Like a wrestler trying to learn moonsaults before he can even sell a simple punch, Action Arcade Wrestling 2 makes the mistake of attempting a grandiose feature set before it has built up the core mechanics that make a wrestling video game fun to play.
The third title from Action937, which is now a three-person development team, could have benefited from taking a John Cena-like approach to game design, simply choosing four or five ideas to focus on, then doing those four or five ideas exceptionally well.
Instead, Action Arcade Wrestling 2 has spent tremendous developmental effort packing on an arsenal of modes and features that outweighs the majority of no-budget, my-first-video-games on the Xbox Live Indie channel by a good 200 pounds.
Based on its bulky feature list alone, Action Arcade Wrestling 2 looks to be an instant champion, but as soon as the bell sounds, it reveals itself to be the video game equivalent of Mass Transit –- an amateur wrestler barely able to take care of itself in the ring, ending up a bloody, injured mess.
Read More - Action Arcade Wrestling 2 Review (XBLA)