy.

edit: and it's Alfonso Soriano. Goodness. Is this still a sports gaming website?

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