Madden NFL 25 News Post

EA Sports just released another Madden NFL 25 screenshot for the current-gen game, featuring Adrian Peterson.

While we wait for more recent videos to arrive, check out the comparison between current-gen Madden NFL 25 and next-gen.

Current-Gen Madden NFL 25

Next-Gen Madden NFL 25

We did the same comparison with Robert Griffin III a couple of weeks ago, if you wanted to check that out, click here.

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 aevans0913 @ 07/25/13 11:47 PM
Is the next gen a photo from gameplay or from a video they are using to promote the new Madden? If its from gameplay it looks awesome, but there are too many games that look great in promo videos and dont look even close to that when it comes to actual gameplay.
# 22 bukktown @ 07/26/13 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by whoahello
Looks like they purposely made the current gen look bad, so that next gen would actually amaze us.
Thank you! I thought I was in the twilight zone reading these responses and nobody else was mentioning that the current gen pic looked really bad.
And maybe that was on purpose? Haha
# 23 secondsolution @ 07/26/13 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by ggunnerr

Look at this list..http://www.ign.com/wikis/xbox-one/Xb..._Launch_Titles

All games except 2k have shown game footage and multiple demos. Why no Madden??
This is likely due to them wanting to keep consumers focussed on current Gen. They don't want people deciding to wait for next Gen madden and the skipping the current generation versions. I think the videos will be flying out early September.
# 24 sarlndr @ 07/26/13 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by ggunnerr
If it was going to blow us away they would use the same action shot on both pics, and the same colors on Uni's and put them in same lighting situations dome v outside..wtf??
This. It would have been much better to do a side by side. It's kinda hard to compare indoor vs outdoor. In the XO shot the helmet doesn't look like a matte finish helmet, they don't shine.
# 25 rudyjuly2 @ 07/26/13 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Brother3Wright
My only issue is that the Next-gen shot is outside, while the Current-gen is in a dome (Vikings home colors in the crowd, Vikings play in a dome) The dome lighting on current-gen has always looked exceptionally flat.
They did that on purpose because the RG3 comparison shots didn't look that much better. In that thread/images you could see good lighting on current gen that made it look great still. They went to some questionable tactics (dome vs. outdoors where the lighting is far better, different jerseys) to expand the difference this time. Just like those diet or hair replacement ads where the after pic has them in makeup and smiling while the before pic has them frumpy rolling out of bed.

This current gen pic still looks really good.
# 26 UH53 @ 07/26/13 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by whoahello
Looks like they purposely made the current gen look bad, so that next gen would actually amaze us.
Agree! They talk about the detail that you'll be able to see but if it doesn't look like what we see on Sun with equipment overhauls then this is a waist! The last thing I want to see is the detail of the same Reebok gloves that they've had in the game for years. I can get that with current gen and even that's disappointing. If NCAA and their lackluster dev crew can update unis, gloves, and base layers for all the various teams in CFB the least Madden can do is get all the current equipment for 32 teams! If you could put Maddens helmet and cleat selection with NCAA and NCAA glove selection with Madden EA might get equipment heads like me to back off... Common sense right? I think they do this to push people's limits and see if they'll still have a consumer base rather than making a game that encompasses everything that we as fans see on Sat and Sun... Baffling! The gameplay on NCAA this year is much improved and it's actually kinda cool to watch the CPU play each other cause the AI has improved a great deal! Now if they focused on making a complete game they'd get an A... That's Madden and NCAA!
# 27 DKHardee @ 07/26/13 10:53 AM
It looks to me like the folds/creases in the next gen jersey looks better. I'm guessing that real time lighting is making the shadows in the folds/creases for next gen and the shadows seem to be built into the jersey artwork for current.
# 28 UH53 @ 07/26/13 10:58 AM
By the way, you don't see FIFA having equipment complaints! Maybe because Peter Moore is a big "futbol" enthusiast and cares about the detail in that game a lot more than he cares about the detail in American Football. Plus, it wouldn't be to pleasing if you had the international community coming down on you for leaving subtle nuances out like proper equipment! FIFA seems to have the equipment detail of EACH individual player not just a team... Shocking EA!
# 29 SageInfinite @ 07/26/13 12:33 PM
This is not something EA/Tiburon did though. This is an OS comparison. These next gen screenshots have been out for like a month already.
# 30 Mauer4MVP @ 07/26/13 02:34 PM
They better change it to a matte finish for that Vikings helmet.
# 31 d11king @ 07/26/13 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Kevin26385
The new Vikings helmet has a matte finish which limits the shine coming from the helmet. Also, they are playing inside a dome which also downplays the shine.
So if they have a matte finish why is next-gen so much shine?
# 32 ggunnerr @ 07/26/13 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by secondsolution
This is likely due to them wanting to keep consumers focussed on current Gen. They don't want people deciding to wait for next Gen madden and the skipping the current generation versions. I think the videos will be flying out early September.
I agree with what you said, however there are two things that don't add up with that strategy.

1.There is only so much money to go around at launch, and by the sounds of it many people have multiple games ahead of Madden 25 on the launch buy list. The stuff Forza and Dead Rising 3 have shown in regards to Cloud and Kinect is really cool and 'next gen'. People want to buy what shows off system and is regarded as next gen. Two months is not a long turnaround for EA to cut into the 'mind marketshare' of the consumer.

2.EA has shown a ton of Battlefield 4 on Next Gen, without a smidgen of current gen looks. Why aren't they doing the same with Madden?
# 33 azdawgpound @ 07/26/13 08:00 PM
I don't know why the Viking's unis in current gen are so dull.... I just played a game on 13 against Vikings at the vikings dome and the uni's didn't look dull at all. the uni's in 25 did match the Vikings name in endzone though in 13.
# 34 Kevin26385 @ 07/26/13 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by d11king
So if they have a matte finish why is next-gen so much shine?
It is a possibility that it was not added in the game yet. The Adrian Peterson screenshot is a couple of months old and the game will not be releasing until November. They have plenty of time to fine tune equipment for the next gen consoles.
# 35 shanew21 @ 07/26/13 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by ggunnerr
I agree with what you said, however there are two things that don't add up with that strategy.

1.There is only so much money to go around at launch, and by the sounds of it many people have multiple games ahead of Madden 25 on the launch buy list. The stuff Forza and Dead Rising 3 have shown in regards to Cloud and Kinect is really cool and 'next gen'. People want to buy what shows off system and is regarded as next gen. Two months is not a long turnaround for EA to cut into the 'mind marketshare' of the consumer.

2.EA has shown a ton of Battlefield 4 on Next Gen, without a smidgen of current gen looks. Why aren't they doing the same with Madden?
My guess is because current gen releases a lot earlier. That way they don't get everybody so excited for next-gen that they don't buy the current gen.
# 36 Kevin26385 @ 07/26/13 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by shanew21
My guess is because current gen releases a lot earlier. That way they don't get everybody so excited for next-gen that they don't buy the current gen.
Agreed, it is a smart business decision. There is no reason to overshadow current gen with next gen right now.

Same reason Rockstar will never talk about a next gen version of GTA V until it releases on current gen.
# 37 The_Balm @ 07/27/13 02:48 AM
One thing I'm excited for on next gen is that they haven't hit the ceiling for graphics and we will get improvements every year for several years, which will be fun since they've been pretty stable for years. 1080p Madden bring it on!
# 38 BigRick47 @ 07/28/13 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
The graphics (as usual) look spectacular. Still shots of Madden never cease to impress. What I am more interested in is when it all starts moving. I'll be a lot more interested once I see the players moving and interacting.
Indeed! Screen shots always look incredible, but the game in motion never lives up to all the early screens they release.
# 39 Cleveland Rocks @ 07/29/13 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by whoahello
Looks like they purposely made the current gen look bad, so that next gen would actually amaze us.
Exactly maybe this is Madden 09 lol. I have been playing Madden 12 all weekend, on ps3 in fact and the graphics look 100 times better than that current gen pic.
# 40 aevans0913 @ 07/29/13 11:33 AM
Just saw ACTUAL GAMEPLAY footage for next gen. Looks exactly the same as the picture they used for current gen here. The difference in the pictures they touch up and use to advertise and the photos you would actually see when you play the game are amazing. Its false advertisement and most games do it.

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