NBA 2K14 News Post

With 2K Sports announcing a new blocking system in NBA 2K14 earlier today, the 2K Team-Up guys were given the green light to give more details on it, based off of what they played at the 2K Team-Up event they attended last Friday.

Obviously, the videos show NBA 2K13 gameplay, but each person gives their own unique take on the blocking system.

Here is a video from QJBeat.

Here is a video from @ShakeDown2012.

Here is a video from @Shake4ndBake.

Here is a video from @YMDgento.

Here is a video from @SubTheGamer.

Here is a video from @IpodKingCarter.

Here is a video from @Chris_Smoove (Not a member of the 2K Team-Up this year, but offers his thoughts)

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NBA 2K14 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 vannwolfhawk @ 08/06/13 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by The_Throne2K11
Honestly all this team up junk has me less excited about the game as I was previous years. News on a new blocking system should've been included in an overall impressions video or in a defense dev insight with video included. We aren't all kids we can retain information..So give us info worth opening up my web browser, YouTube or twitter for.
I think what's annoying about this is its being force fed to us and they are basically making us watch these videos to learn about things in the game. I never go on you tube and watch any videos. I don't know who any of these guys were before I went to team up last year. They were all cool guys and all, but I'd rather read a developer blog or insight. I feel like I wasted 30 minutes of my life listening to 6 guys saying the same thing hoping I'd hear some different take or breakdown of it! Lol
# 42 LD2k @ 08/06/13 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
I think what's annoying about this is its being force fed to us and they are basically making us watch these videos to learn about things in the game. I never go on you tube and watch any videos. I don't know who any of these guys were before I went to team up last year. They were all cool guys and all, but I'd rather read a developer blog or insight. I feel like I wasted 30 minutes of my life listening to 6 guys saying the same thing hoping I'd hear some different take or breakdown of it! Lol
Stuff is coming.
# 43 VDusen04 @ 08/06/13 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
I miss the dev insights! I loved reading those blogs with all the detailed information!
I'm with you one thousand billion kajillion percent. All new information is cool and I welcome the news on the block system, but random folk chatting on YouTube with little substance just does not do it for me (no disrespect to those folks). As such, I do not watch those videos.

I definitely miss the detailed write ups, particularly when they were supplemented with a video. It was sweet when we got this: http://www.operationsports.com/featu...t-10-controls/

We tightened up a number of other aspects of dribbling: cuts, stops, etc. Collectively, these changes have made a significant improvement to the overall feel that we think you guys will appreciate. But the last thing I want to mention about the dribbler is this idea of explosiveness. The dribbler in NBA2K11 was smooth… almost too smooth. One of the things that separate a great ball handler from a poor one in the NBA, is the ability to change speeds on a dime. So when a Derrick Rose or Chris Paul takes you off the dribble with their first step, they don’t slowly accelerate… they explode off the bounce with a blur. In NBA2K12, we added a number of new dribble moves and launches that bring this aspect of real life dribbling into our game. For example, if you perform a size up, hesitation, or stepback move, you can quickly move the left stick in one of four directions to queue up an explosive first step:

Toward the ball hand = Go move launch
Toward the off hand, but more toward the basket = Crossover launch
Toward the off hand, directly across the body = Behind the Back launch
Toward the off hand, but more away from the basket = Spin launch
And/or this to drive the point home:

I'm actually having a tough time remembering how things worked last year. It felt like it was a lot more social media based and dumbed down, but perhaps I just do not remember well. I'm just hoping to harken back to the detailed insights of yesteryear.
# 44 scottyp180 @ 08/06/13 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
I think what's annoying about this is its being force fed to us and they are basically making us watch these videos to learn about things in the game. I never go on you tube and watch any videos. I don't know who any of these guys were before I went to team up last year. They were all cool guys and all, but I'd rather read a developer blog or insight. I feel like I wasted 30 minutes of my life listening to 6 guys saying the same thing hoping I'd hear some different take or breakdown of it! Lol
No one is forcing you to watch the videos, it is your choice. I watched the first video and stopped but it doesnt sound like they are revealing anymore details other then: you can block dunks, the ball shouldnt warp through hands, the ball is more live this year. If you dont like the team-up community "news" then just wait until websites release their previews. Its still early august so expect to see a lot more news, and at least one trailer, in the coming weeks. My guess would be that we will see some news before gamescom and then get some gameplay videos of people demoing the game from gamescom.
# 45 Scramz718 @ 08/06/13 10:01 PM
Shake4ndBake via Twitter

"People don't realize NBA2K, ISNT REAL LIFE. Saying blocked dunks should be rare... THATS HOW IT IS IN 2k13! Expect to see around 3-5 a game"
# 46 vannwolfhawk @ 08/06/13 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by scottyp180
No one is forcing you to watch the videos, it is your choice. I watched the first video and stopped but it doesnt sound like they are revealing anymore details other then: you can block dunks, the ball shouldnt warp through hands, the ball is more live this year. If you dont like the team-up community "news" then just wait until websites release their previews. Its still early august so expect to see a lot more news, and at least one trailer, in the coming weeks. My guess would be that we will see some news before gamescom and then get some gameplay videos of people demoing the game from gamescom.
Obviously no one has a gun to my head but I thought maybe someone would have a different view or opinion on it so I felt compelled to watch. But thanks for your advise... Lol
# 47 Caveman24 @ 08/06/13 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Scramz718
Shake4ndBake via Twitter

"People don't realize NBA2K, ISNT REAL LIFE. Saying blocked dunks should be rare... THATS HOW IT IS IN 2k13! Expect to see around 3-5 a game"
# 48 Sundown @ 08/06/13 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Scramz718
Shake4ndBake via Twitter

"People don't realize NBA2K, ISNT REAL LIFE. Saying blocked dunks should be rare... THATS HOW IT IS IN 2k13! Expect to see around 3-5 a game"

My least favorite of the YouTube guys here, and my least favorite mentality regarding 2K and basketball games.

3-5 a game: "They didn't seem overpowered-- there's potential for potential adjustments." 3-5 a game is stupid overpowered to the extreme.

The reason people asked for blocked dunks was because the block and dunk system was completely broken. It wasn't rare-- it NEVER happened. Lack of blocked dunks was just a symptom of the overall in-paint contact system (which was strangely 2K13's most touted yet most broken feature).

Yes, we want them because it happens and we need to be able to contest dunks. No, we (sim guys) don't want them happening 5 times a game. More like 1 in 5 games. It should happen rarely, like anklebreakers with sim settings.

I really hope they are way toned down on sim settings, and the new block system produces more realistic and believable results.
# 49 The Lob Mob @ 08/06/13 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by lockdownD
That's what I would be interested in knowing as well. I'm curious what kind of various contact/collision animations mid-air on dunk attempts there are if there isn't a block. In 2k13, I didn't have a huge problem not being able to block dunks, rather I had a huge problem with defensive positioning not being respected and getting slid or moved out of the way on dunks and other combo moves and not having proper contact/collision animations.
Thank you... this comes up in almost EVERY video I make...
# 50 green225 @ 08/06/13 10:53 PM
blocking dunks was already great in 2k11... then they stripped the game, and took out CREW. good to see it back, hopefully crew is with it.
# 51 wisdom @ 08/06/13 10:54 PM
2K should limit the dunk frequency and type(mj free throw dunk in real game? come on~ ) other than just fix the block system
# 52 stillfeelme @ 08/06/13 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown

My least favorite of the YouTube guys here, and my least favorite mentality regarding 2K and basketball games.

3-5 a game: "They didn't seem overpowered-- there's potential for potential adjustments." 3-5 a game is stupid overpowered to the extreme.

The reason people asked for blocked dunks was because the block and dunk system was completely broken. It wasn't rare-- it NEVER happened. Lack of blocked dunks was just a symptom of the overall in-paint contact system (which was strangely 2K13's most touted yet most broken feature).

Yes, we want them because it happens and we need to be able to contest dunks. No, we (sim guys) don't want them happening 5 times a game. More like 1 in 5 games. It should happen rarely, like anklebreakers with sim settings.

I really hope they are way toned down on sim settings, and the new block system produces more realistic and believable results.
People don't realize that you can't continuously attack the paint against an elite shot blocker and not expect your shot to be thrown. The percentage of blocks should be based on how many times you attempt to attack the paint while that blocker is there.

Example Ibaka protecting the paint against the Nuggets who usually lead the league in PIP. They keep attacking the paint he keeps throwing their shots lol. Ibaka has the best combination of leaping ability timing and hand eye coordination

# 53 ViolenceFight @ 08/06/13 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
People don't realize that you can't continuously attack the paint against an elite shot blocker and not expect your shot to be thrown. The percentage of blocks should be based on how many times you attempt to attack the paint while that blocker is there.

Example Ibaka protecting the paint against the Nuggets who usually lead the league in PIP. They keep attacking the paint he keeps throwing their shots lol. Ibaka has the best combination of leaping ability timing and hand eye coordination

THANK YOU. I'm reading all of these things in both threads and just throwing my hands up in the air.

First: They aren't touting this as a new feature. EVERYONE COMPLAINED THE MOST ABOUT BLOCKING DUNKS, so it makes sense that the first major announcement is dunk blocking, and improved blocks in general. Supposedly they revamped the engine, and that remains to be seen. However, how many people list the blocking mechanics as the first thing on wishlists for 2k14 next to crew? It makes perfect sense to me to announce some of the most wanted gameplay improvements first, and this is a huge one considering how many of you complained about this for 2k13. Even better if they actually helped blocking in general, since I'm tired of the ball teleporting through my hand on a block because the game didn't feel like giving it to me, despite me timing it right.

Second: Look at this in perspective. How many dunks a game happen in 2k13? My average game online, or even regularly has an easy 10+ occurring. How many dunks happen in a real life basketball game? Not nearly that much. So yeah, I expect 3-5 dunks blocked a game, simply because the amount of dunks that happen in the game are ridiculous. If you see 33% of all dunks blocked, and there are 15 dunks in a game of 2k14, I'm ok with 5 of them getting sent back. I'm sure when you set the sim sliders up like you guys love to do, which will decrease the amount of dunks done in game, you'll see less dunk blocks. I guarantee we'll see a ton of blocked dunks online, because players seem to love trying to drive to the rim and make a poster out of people.

OS shows that like every game fanbase, you're just Unpleaseable. "We want dunks to be blockable".
"Ok, You can block dunks".
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? That's too much!"
# 54 Eman5805 @ 08/06/13 11:14 PM
Context is paramount. Is this guy an online only player? Is he talking about against the CPU? Or just the average player that dives to the hoop at all times?

This could also mean an even larger emphasis on floaters. I mean every move needs to have a counter, right?
# 55 thedream2k13 @ 08/06/13 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
People don't realize that you can't continuously attack the paint against an elite shot blocker and not expect your shot to be thrown. The percentage of blocks should be based on how many times you attempt to attack the paint while that blocker is there.

Example Ibaka protecting the paint against the Nuggets who usually lead the league in PIP. They keep attacking the paint he keeps throwing their shots lol. Ibaka has the best combination of leaping ability timing and hand eye coordination

Can't wait to unleash asik and Howard!
# 56 abcfinest @ 08/06/13 11:25 PM
Im a sim guy but its a video game people. If you come into the paint holding turbo and trying dunk every time and I time it right everytime with a good shot blocker I expect a block often. People talking bout it should only be 1 block dunk a game. That would mean 2k would have to cheat and not allow you to block alot of dunks even if you time it right. Similar to how on hof they slow your players down on a fast break so the cpu can catch up
# 57 Sundown @ 08/06/13 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
People don't realize that you can't continuously attack the paint against an elite shot blocker and not expect your shot to be thrown. The percentage of blocks should be based on how many times you attempt to attack the paint while that blocker is there.

Example Ibaka protecting the paint against the Nuggets who usually lead the league in PIP. They keep attacking the paint he keeps throwing their shots lol. Ibaka has the best combination of leaping ability timing and hand eye coordination
Now that was a career night by the best blocker in the league, and it still only resulted in one sort-of-maybe-dunk attempt by Mosgov and a probable tipped dunk by Brewer. The rest were layups and blocks that I wouldn't really call a blocked dunk.

I do hope the new block system punishes in paint cheesing, but it shouldn't be all blocked dunks. Maybe it all evens out with sim settings not triggering dunks often in the first place, with casual/default mode having more highlights and and better game balance with the dunks vs. blocked dunks game.
# 58 Melbournelad @ 08/06/13 11:58 PM
Shake4ndBake and SubTheGamer both sound like such idiots. The only two who's video i was actually able to listen the whole way through was IpodKingCarter and ShakeDown2012.

Also anyone notice how those with 2k13 gameplay footage played the most unrealstic brand of basketball? And these are the guys going to teamup?
# 59 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 08/07/13 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by ViolenceFight
THANK YOU. I'm reading all of these things in both threads and just throwing my hands up in the air.

First: They aren't touting this as a new feature. EVERYONE COMPLAINED THE MOST ABOUT BLOCKING DUNKS, so it makes sense that the first major announcement is dunk blocking, and improved blocks in general. Supposedly they revamped the engine, and that remains to be seen. However, how many people list the blocking mechanics as the first thing on wishlists for 2k14 next to crew? It makes perfect sense to me to announce some of the most wanted gameplay improvements first, and this is a huge one considering how many of you complained about this for 2k13. Even better if they actually helped blocking in general, since I'm tired of the ball teleporting through my hand on a block because the game didn't feel like giving it to me, despite me timing it right.

Second: Look at this in perspective. How many dunks a game happen in 2k13? My average game online, or even regularly has an easy 10+ occurring. How many dunks happen in a real life basketball game? Not nearly that much. So yeah, I expect 3-5 dunks blocked a game, simply because the amount of dunks that happen in the game are ridiculous. If you see 33% of all dunks blocked, and there are 15 dunks in a game of 2k14, I'm ok with 5 of them getting sent back. I'm sure when you set the sim sliders up like you guys love to do, which will decrease the amount of dunks done in game, you'll see less dunk blocks. I guarantee we'll see a ton of blocked dunks online, because players seem to love trying to drive to the rim and make a poster out of people.

OS shows that like every game fanbase, you're just Unpleaseable. "We want dunks to be blockable".
"Ok, You can block dunks".
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? That's too much!"
Thing is we won't see 5 blocked dunks a game even if an opponent is attacking . If the dunks can be interrupted then we would mostly likely see a huge jump in blocked Layups.

Edit: I'm agreeing with you but I think it'll be less dunks in traffic and more Layups
# 60 stillfeelme @ 08/07/13 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Now that was a career night by the best blocker in the league, and it still only resulted in one sort-of-maybe-dunk attempt by Mosgov and a probable tipped dunk by Brewer. The rest were layups and blocks that I wouldn't really call a blocked dunk.

I do hope the new block system punishes in paint cheesing, but it shouldn't be all blocked dunks. Maybe it all evens out with sim settings not triggering dunks often in the first place, with casual/default mode having more highlights and and better game balance with the dunks vs. blocked dunks game.
Problem was not being able to block dunks and the other part was dunk frequency being too high for most players, low chance of contact layup. The top dunkers are getting maybe 2 dunks a game in real life. The paint doesn't open up as much in real life to attempt dunks and then there are not that many capable of dunking on people in traffic, without getting fouled.

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